
79 products

  • Syngenta Heemshikar Tomato Seeds - 4000 SEEDS Syngenta Heemshikar Tomato Seeds - 4000 SEEDS

    Syngenta Syngenta Heemshikar Tomato Seeds - 4000 SEEDS

    Syngenta Heemshikar Tomato Seeds are hybrid F1 varieties specially developed for rainy seasons, offering exceptional disease resistance and high yields.  Benefits:  Suitable for both fresh market and processing.  Determinate growth habit facilitates easy staking and management.  Requires minimal support, reducing labor costs.  Responds well to balanced fertilization for optimal growth and yield.    Key Features:  Exceptional Disease Resistance: Heemshikar tomatoes boast strong resistance to Early Blight, Late Blight, and Fusarium Wilt, common fungal diseases that plague tomato crops during the rainy season. This translates to fewer losses and healthier plants.  High Yielding Potential: Get ready for abundant harvests! Heemshikar plants produce large clusters of uniform, bright red tomatoes, known for their excellent taste and marketability.  Adaptable to Rainfed Conditions: Heemshikar tomatoes thrive in both open fields and under protected cultivation. Their vigorous root system efficiently absorbs water and nutrients, making them resilient even in periods of heavy rainfall.  Long Shelf Life: Heemshikar tomatoes have a longer shelf life compared to many other varieties, minimizing post-harvest losses and ensuring your produce reaches the market fresh.      Land Preparation:     Tomatoes need well-drained, fertile soil with a neutral pH (6.5-7.5).  Test your soil and adjust pH with lime or sulfur if needed.  Add organic matter like compost for better fertility and drainage.  Deep till (10-12 inches) to loosen the soil for root growth, use a rototiller or spade.  Create furrows 1-2 inches deep, spaced 2-4 feet apart for row planting.  Water the area thoroughly a few days before planting.  Lightly rake the soil surface for a smooth planting bed.  Add balanced fertilizer as per package instructions.  Use black plastic mulch to warm the soil and suppress weeds.  For raised beds, ensure they are at least 12 inches deep with a well-draining soil mix.     Sowing    Fill your seedling trays or pots with excellent quality seedling compost.  Aim for spacing of Tomato Seeds about 2-3 cm (about 1.18 in) apart & lightly cover the seeds with a thin layer of compost. This should be about 0.5 cm (about 0.2 in) thick.   Cover the  Tomato seedlings with transparent plastic wrap or a humidity dome to maintain moisture.  When the Tomato seedlings have emerged and developed their first true leaves, it is time to thin them out. This means removing weaker seedlings to give the stronger ones more space to grow. Use scissors to snip off the weaker seedlings at the base.  Continue to care for your tomato seedlings until they are ready to be transplanted outdoors. This will be around 6-8 weeks (about 2 months) after sowing, depending on the variety and your climate.     Transplanting:     Dig planting holes: Dig holes slightly deeper and wider than the containers your seedlings are currently in. Space the holes according to the recommended spacing for the Syngenta Heemshikar Tomato variety, usually 18-24 inches apart.  Removing seedlings: Gently remove the seedlings from their containers. Use a spoon or trowel to loosen the soil around the roots if necessary.  Planting: Carefully place each seedling in a prepared hole, burying it slightly deeper than it was in its container. This encourages strong root development.  Watering: Water each seedling deeply immediately after planting. Continue to water regularly, especially during dry periods.  Mulching: Apply a layer of organic mulch, such as straw or wood chips, around the base of your plants. This helps retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.  Varieties:  Determinate tomatoes: These compact plants typically grow 3-5 feet tall and can be spaced closer together than indeterminate varieties. Aim for 2-3 feet apart within rows and 3-4 feet between rows.  Indeterminate tomatoes: These vining plants can grow 6-12 feet tall and require more space to sprawl. Space them 3-4 feet apart within rows and 4-5 feet between rows.  Cherry tomatoes: These small-fruited plants can be planted closer together than larger-fruited tomatoes. Aim for 18-24 inches apart within rows and 3-4 feet between rows.    Harvesting:    Ripeness: Harvest Syngenta Heemshikar Tomato when they are fully colored and slightly soft to the touch. Avoid picking green tomatoes, as they will not ripen properly.  Timing: Harvest Syngenta Heemshikar Tomato in the cool morning hours to avoid sun damage.  Methods: Use sharp pruning shears or a knife to remove the tomatoes from the vine. Leave a small stem attached to help prevent rot.  Frequency: Pick tomatoes regularly to encourage further fruit production.  Storage:    Light: Keep Syngenta Heemshikar Tomatos to tomatoes out of direct sunlight, avoid storing them in the refrigerator.  Store Syngenta Heemshikar Tomato at room temperature (60-70°F) for the best flavor.  Duration: Ripe tomatoes can be stored at room temperature for 3-5 days. If you have a surplus, you can extend their shelf life by storing them in the refrigerator for up to a week.  Green tomatoes: If you have a late frost and your Tomatoes are still green, you can harvest them and ripen them indoors. Place them in a paper bag at room temperature out of direct sunlight. Check them regularly and remove any that are soft or rotten. Green tomatoes will typically ripen within 1-2 weeks. 

