Gardening Fertilizers
Multiplex Multiplex Kranti Micronutrient Fertilizer - (Complete Plant Food)
Product Description Multiplex Kranti is a complete plant food that contains all essential Major nutrients like N,P,K, Secondary Nutrient Ca, Mg, S and multi-micronutrients like Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Boron & Molybdenum in balanced quantity. Benefits Multiplex Kranti increases the initial vigor of plants and induces resistance to disease & pests. It helps plants to resist environmental stress in a better way, improves significantly the growth, yield and quality of the produce. Remarkable visual impact can be seen within 6.7 days after the spray. Multiplex kranti is compatible with most of the pesticides, fungicides and fertilizers that are commonly used. Mode of Application: Foliar Spray / or Drip Irrigation Target Crop - All Crops Dosage: Multiplex Kranti can be used for both Foliar and Drip Irrigation For Foliar spray - use Multiplex Kranti , 2 ml per liter of water NOTE - For better result it is advisable to use suitable wetting and dispersing agent like Multiplex Maxiwet 1.0 ml per litre of spray solution of Multiplex Kranti
Rs. 144.00 - Rs. 4,449.00
Anshul Anshul Stick Max Wetting Agent
Crop: All the crops where foliar spray is done. Dosage: 1.0 ml per litre of spray solution. Benefits: Better and immediate absorption of Insecticides or fungicides or micronutrients or other fertilizers when sprayed with Anshul Stickmax works as a spreading, penetrating and sticking agent. This will help to avoid drain off. It can also be used with herbicides for maximum coverage and can effectively control the weeds. Stickmax can also be used as cleaning agent, for sprayers and farm machinery at lower cost. It is non-toxic to plants and free from sodium.
Rs. 77.00 - Rs. 1,402.00
Multiplex Multiplex Maxiwet (Wetting Agent)
Product Description: Multiplex Maxiwet helps in Better and immediate absorption of Insecticides or fungicides or micronutrients or other fertilizers when sprayed with Multiplex Maxiwet as Maxiwet works as a spreading, penetrating and sticking agent. This will help to avoid drain off. It can also be used with herbicides for maximum coverage and can effectively control the weeds. Maxiwet can also be used as the cleaning agent, for sprayers and farm machinery at a lower cost. It is non-toxic to plants and free from sodium. Dosage: Use Multiplex Maxiwet 1 ml per liter of spray solution
Rs. 46.00 - Rs. 1,540.00
Multiplex Multiplex Soldier (EPN ) Insecticide
Product description : Multiplex Soldier contains Entomopathogenic Nematode. These nematodes comes in contact with the insect, enters into the body through openings along with associated bacteria which causes septecimia (blood posioning), so that nematodes feed, thereby killing the insect. The product is available in powder form. Multiplex Soldier is widely used to control White Grub and Mites in crops like sugarcane, Turmeric, Arecanut etc Mode of Action: After application, the nematodes (EPN) immediately attacks immature stages of insects. They enter insect through various body openings or directly through the body wall. Once it invades, it releases toxic bacteria in to insect blood and kills the target insect within 24 to 48 hours by causing blood poisoning. They multiply in lakhs inside the insect body and finally come out and begin searching for new insects. The nematodes survives and parasitize new insects for several days to months BENEFITS OF MULTIPLEX SOLDIER It contains living Nematodes which actively search for insects hiding deeper in the soil and kill them. It remains in the soil after application and survives without food for several months and once again become active on finding insects. It is a eco-friendly, broad-spectrum bio-pesticide which is safe to plants & earth worms. It does not allow insects to develop resistance or resurgence. Dosage: Quantity required for different crops are as follows, Main Field/ Soil Application: Tea-5 kg/ acre, Sugarcane-2 to 5 kg/ acre. Field Crops: 2 to 5 kg/ acre Plantation & Fruit Crops: 5 to 25 g/ plant For Arecanut & Coconut 25g/ tree Mix Multiplex Soldier with moist soil/ well decomposed FYM/ Annapurna & broad cast over one acre.
