
Syngenta Ridomil Gold Fungicide



Ridomil Gold is a broad spectrum fungicide which contains unique combination of Metalaxyl 4% and Manconzeb 64%. Ridomil Gold provides excellent crop protection due to hyper-systemic uptake and translocation properties.

TECHNICAL- Metalaxyl-M 4% + Mancozeb 64% WP


  • Ridomil Gold Provides Unsurpassed protection against soil-borne oomycete diseases.
  • Excellent crop protection due to hyper-systemic uptake and translocation properties.
  • Flexible application methods for at-planting treatment.
  • Easy-to-use formulation.
  • CROPS : Potatoes, Grapes, Tobacco, Vegetables, Citrus, Tomato, Turf & Ornamentals.
    • Specific fungicide for control of oomycetes fungi (e.g. late blight and downy mildew diseases).
    • Ridomil can be applied to foliage, soil, or as a seed treatment.
  • DOSAGE : Dissolve Ridomil Gold 1-1.5 gm/ liter of water and spray on the leaves
Crop Insect/Pest Dosage/Acre Water(L) Waiting period from last application to harvest(in days)
Grape Downey mildew 500-1000 200-400 8
Potato Late blight 500 200-400 24
Black Pepper Phytophthora foot rot 1000 200 Not less than 21 weeks
Mustard Downey mildew, white rust 1000 200-400 60
Chilli nursery Damping off 600 200 53
Pomegranate Leaf spot & fruit spot 1 200(depending upon age of tree) 5
Cauliflower Downey mildew, leaf spot 500 200




Ridomil Gold is compatible with commonly used pesticides except lime Sulphur and Bordeaux mixture or alkaline solutions.


FREQUENCY OF APPLICATION - Depends on pest incidence or severity of disease.

METHOD OF APPLICATION - Spray, drenching

PACKING AVAILABLE - 50g, 100g, 250g,  500g, 1kg

Product form

Rs. 545.00

  • Taxes are Included on Price. Shipping charges will applicable as per the Order Size.



Ridomil Gold is a broad spectrum fungicide which contains unique combination of Metalaxyl 4% and Manconzeb 64%. Ridomil Gold provides excellent crop protection due to hyper-systemic uptake and translocation properties.

TECHNICAL- Metalaxyl-M 4% + Mancozeb 64% WP


  • Ridomil Gold Provides Unsurpassed protection against soil-borne oomycete diseases.
  • Excellent crop protection due to hyper-systemic uptake and translocation properties.
  • Flexible application methods for at-planting treatment.
  • Easy-to-use formulation.
  • CROPS : Potatoes, Grapes, Tobacco, Vegetables, Citrus, Tomato, Turf & Ornamentals.
    • Specific fungicide for control of oomycetes fungi (e.g. late blight and downy mildew diseases).
    • Ridomil can be applied to foliage, soil, or as a seed treatment.
  • DOSAGE : Dissolve Ridomil Gold 1-1.5 gm/ liter of water and spray on the leaves
Crop Insect/Pest Dosage/Acre Water(L) Waiting period from last application to harvest(in days)
Grape Downey mildew 500-1000 200-400 8
Potato Late blight 500 200-400 24
Black Pepper Phytophthora foot rot 1000 200 Not less than 21 weeks
Mustard Downey mildew, white rust 1000 200-400 60
Chilli nursery Damping off 600 200 53
Pomegranate Leaf spot & fruit spot 1 200(depending upon age of tree) 5
Cauliflower Downey mildew, leaf spot 500 200




Ridomil Gold is compatible with commonly used pesticides except lime Sulphur and Bordeaux mixture or alkaline solutions.


FREQUENCY OF APPLICATION - Depends on pest incidence or severity of disease.

METHOD OF APPLICATION - Spray, drenching

PACKING AVAILABLE - 50g, 100g, 250g,  500g, 1kg

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