    Rs. 1,300.00 - Rs. 13,089.00

  • Syngenta Ayaan Tomato Seeds - 3500 SEEDS Syngenta Ayaan Tomato Seeds

    Syngenta Syngenta Ayaan Tomato Seeds

    Syngenta Ayaan is a high-performance hybrid tomato seed variety for farmers seeking superior yields, excellent fruit quality, and adaptable growing conditions.  Benefits:  Higher Yield Potential: Expect bountiful harvests with strong plant vigor and extended fruit setting. You can expect up to 20% higher yields compared to other tomato varieties.  Premium Fruit Quality: Consistent, firm, and glossy fruits with ideal size and color for market preference. The tomatoes have a uniform size and shape, making them perfect for fresh markets and processing.  Longer Shelf Life: Enhanced post-harvest quality and disease resistance for better marketability. The tomatoes can stay fresh for up to two weeks longer than other varieties, which means you can get them to market and sell them for a higher price.  Semi-determinate Plant Habit: Performs well in diverse climates and adapts to various growing systems. This means you can grow these tomatoes in a variety of climates, from hot and humid to cool and dry.  Good Heat Set: Reliable fruit formation even during high temperatures. You don't have to worry about your tomato crop failing in hot weather.  Strong Stay Greenness: Healthy foliage throughout the season translates to prolonged productivity. The plants stay green and healthy all season long, which means they will continue to produce tomatoes for you.    Key Features:  Explosive Yields: Get ready for a harvest fiesta! Ayaan boasts a high yield potential, reaching up to 25-30 MT per acre, depending on season and your magic touch. Expect vigorous plant growth and extended fruit setting for those overflowing baskets.  Market-Ready Marvels: Forget uneven, off-putting tomatoes. Ayaan delivers consistently firm, glossy fruits with an attractive deep red color and ideal size. This uniformity will have market buyers singing your praises!  Freshness That Lasts: Don't worry about your harvest wilting away. Ayaan boasts superior shelf life thanks to its enhanced post-harvest quality and disease resistance. Keep those tomatoes fresh and profitable for longer!  Climate Champion: No need to stress about fickle weather. Ayaan's semi-determinate plant habit thrives in diverse climates, from the scorching sun to cooler days.  Heatwave Hero: Even the hottest temperatures won't faze Ayaan. Its reliable fruit formation ensures consistent yields throughout the season, making it a true summer superstar.  Healthy Hustle: Ayaan doesn't give up easily. Its strong stay greenness maintains healthy foliage, meaning your plants keep producing those juicy gems longer.      Land Preparation:     Tomatoes need well-drained, fertile soil with a neutral pH (6.5-7.5).  Test your soil and adjust pH with lime or sulfur if needed.  Add organic matter like compost for better fertility and drainage.  Deep till (10-12 inches) to loosen the soil for root growth, use a rototiller or spade.  Create furrows 1-2 inches deep, spaced 2-4 feet apart for row planting.  Water the area thoroughly a few days before planting.  Lightly rake the soil surface for a smooth planting bed.  Add balanced fertilizer as per package instructions.  Use black plastic mulch to warm the soil and suppress weeds.  For raised beds, ensure they are at least 12 inches deep with a well-draining soil mix.     Sowing    Fill your seedling trays or pots with excellent quality seedling compost.  Aim for spacing of Syngenta Ayaan Tomato Seeds are about 2-3 cm (about 1.18 in) apart & lightly cover the seeds with a thin layer of compost. This should be about 0.5 cm (about 0.2 in) thick.   Cover the Syngenta Ayaan Tomato seedlings with transparent plastic wrap or a humidity dome to maintain moisture.  When the Syngenta Ayaan Tomato seedlings have emerged and developed their first true leaves, it is time to thin them out. This means removing weaker seedlings to give the stronger ones more space to grow. Use scissors to snip off the weaker seedlings at the base.  Continue to care for your tomato seedlings until they are ready to be transplanted outdoors. This will be around 6-8 weeks (about 2 months) after sowing, depending on the variety and your climate.     Transplanting:     Dig planting holes: Dig holes slightly deeper and wider than the containers your seedlings are currently in. Space the holes according to the recommended spacing for Syngenta Ayaan Tomato Seeds variety, usually 18-24 inches apart.  Removing seedlings: Gently remove the seedlings from their containers. Use a spoon or trowel to loosen the soil around the roots if necessary.  Planting: Carefully place each seedling in a prepared hole, burying it slightly deeper than it was in its container. This encourages strong root development.  Watering: Water each seedling deeply immediately after planting. Continue to water regularly, especially during dry periods.  Mulching: Apply a layer of organic mulch, such as straw or wood chips, around the base of your plants. This helps retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.  Varieties:  Determinate tomatoes: These compact plants typically grow 3-5 feet tall and can be spaced closer together than indeterminate varieties. Aim for 2-3 feet apart within rows and 3-4 feet between rows.  Indeterminate tomatoes: These vining plants can grow 6-12 feet tall and require more space to sprawl. Space them 3-4 feet apart within rows and 4-5 feet between rows.  Cherry tomatoes: These small-fruited plants can be planted closer together than larger-fruited tomatoes. Aim for 18-24 inches apart within rows and 3-4 feet between rows.    Harvesting:    Ripeness: Harvest Syngenta Ayaan Tomatoes when they are fully colored and slightly soft to the touch. Avoid picking green tomatoes, as they will not ripen properly.  Timing: Harvest Syngenta Ayaan Tomatoes in the cool morning hours to avoid sun damage.  Methods: Use sharp pruning shears or a knife to remove the tomatoes from the vine. Leave a small stem attached to help prevent rot.  Frequency: Pick tomatoes regularly to encourage further fruit production.  Storage:    Light: Keep Syngenta Ayaan Tomatoes out of direct sunlight, avoid storing them in the refrigerator.  Store Syngenta Ayaan Tomatoes at room temperature (60-70°F) for the best flavor.  Duration: Ripe tomatoes can be stored at room temperature for 3-5 days. If you have a surplus, you can extend their shelf life by storing them in the refrigerator for up to a week.  Green tomatoes: If you have a late frost and your Tomato are still green, you can harvest them and ripen them indoors. Place them in a paper bag at room temperature out of direct sunlight. Check them regularly and remove any that are soft or rotten. Green tomatoes will typically ripen within 1-2 weeks.     