Rs. 71.00 - Rs. 677.00
Anshul Anshul Pseudomax (Pseudomonas Fluorescence) Fungicide Liquid
Technical Content: Pseudomonas Fluorescence Mode of Application: Foliar Application Soil Application Product Description: Pseudomonas Fluorescence is a bacteria which is detrimental to plant diseases. Anshul Pseudomax competes with other plant pathogenic microorganisms by killing them or suppressing their growth by producing a group of antibiotics. Dosage: Dissolve 3gm of Anshul Pseudomax in one litre of water and spray on both surface of the leaves/ Mix 2kg of Anshul Pseudomax in 100 kg of FYM or Anshul Compact and broadcast in one acre.
Rs. 244.00 - Rs. 427.00
Multiplex Multiplex Annapurna Bio Fertilizer
Multiplex Annapurna contains Azotobacter, Azospirillum, Rhizobium; Phosphate solubilizing bacteria; Potash mobilizing bacteria, Trichoderma sp., and Pseudomonas, etc. Mode of Application: Soil Application Product Description: Multiplex Annapurna improves soil structure & soil fertility. It helps for better root proliferation; minimizes the use of chemical fertilizers. It controls many soil-borne pests & diseases. Annapurna is a well-decomposed coco peat-based organic manure fortified with neem cake, castor cake, Pongamia cake, vermicompost. Dosage: For field crops: Use Multiplex Annapurna @ 90 -120 kg/acre; For other crops: Use Multiplex Annapurna @ 150 -200 kg/acre; For plantation crops: Use Multiplex Annapurna @ 3 kg per plant per year.
Rs. 150.00Rs. 134.00
TStanes T Stanes Nimbecidine EC 10000ppm Bio Pesticide
FORMULATION: EC FORMULATION Nimbecidine EC is a neem-oil based botanical insecticide containing azadirachtin and other alkaloids which have pesticide property. Benefits: Nimbecidine EC contains azadirachtin 10000ppm controls wide range of pests including white flies, aphids, thrips, mealy bugs, caterpillars, leafhoppers etc. It controls target pests effectively. Nimbecidine EC 10000ppm safe to beneficial insects of parasites, predators and honeybees. Nimbecidine EC 10000ppm should be used as prophylactic and also potentiate with chemical pesticides as a curative.
Rs. 1,375.00 - Rs. 2,650.00
Anshul Anshul Full Power (Multi Nutrient Fertilizer)
Mode of Application: Foliar Spray Anshul Full power contains essential plant nutrients (Major, Secondary and Micronutrients). Most of the nutrients are in chelated form. Dosage: Dissolve 2-2.5 ml of Anshul Full Power in one liter of water and spray on both surfaces of the leaves. First, spray 30 - 35 days after germination. Second, spray 15 days after the first spray.
Rs. 221.00 - Rs. 886.00
Multiplex Multiplex Safe Root (Bio Nematicide) - 1 KG
Technical Content: Multiplex Safe Root Contains Trichoderma harzianum1.0% WP (Min. 2 x 106 CFU /gm in Carrier-Based) Mode of Application: Multiplex Safe Root can be used for Soil application Product Description: Multiplex Safe Root Controls most of soil-borne nematodes (PPN) and works as Bio Nematicide. It Helps in healthy roots formation which will absorb plant nutrients & water as and when required by the plant. This will lead to healthy plant growth which in turn will result in increased yield. PRECAUTIONS: Don’t mix Multiplex Safe Root with Any fungicide & Harsh chemicals. Dosage: Seed Treatment: Multiplex Safe Root can be used for coating the seed at the rate of 10 to 20 gm per kg of seed before sowing Drenching: Mix 2 kg of Safe Root in 200 liters of water and drench the solution to the base of the plant with 1 to 2 liters per tree. Repeat the drenching after 15 days. Soil Application: For one-acre mix about 2 to 5 kg Multiplex Safe Root with 100 kgs of Multiplex Annapurna /500 kg well-decomposed compost broadcast in the field. Pit Application: For plantation crops apply 25 grams of Multiplex safe root in the pit before planting. After planting, about 25 grams of the safe root can be mixed with 2 kg compost and sprinkled around the plant in the soil.
