Multiplex Nagin Insecticide


Technical Content:


Mode Of Action:

Organophosphate Insecticide with contact & stomach action.

DOSAGE & Methods Of Application:

2 to 2.5 ml/litre of water. Brown Plant Hopper, Hispa/Blue Beetle, Leaf Roller, Stem Borer, Mite, Shoot Fly, Ear Head Caterpillar, Bihar Hairy Caterpillar, Stem Fly, Pod Borer, Pod Fly, Weevil, Black Bug, Tingid Bug, Aphids, Jassids, Thrips, White Fly, Scales, Semi Looper, Leaf Hopper, Leaf Miner, Sawfly, Shoot/Fruit Borer, Vitrus Butterfly, green Bug in crops like Sorghum, Paddy, wheat, Pulses, French bean, Fibre Crops, Cotton, Groundnut, Safflower, mustard, Vegetables and fruits.

Special Features:

Good penetration properties. Degrades very fast in plants.

Product form

Rs. 160.00Rs. 113.15

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Technical Content:


Mode Of Action:

Organophosphate Insecticide with contact & stomach action.

DOSAGE & Methods Of Application:

2 to 2.5 ml/litre of water. Brown Plant Hopper, Hispa/Blue Beetle, Leaf Roller, Stem Borer, Mite, Shoot Fly, Ear Head Caterpillar, Bihar Hairy Caterpillar, Stem Fly, Pod Borer, Pod Fly, Weevil, Black Bug, Tingid Bug, Aphids, Jassids, Thrips, White Fly, Scales, Semi Looper, Leaf Hopper, Leaf Miner, Sawfly, Shoot/Fruit Borer, Vitrus Butterfly, green Bug in crops like Sorghum, Paddy, wheat, Pulses, French bean, Fibre Crops, Cotton, Groundnut, Safflower, mustard, Vegetables and fruits.

Special Features:

Good penetration properties. Degrades very fast in plants.

Frequently Bought with Insecticides


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