Swal Alito - 500 ML


Technical Name : METALOCHLOR 50% EC

Type: Selective Pre emergence

Mode of Action : Systemic

Major Crops : Soybean

Target Weeds : Amaranthus viridis, Cyperus difformis, Echinochloa colona, Panicum repens, Eleucine indica, Digitaria sanguinalis

Dose/acre : 800 ml

Product form

Rs. 140.00

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Technical Name : METALOCHLOR 50% EC

Type: Selective Pre emergence

Mode of Action : Systemic

Major Crops : Soybean

Target Weeds : Amaranthus viridis, Cyperus difformis, Echinochloa colona, Panicum repens, Eleucine indica, Digitaria sanguinalis

Dose/acre : 800 ml

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