Rs. 445.00Rs. 399.00
TStanes T Stanes Bio Catch Pesticide - 1 LT
Benefits: Bio Catch controls most of the economically important sucking pests such as whiteflies, jassids, aphids, thrips, mealybugs etc. It does not create resistance or resurgence of pests but rather helps to significantly reduce pesticide residue in the environment. It is an ‘organic certified’ product. Dosage: Use T Stanes Bio Catch Foliar application : Powder – 1.2 kg / acre and 3 Kg / ha Liquid – 1.0 lit / acre and 2.5 lit / ha
Rs. 450.00
Multiplex Multiplex Niyantran (Powder) - 1 KG
Technical Content: Paecilomyces lilacinus. Mode of Action: On soil application of Multiplex NIYANTRAN, the fungal hyphae infest the various harmful nematodes in soil. Infestation starts through the parasitism and penetration of their mycelium to the body and egg of the nematodes resulting in the disruption of lipid and chitin layer of eggshell. Finally, egg contents will be destroyed. The fungus is also capable of invading mature ones. Product description: Protects the crop from root knot Nematode damage, Protects crops from disease complex caused by nematodes and some of pathogenic fungi/ bacteria. Dosage: For Liquid Based: 2 liters per acre For Carrier Based: 5 kg per acre . Seed Treatment: Treat the seeds with Multiplex Niyanthran at the rate of 5ml or 20gm / kg of seeds. Nursery Beds Treatment: Treat the beds with Multiplex Niyanthran at the rate of 10ml or 50gm/sq.m. Main Field/ Soil Application (Powder Formulation): Apply Multiplex Niyanthran at the rate of 2 litres or 5kg/acre with Multiplex Annapurna at the rate 120 to 150 kg/ acre or FYM 2 tons / acre to the soil before transplanting. Seedling Dipping: Mix 10 ml / 50 gm of Multiplex Niyanthran in one liter of water and dip the seedlings for 10 to 15 mins before transplanting.
Rs. 240.00Rs. 211.00
Anshul Anshul Tricomax Powder Fungicide - 1KG
Technical Content:Trichoderma viride Mode of Appicatio: Foliar Application, Soil Application Product Description: Trichoderma viride fungi has the properties of controlling many plant diseases. Anshul Tricomax competes with other plant pathogenic microorganisms by killing them or suppressing their growth by producing a group of antibiotics. Dosage:Dissolve 3gm of Anshul Tricomax in one litre of water and spray in the evening hours on both the surface of the leaves/Mix 2kg of Anshul tricomax in 100kg of FYM / Anshul Compact and broadcast on one acre.
Rs. 242.00
Anshul Anshul Army (EPN Nematode) - 1 KG
Product description: Anshul Army contains entomopathogenic nematodes which come in contact with the insect, enter into the body through openings along with associated bacteria which cause septicemia (Blood poisoning), so that nematodes feed, thereby killing the insect. Technical Content: Heterorhabditis Indica Mode of Application: Soil Application Dosage: Apply Anshul Army 1-2 kg per acre for all field crops and 5-15 gm per tree for plantation crops.