    Rs. 810.00 - Rs. 7,900.00

  • Syngenta Voliam Targo Insecticide Syngenta Voliam Targo Insecticide Crops

    Syngenta Syngenta Voliam Targo Insecticide

    BENEFITS Voliam Targo is effective against most powerful Tuta Absoluta and caterpillar control. Economical to use as it tackles a wide range of pests. Fast action with an immediate kill, preserving yield. Fewer applications because of its long-lasting efficacy. Low PHI of 3 days and safe to the consumer. Controls all pest stages reducing crop damage hence higher yields. INSECTS/ DISEASES - Diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) in Cabbages Spider mites (Tetranychus urticae), Leaf miners (Liriomyza spp), Caterpillars in Tomatoes Leaf miners (Liriomyza spp) and Thrips in Squash DOSAGE - 200ml /acre or 1ml/liter of water.

    Rs. 976.10 - Rs. 4,726.00

  • Syngenta Kavach Flo Fungicide - Agriplex

    Syngenta Syngenta Kavach Flo Fungicide

    Kavach Flo, a one-shot easy solution for spotless and healthy crop. An easy choice for robust and reliable performance. Kavach Flo is a broad-spectrum curative and protective fungicide that is effective on multiple crops. It is a perfect combination of science and common knowledge for the benefit of farmers.

