Technical Content: Rhizobium
Mode of Application: Seed treatment, Root dip, Soil application and Drip irrgation.
Product Description: In crops like Ground nut, Bengal gram, Cow pea, Green gram and Soya bean it leaves behind 20 to 30 kg nitrogen per hectare for succeeding crop , It increases the yield by about 15 to 20 %. /Targeted crops: Leguminous crop like Beans, Soybean, Cluster Beans, Cow Pea, Red Gram, Green Gram, Black Gram, Ground nut and many more legume crops.
Dosage: For liquid based: 2 litres/ acre | For Carrier based: 5 kg/ acre, Seeds Treatment: Mix 100 ml or 500 g Multiplex Sunrise in 500 ml rice starch (ganji)/500 ml jaggery syrup and coat the seeds required for one acre. Keep the treated seeds for shade drying for an hour before sowing, Seedling Root Dip: Mix 250 ml Multiplex Sunrise in 50 liter water and dip the roots of seedlings for 10 to 20 min. before sowing. Nursery: Mix 1 kg or 200 ml Multiplex Sunrise with 10 kg dried farmyard manure/ Multiplex Annapurna and apply for nursery which has seedlings for one acre. Main Field/ Soil Application: Mix 4 to 5 kg or 2 litres of Multiplex Sunrise mix with 100 kg dried farmyard manure/ Multiplex Annapurna then broadcast to 1 acre of land. Drip Irrigation: Mix 2 litres Multiplex Sunrise in 200 liter water and irrigate through drip or for 1 acre.
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