Rs. 717.00
Anshul Anshul Shine+ Secondary Nutrient & Multi Micronutrients
Shine + is a liquid fertilizer containing higher concentrations of Calcium and Boron along with other nutrients in easily available form. Contains calcium 11%. Mode of Application: Foliar Spray:Shine was developed exclusively for foliar spray. Benefits: Calcium is an essential nutrient that is required by plants for healthy growth and development. Calcium is a major constituent of the cell walls, helps in pollen tube development, growth, health, and the setting up of flowers and flowers. Almost all field, oilseeds, and plantation crops require more quantities of calcium for completion of their life cycle as well as for improving yield both by quality and quantity. Fruits and vegetables like potato, Tomato, Brinjal, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Cucurbits, Pumpkin, Apple, Watermelon, Papaya, Mango, require more quantity of calcium along with other nutrients. Dosage: Drip Irrigation:Mix 2 litres of Shine + in 200 litres of water & Feed through drip system ( 2 applications is required for a cropping season) Foliar spray: Dissolve 2 to 3ml of Anshul Shine + in 1 litre of water and spray on both sides of leaves & fruits.2 to 3 sprays are required depending upon the crop at an interval of 20-30 days between the sprays
Rs. 167.00 - Rs. 585.00
Anshul Anshul Maxinemor (Azadirachtin 1500 PPM) Bio Pesticide
Mode of action: Contact Action Product description: Anshul Maxinemor is a Neem seed Kernel based bio-pesticide containing Azadiractin 0.15% EC. It is a contact, insect growth regulator. Maxinemor controls the majority of sucking pests and chewing Insects pests. Maxinemor acts as antifeedant, Repellant, Sterillant, Eco-friendly BioPesticide without any residual effect and does not allow pests to develop resistance. Frequent sprays can be given as prophylactic measures. Dosage: 1-2 ml/litre
Rs. 231.00 - Rs. 851.00
Anshul Anshul Pseudomax (Pseudomonas Fluorescence) Fungicide - 1KG
Technical Content: Pseudomonas Fluorescence Mode of Application: Foliar Application, Soil Application Product Description: Pseudomonas Fluorescence is a bacteria which is detrimental to plant diseases. Anshul Pseudomax competes with other plant pathogenic microorganisms by killing them or suppressing their growth by producing a group of antibiotics. Dosage: Dissolve 3gm of Anshul Pseudomax in one litre of water and spray on both surface of the leaves/ Mix 2kg of Anshul Pseudomax in 100 kg of FYM or Anshul Compact and broadcast in one acre.
Rs. 160.00
Multiplex Multiplex Sunrise Bio Fertilizer - Liquid
Technical Content: Rhizobium Mode of Application: Seed treatment, Root dip, Soil application and Drip irrgation. Product Description: In crops like Ground nut, Bengal gram, Cow pea, Green gram and Soya bean it leaves behind 20 to 30 kg nitrogen per hectare for succeeding crop , It increases the yield by about 15 to 20 %. /Targeted crops: Leguminous crop like Beans, Soybean, Cluster Beans, Cow Pea, Red Gram, Green Gram, Black Gram, Ground nut and many more legume crops. Dosage: For liquid based: 2 litres/ acre | For Carrier based: 5 kg/ acre, Seeds Treatment: Mix 100 ml or 500 g Multiplex Sunrise in 500 ml rice starch (ganji)/500 ml jaggery syrup and coat the seeds required for one acre. Keep the treated seeds for shade drying for an hour before sowing, Seedling Root Dip: Mix 250 ml Multiplex Sunrise in 50 liter water and dip the roots of seedlings for 10 to 20 min. before sowing. Nursery: Mix 1 kg or 200 ml Multiplex Sunrise with 10 kg dried farmyard manure/ Multiplex Annapurna and apply for nursery which has seedlings for one acre. Main Field/ Soil Application: Mix 4 to 5 kg or 2 litres of Multiplex Sunrise mix with 100 kg dried farmyard manure/ Multiplex Annapurna then broadcast to 1 acre of land. Drip Irrigation: Mix 2 litres Multiplex Sunrise in 200 liter water and irrigate through drip or for 1 acre.