    Rs. 225.00 - Rs. 1,883.00

  • Syngenta Zetrola Herbicide Crops Syngenta Zetrola Herbicide

    Syngenta Syngenta Zetrola Herbicide

    Syngenta Zetrola is a selective herbicide and effectively fights grass weeds already emerged at the time of treatment. It is rapidly absorbed by the leaves of the weeds and translocated inside the plant up to the roots, rhizomes and stolons. Thanks to its systemic activity, propaquizafop blocks the vegetative propagation of perennial grasses

    Rs. 227.00 - Rs. 2,095.00

  • Syngenta Fusilade Herbicide Crops Syngenta Fusilade Herbicide

    Syngenta Syngenta Fusilade Herbicide

    Fusiflex provides quick control over weeds. It is effective on broad and narrow leaves and acts as a simple solution to maintain healthy crops for a profitable yield.

    Rs. 423.00 - Rs. 1,614.00

  • Syngenta Amistar Fungicide Crops Syngenta Amistar Fungicide

    Syngenta Syngenta Amistar Fungicide

    Product Description  Amistar fungicide is a systemic fungicide, which means that it is absorbed by the plant and moves throughout the tissue, providing long-lasting protection. It is also a translaminar fungicide, which means that it can move through the leaves, providing protection on both the upper and lower surfaces.  It is applied as a foliar spray. The recommended application rate varies depending on the crop and the severity of the disease.  Active Ingredients  Azoxystrobin: This is a member of the strobilurin class of fungicides. It works by inhibiting mitochondrial respiration in fungi, which prevents them from producing energy. Azoxystrobin is a broad-spectrum fungicide, meaning that it is effective against a variety of different fungal diseases.  Difenoconazole: This is a triazole fungicide. It works by disrupting the cell membrane of fungi, which causes them to die. Difenoconazole is also a broad-spectrum fungicide, and it is often used in combination with azoxystrobin to provide more effective control of fungal diseases.  Mode of Action  The mode of action of Amistar fungicide is to inhibit mitochondrial respiration in fungi. This means that it prevents fungi from producing energy, which eventually kills them. The combination of azoxystrobin and difenoconazole provides a synergistic effect, which means that they are more effective at killing fungi when used together than when used alone. This is because the two compounds work in different ways to inhibit fungal growth.  Benefits  Broad-spectrum control: It is a effective against a wide range of fungal diseases, including powdery mildew, downy mildew, and rust.  Systemic and translaminar activity: It is absorbed by the plant and moves throughout the tissue, providing long-lasting protection. It can also move through the leaves, providing protection on both the upper and lower surfaces.  Curative and preventive activity: It can be used to control both existing fungal infections and to prevent new infections from occurring.  Low environmental impact: It is a relatively safe product with a low environmental impact.   Amistar fungicide is not harmful to bees or other beneficial insects.  Amistar fungicide is a valuable tool for controlling a variety of fungal diseases. It is safe, effective, and easy to use.  Disease  Dosage  Crop  Early blight in potatoes  1-2ML/ lit of water  Potatoes  Late blight in tomatoes  1-2ML/ lit of water  Tomatoes  Grey leaf spot in maize  1-2ML/ lit of water  Maize  White blister in crucifers  1-2ML/ lit of water  Cruciferous vegetables  Powdery mildew in cucurbits  1-2ML/ lit of water  Cucurbit vegetables  Anthracnose in dry beans  1-2ML/ lit of water  Dry beans  Powdery mildew in peppers  1-2ML/ lit of water  Peppers  Foliar diseases of onions  1-2ML/ lit of water  Onions   It is important to note that these are just general guidelines, and the specific dosage and application rate may vary depending on the crop, the severity of the disease, and the environmental conditions. It is always best to consult the product label for specific instructions. 

    Rs. 357.40 - Rs. 5,501.00

  • Syngenta Suhasini Cauliflower Seeds - Agriplex Syngenta Suhasini Cauliflower Seeds

    Syngenta Syngenta Suhasini Cauliflower Seeds

    Features : Strong, Sturdy plant with greenish leaves. Dome shaped compact white curd. Suitable for early temperate, dry to cool climate. Yield Early maturing hybrid weight Average curd weight 1.5 Kg to 2.0 Kgs

    Rs. 490.00 - Rs. 4,700.00

  • Syngenta Rifit Plus Herbicide Syngenta Rifit Plus Herbicide Crops

    Syngenta Syngenta Rifit Plus Herbicide

    Syngenta Rifit Plus is an excellent weedicide for planted paddy with improved formula and high-quality spreaders. This modern formula makes Rifit Plus a trusted choice for quick and long-term control over weeds and some broad leaf weeds.