Rs. 31.00 - Rs. 1,783.00
Mahadhan Mahadhan 13:0:45 Fertilizers - 1 KG
Mahadhan 13:0:45 Fertilizer is a water-soluble fertilizer that contains 13% nitrogen and 45% potassium. It is a 100% pure, high-quality fertilizer that is ideal for all types of crops. Benefits of using Mahadhan 13:0:45 Fertilizer: Promotes good root development and shoot growth. Helps crops resist abiotic stress situations such as drought, heat, and cold. Useful at post bloom and physiological maturity stage. Helps in assimilation, translocation and formation of sugars. Improves the quality and quantity of the crop yield. Provides essential nutrients for healthy plant growth. Safe to use and does not harm the environment. How to use Mahadhan 13:0:45 Fertilizer: Mahadhan 13:0:45 Fertilizer can be used for fertigation or foliar application. For fertigation, mix the fertilizer with water according to the instructions on the pack. For foliar application, mix the fertilizer with water in a sprayer and apply it to the leaves of the plants. Crops that can be fertilized with Mahadhan 13:0:45 Fertilizer: Mahadhan 13:0:45 Fertilizer can be used for all types of crops, including fruits, vegetables, flowers, field crops, and foliage crops. Dosage: The dosage of Mahadhan 13:0:45 Fertilizer depends on the crop and the growing conditions. It is always best to consult with a fertilizer expert to determine the correct dosage for your crop.
Rs. 229.75
Anshul Anshul Maxi Neem (Azadiractin 300 PPM) Bio Pesticide
Mode of action: Contact Action Product description: Anshul Maxi Neem is a Neem oil-based bio-pesticide containing Azadiractin 0.03% EC W/W min. It is a contact, insect growth regulator. Maxi Neem acts as Antifeedant, Repellant, Sterillant, Eco-friendly BioPesticide without any residual effect and does not allow pests to develop resistance. Frequent sprays can be given as prophylactic measures. Dosage: Disslove Anshul Maxi Neem 3-5 ml/litre
Rs. 90.00 - Rs. 554.00
Anshul Anshul Phalmax (Liquid Fertilizer)
Anshul Phalmax is a Bio-activator containing Seaweed Extract, Amino Acid Mixture, Vermi Wash Liquid, Humic Acid, and Fulvic Acid along with traces of Micronutrients. Mode of Application: Foliar spray • It helps plants to grow healthy by absorbing all plant nutrients from the soil at different growth stages. • Helps in better fruit setting, development and maturity of fruits. • It induces disease resistance in plants.• It improves yield both by quality and quantity. Dosage: Foliar Spray: Dissolve 2 to 3 ml of Anshul Phalmax in one liter of water and spray liberally on both surfaces of leaves. Use Anshul Stickmax 1 ml per liter of the spray mixture to increase the spray efficacy.
Rs. 200.00 - Rs. 750.00
TStanes T Stanes Grow Care PGR - 100 GM
Features & Benefits of Grow care: Grow care is water soluble, more user friendly and easy to apply. It can assist for producing more vigorous and healthy plants. Low dosage and high profit. It can increase plant establishment and survival at seedling or transplanting. It is an organic certified product. It is an eco-friendly product and safe to beneficial micro flora. Grow care is Mycorrhizal product with highly concentrated spores for nutrient mobilization. Dosage: Use T Stanes Grow Care Powder – 100 gms / acre | 250 gms / ha
Rs. 200.00
Anshul Anshul Chlocip (Chlorpyriphos 50%+Cypermethrin 5%EC) Insecticide
Mode of action: Contact & Systemic Action Product Description:Anshul Chlocip (Chlorpyriphos 50%+Cypermethrin 5%EC) is a broad-spectrum contact and systemic insecticide which controls both sucking and chewing pests. Dosage: Use Anshul Chlocip 2 ml/litre of water for Spray
Rs. 303.00 - Rs. 1,138.00
Anshul Anshul Major Max (19:19:19) - 1KG
Mode of Application: Foliar Spray, Fertigation Product Description: Major max contains Nitrogen, Phosphorous & Potassium in the ratio of 19:19:19.Benefits: Anshul Major Max is a 100 % water-soluble NPK fertilizer which contains Nitrogen, Phosphorus and potash in 19:19:19 ratio. Hence it is easily available to the plants. Foliar spray helps in immediate absorption thereby increasing the yield & Quality of produce. It also helps in drought resistance.Dosage: Foliar: Dissolve Major Max 3.0 - 5.0 g in one liter of water and spray on both the surface of the leaf. Fertigation: 2-3 kg per acre.
Rs. 377.00
Multiplex Multiplex Neempure-P Fertilizer - 1 KG
Benefits Multiplex Neempure-P controls soil-borne pathogens and nematode populations through repellent properties. Multiplex Neempure-P is having growth regulator and larvicidal properties which avoids molting of larvae to pupae and finally kills the Larvae. Application of Multiplex Neempure-P prevents insects to lay eggs and thus disrupts life cycle of pests.NEEMPURE-PTION FOR USE Multiplex Neempure-P has systemic action and seedlings can absorb and accumulate the neem compounds to make the whole plant pest resistant. Multiplex Neempure-P does not destroy natural predators and parasites of pests and is ecofriendly. Multiplex Neempure-P contains essential nutrients Like N, P, K and traces of secondary and micronutrients in organic form. Active Ingredients Neem Fruit Pellets with 7% Neem Oil Mode of Action Multiplex Neempure-P Pellets consistently release potent phytochemical constituent azadirachtin ingestion of which leads to abnormal moults, growth reduction, and stimulates the ‘deterrent neuron’ which shows an anti-feedant response by inducing vomiting leading to insect death out of starvation resulting in crop protection by reducing the pest population without harming non-target or natural predator population. Multiplex Neempure-P also releases essential plant nutrients. Target Crops All Crops Dosage & Methods of Application Apply Multiplex Neempure-P at the rate of 8 kg per acre.
Rs. 125.00Rs. 99.00
Anshul Anshul Tricomax Fungicide Liquid - 500 ML
Technical Content:Trichoderma viride Mode of Appicatio: Foliar Application, Soil Application Product Description: Trichoderma viride fungi has the properties of controlling many plant diseases. Anshul Tricomax competes with other plant pathogenic microorganisms by killing them or suppressing their growth by producing a group of antibiotics. Dosage:Dissolve 3gm of Anshul Tricomax in one litre of water and spray in the evening hours on both the surface of the leaves/Mix 2kg of Anshul tricomax in 100kg of FYM / Anshul Compact and broadcast on one acre.
Rs. 244.00
Multiplex Multiplex Azab Bio Fertilizer Powder - 1 KG x 2
Technical Content: Azotobacter sp Mode of Application: Soil Application Product Description: Multiplex Azab is a Bio-fertilizer Powder that contains Azotobacter spp. a free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria in powder form. It fixes atmospheric nitrogen to the soil and is useful in the cultivation of several non-leguminous & vegetable crops. It induces plants to produce more beneficial hormones like IAA, GA, Cytokinins, and several vitamins. It also induces plants to produce antibiotics which inhibits soil & plant pathogens. Dosage: Mix @ 250 ml of Multiplex Azab with 100 kg well-decomposed farmyard manure or Multiplex Annapurna and broadcast in the main field just before transplanting / sowing.
Rs. 200.00
Anshul Anshul Shine Micro Nutrient Powder
Mode of Application: Foliar spray Anshul Shine helps in better pollination, improves flower & fruit setting, resulting in quality produce and higher yield. Dosage: Dissolve 3.0 g in one litre of water and spray on both the surface of the leaf and on fruits.