    Rs. 254.00 - Rs. 2,836.00

  • Syngenta Matador Insecticide Crops Syngenta Matador Insecticide

    Syngenta Syngenta Matador Insecticide

    Syngenta Matador® is a contact insecticide which contains Lambda Cyhalothrin 4.9 % CS. Matador insecticide protects a wide range of crops from insect damage that can rob you of yield and quality. Matador acts on both peripheral nerves and the central nervous system of insect pests Technical Name: Lambda-cyhalothrin Benefits Works on contact and is fast-acting Has activity on small larvae nymphs and adult stages of many insects Is effective against key pests in canola, such as flea beetles Alternate mode of action for broad-spectrum insect control including European corn borer in potatoes Registered for both ground and aerial application for most crops Target Crops Target Insects/Pests Dosage/acre (ml) Waiting period from last application to harvest Cotton Bollworms 200 21 Paddy Stem boree, Leaf folder 100 15 Brinjal Shoot & Fruit borer 120 5 Okara Fruit borer 120 5 Tomato Fruit borer 120 5 Grapes Thrips & Flea beetle 100 7 Chilli Thrips & Pod borer 200 5 Soyabean Stem fly & semi looper 200 31

    Rs. 259.00 - Rs. 925.00

  • Syngenta Ampligo Insecticide Crops Syngenta Ampligo Insecticide

    Syngenta Syngenta Ampligo Insecticide

    Product Description Syngenta Ampligo is a contact and systemic insecticide that provides effective control of a wide range of insect pests. It is a combination of two active ingredients: chlorantraniliprole and lambda-cyhalothrin. Chlorantraniliprole is a neonicotinoid insecticide that works by disrupting the nervous system of insects. Lambda-cyhalothrin is a pyrethroid insecticide that works by disrupting the electrical activity of insects. Technical Composition Ampligo is a suspension concentrate (SC) formulation. It contains 15% chlorantraniliprole and 10% lambda-cyhalothrin. Mode of Action Ampligo Insecticide works by a combination of contact and systemic action. The chlorantraniliprole component is absorbed by the plant and moves throughout the tissues, providing protection from within. The lambda-cyhalothrin component kills insects on contact. Benefits Syngetna Ampligo offers a number of benefits, including: Effective control of a wide range of insect pests: It is effective against a wide range of insect pests, including aphids, beetles, caterpillars, leafhoppers, mealybugs, scale, spider mites, and whiteflies. Long-lasting protection: Ampligo provides long-lasting protection, keeping your crops safe for weeks or even months. Systemic and contact-type: Ampligo works both inside and outside the plant, providing comprehensive protection. Safe for use on a variety of crops: It is safe for use on a variety of crops, including fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants. Easy to use: Syngenta Ampligo is easy to use and can be applied with a variety of sprayers. Dosage The recommended dosage of Ampligo Insecticide varies depending on the crop and the severity of the infestation. For most crops, the recommended dosage is 0.15-0.3 millilitres per Liter of water. Targeted Diseases Ampligo Insecticide is effective against a wide range of insect pests that can damage crops. These pests include: Aphids Beetles Caterpillars Leafhoppers Mealybugs Scale Spider mites Whiteflies Target Crops Ampligo can be used on a variety of crops, including: Fruits Vegetables Ornamental plants Crop   Target pest Dosage/Acre Formulation(ml)  Dilution in water (L) Per Acre Waiting Period (PHI) in Days Redgram/Pigeon pea Pod Borer 80 ml 200lit 18 days Cotton Bollworm Complex 100 ml 200 lit 20 days Brinjal Shoot and Fruit Borer, Jassids 80 ml 200 lit 5 days Rice Stem Borer, Leaf Folder, Green Leaf Hopper 100 ml 200 lit 53 days Soybean Girdle beetle, Leaf worm, Semilooper, Stemfly 80 ml 200 lit 41 days Okra Shoot and Fruit Borer, Jassids 80 ml 200 lit 3 days   Compatibility - Compatible with commonly used insecticide and fungicide Frequency of application - Depends on pest incidence or severity of disease.