Rs. 86.00 - Rs. 423.00
Anshul Anshul Parivarthan (Chelated Micro Nutrient Mix)- 250 GM
Technical Content: Anshul Parivarthan It contains a balanced mixture of chelated micronutrients such as Zinc, Iron, Manganese, and Copper to meet the demands of all crops. It can be used to overcome the multiple micronutrient deficiencies in crops. Mode of Application: Foliar Spray Product Description /Benefits: Parivarthan Contains all the nutrients in chelated form and hence they are easily absorbed by plants. Corrects the existing micronutrient deficiency in plants and takes care of the requirement of nutrients in different growth stages of plants . Increases flowering and fruit setting and also helps in preventing premature dropping of flowers and set fruits .Helps in increasing the crop yield. Dosage: Foliar Spray: dissolve 1 gm per liter of water or 100 gms in 100 liters of water and spray on both the surfaces of the leaves. Avoid spray during hot sun. First Spray at 20-25 Days after germination or transplantation and thereafter repeat the spray once in 15 days. Three sprays are recommended.
Rs. 325.00
Anshul Anshul Dual (13:00:45) Fertilizer - 1 KG
Technical Content : Contains 13% nitrogen & 45% Potassium and Mode of Application: Foliar spray Product Description: Anshul Dual is potassium Nitrate fertilizer and When applied as a foliar spray helps the crops to resist diseases, enhances photosynthesis, provides better resistance to drought and frost and thus improves the health of the plant. It also enhances grain weight and thereby increases yield. Dosage: Dissolve 3.0 - 5.0 g per liter of water andspray on both sides of the leaf.
Rs. 435.00
Multiplex Multiplex Aadhar Bio Fertilizer - Liquid
Technical Content: Azospirilium brasilensis Mode of Application: Soil Application Product Description: Multiplex Aadhar is a Bio-fertilizer that contains Azospirillum spp. a free-living nitrogen fixing bacteria. It fixes atmospheric nitrogen to the soil and is useful in the cultivation of several non-leguminous & vegetable crops. It induces plants to produce beneficial hormones like IAA, GA, Cytokinins, and several vitamins. It also induces plants to produce antibiotics which inhibits soil & plant pathogens. Dosage: Mix @ 250 ml / 2 kg of Aadhar with 100 kg of well-decomposed farmyard manure or Multiplex Annapurna and broadcast in the main field just before transplant/sowing.
Rs. 42.00 - Rs. 1,783.00
TStanes T Stanes Bio-Magic Pesticide - 1 LT
BENEFITS BioMagic effectively controls most of the economically important pests such as Leaf hoppers, Grasshoppers, Root grubs, corn root worms, Bugs, Beetles, Palm weevils, Borers, Cutworms, Termites etc. . BioMagic helps to increase the productivity by controlling the target pests efficiently. BioMagic does not create resistance and resurgence of pests rather help to significantly reduce pesticides residues in the environment.
Rs. 450.00
Anshul Anshul Laksh (Lambda cyhalothrin 5% EC) Insecticide
Technical Content - Lambda cyhalothrin 5% EC Mode of action: Contact & Stomach action Anshul Laksh contains Lambda cyhalothrin 5% EC It is a Synthetic pyrethroid Insecticide. Non-systemic, contact and stomach action. It has insect repellent properties with little fumigant action. Dosage: Use Anshul laksh 1 ml/litre of water for spray
Rs. 323.00 - Rs. 628.00
Multiplex Multiplex Multigene Nitrobenzene PGR - 1 KG
Benefits Multiplex Multigene work as a plant energizer, flowering stimulant and yield booster. It induces flowering thereby increasing the yield Specification Composition Contains Nitro benzene-17.0% Crop Wheat, Banana, Grapes, Cotton, Paddy, Chill, Tomato, Soybean, Brinjal, Pluses, Oil seeds and other flowering crops Dosage & Methods of Application Mix 1-2 kg in the required quantity of sand and broadcast over one acre of land First application: at the time of sowing. Second application:30 days before flowering Available Package 1 KG
Rs. 285.00Rs. 231.00
Rs. 890.00