    Rs. 279.20 - Rs. 4,300.00

  • Synenta Heemsohna Tomato Seeds - 3500 Seeds Synenta Heemsohna Tomato Seeds

    Syngenta Synenta Heemsohna Tomato Seeds

    Syngenta Heemsohna F1 Tomato Seeds High-Yielding Powerhouse for Long-Distance Triumphs, hybrid tomato seeds championing exceptional yield and resilience.  Benefits:  Adaptable Hero: Thrives in diverse growing conditions, making it a reliable choice for various regions and seasons.  Minimal Maintenance: Moderate foliage allows for good air circulation, reducing disease pressure and simplifying upkeep.  Ideal for Commercial Growers: Maximize your profits with Heemsohna F1's exceptional yield potential and resistance to common challenges.    Key Features:  Prolific Productivity: Witness continuous fruit setting, translating into bumper crops of 65-75 days after sowing.  Robust Vigor: Sturdy, tall vines with medium foliage effortlessly hold the bounty, optimizing space and sunlight utilization.  Disease Resistance: Breathe easy knowing Heemsohna F1 stands strong against Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV), a common and damaging threat.  Superior Travel: Worry not about long journeys! These tomatoes possess excellent keeping quality and travel remarkably well, reaching distant markets in prime condition.  Glossy Allure: Feast your eyes (and taste buds) on vibrant red, glossy fruits that are firm and flavorful, perfect for both fresh enjoyment and culinary creations.      Land Preparation:     Tomatoes need well-drained, fertile soil with a neutral pH (6.5-7.5).  Test your soil and adjust pH with lime or sulfur if needed.  Add organic matter like compost for better fertility and drainage.  Deep till (10-12 inches) to loosen the soil for root growth, use a rototiller or spade.  Create furrows 1-2 inches deep, spaced 2-4 feet apart for row planting.  Water the area thoroughly a few days before planting.  Lightly rake the soil surface for a smooth planting bed.  Add balanced fertilizer as per package instructions.  Use black plastic mulch to warm the soil and suppress weeds.  For raised beds, ensure they are at least 12 inches deep with a well-draining soil mix.     Sowing    Fill your seedling trays or pots with excellent quality seedling compost.  Aim for spacing of Syngenta Heemsohna F1 Tomato Seeds are about 2-3 cm (about 1.18 in) apart & lightly cover the seeds with a thin layer of compost. This should be about 0.5 cm (about 0.2 in) thick.   Cover the Syngenta Heemsohna F1 Tomato seedlings with transparent plastic wrap or a humidity dome to maintain moisture.  When the Syngenta Heemsohna F1 Tomato seedlings have emerged and developed their first true leaves, it is time to thin them out. This means removing weaker seedlings to give the stronger ones more space to grow. Use scissors to snip off the weaker seedlings at the base.  Continue to care for your tomato seedlings until they are ready to be transplanted outdoors. This will be around 6-8 weeks (about 2 months) after sowing, depending on the variety and your climate.     Transplanting:     Dig planting holes: Dig holes slightly deeper and wider than the containers your seedlings are currently in. Space the holes according to the recommended spacing for Syngenta Heemsohna F1 Tomato Seeds variety, usually 18-24 inches apart.  Removing seedlings: Gently remove the seedlings from their containers. Use a spoon or trowel to loosen the soil around the roots if necessary.  Planting: Carefully place each seedling in a prepared hole, burying it slightly deeper than it was in its container. This encourages strong root development.  Watering: Water each seedling deeply immediately after planting. Continue to water regularly, especially during dry periods.  Mulching: Apply a layer of organic mulch, such as straw or wood chips, around the base of your plants. This helps retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.  Varieties:  Determinate tomatoes: These compact plants typically grow 3-5 feet tall and can be spaced closer together than indeterminate varieties. Aim for 2-3 feet apart within rows and 3-4 feet between rows.  Indeterminate tomatoes: These vining plants can grow 6-12 feet tall and require more space to sprawl. Space them 3-4 feet apart within rows and 4-5 feet between rows.  Cherry tomatoes: These small-fruited plants can be planted closer together than larger-fruited tomatoes. Aim for 18-24 inches apart within rows and 3-4 feet between rows.    Harvesting:    Ripeness: Harvest Syngenta Heemsohna F1 Tomato Seeds when they are fully colored and slightly soft to the touch. Avoid picking green tomatoes, as they will not ripen properly.  Timing: Harvest Syngenta Heemsohna F1 Tomato Seeds in the cool morning hours to avoid sun damage.  Methods: Use sharp pruning shears or a knife to remove the tomatoes from the vine. Leave a small stem attached to help prevent rot.  Frequency: Pick tomatoes regularly to encourage further fruit production.  Storage:    Light: Keep Syngenta Heemsohna F1 Tomato Seed out of direct sunlight, avoid storing them in the refrigerator.  Store Syngenta Heemsohna F1 Tomato Seed at room temperature (60-70°F) for the best flavor.  Duration: Ripe tomatoes can be stored at room temperature for 3-5 days. If you have a surplus, you can extend their shelf life by storing them in the refrigerator for up to a week.  Green tomatoes: If you have a late frost and your Tomato are still green, you can harvest them and ripen them indoors. Place them in a paper bag at room temperature out of direct sunlight. Check them regularly and remove any that are soft or rotten. Green tomatoes will typically ripen within 1-2 weeks. 

    Rs. 854.00 - Rs. 8,530.00

  • Syngenta Splash Fungicide Syngenta Splash Fungicide Crops

    Syngenta Syngenta Splash Fungicide

    Composition: Syngenta Splash Contains 75% Chlorothalonil Product Description: Syngenta Splash is a contact fungicide containing 75% Chlorothalonil. It has a broad-spectrum action against fungus. and is effective against Anthracnose, Fruit Rots, Tikka disease, Early and Late Blight on various crops. Chlorothalonil is a multi-site inhibitor affecting various enzymes and other metabolic processes in fungi. It inhibits spore germination and is toxic to fungal cell membranes. Dosage: Dissolve 2gm Splash in one Litre of water for spray

    Rs. 346.00 - Rs. 1,390.00

  • Syngenta Repivox Herbicide - 1 LT Syngenta Repivox Herbicide Crops

    Syngenta Syngenta Repivox Herbicide - 1 LT

    Syngenta Repivox® 60 OD is a late post-emergent broad spectrum herbicide that provides superior and long lasting weed control including persistent weeds such as Leptochloa and Cyperus spp., not controlled by other brands; resulting to cleaner fields and better farm productivity.

    Rs. 1,586.00

  • Syngenta Pegasus (Diafenthiuron 50%WP) Insecticide Crops Syngenta Pegasus (Diafenthiuron 50%WP) Insecticide

    Syngenta Syngenta Pegasus (Diafenthiuron 50%WP) Insecticide

    Product Description - Syngenta Pegasus is a broad spectrum Insecticide designed to attack a wide range of sucking pests. It Unique chemistry with a new mode of action. Chemical Content - It contains Diafenthiuron 50%WP. MODE OF ACTION - Action of chemical present in Pegasus Insecticide results in paralysis of the pest after intake of or contact with the product. The pest remains immobile on the crop until death after around 3-4 days. After the first intake no further damage occurs on the crop. It has translaminar activity and has excellent contact and /or stomach action with some ovicidal action. Benefits Pegasus is broad spectrum Insecticide covers a wide range of sucking pests. Unique chemistry with a new mode of action. It gives long duration effect this results in fewer application compared to traditional products. Pegasus immediately stops feeding, reproduction and mobility in the pest. After first uptake the pest does not damage the crop any further. Has vapor action that penetrates thick canopies hence reaching insects in hard to reach areas. CROPS - Cabbage, Kale, Broccoli, Cauliflower, French beans, Black beans. INSECTS/ DISEASES - Diamond Backmoth, Cabbage Butterfly, White Butterfly, Armyworm, Thrips, Aphids, Mites, Whiteflies. DOSAGE - Dissolve Pegasus Insecticide 1gm/liter of water. Manufacturing Or Marketing Company - Syngenta India Ltd Physical Condition - Powdery Method Direction Of Use  - Foliar Spray Packing Available - 250 g, 500 g

    Rs. 920.00 - Rs. 1,765.00

  • Syngenta Filia Fungicide Application Syngenta Filia Fungicide Crops

    Syngenta Syngenta Filia Fungicide

    Syngenta Filia fungicide is highly recommended for major diseases of Rice crops. Filia is a specialty product for Blast disease and grain discoloration. Propiconazole in Filia fungicide interferes with the fungi's synthesis and permeability, thereby creating an unstable fungal body.

    Rs. 292.00 - Rs. 2,494.00

  • Apiro Forte Herbicide Syngenta Syngenta Apiro Forte Herbicide Crops

    Syngenta Syngenta Apiro Forte Herbicide - 150 ML

    Syngenta Apiro forte is a first class powerful weedicide with a unique combination of 2 advanced herbicides. Apiro Forte used in Transplanted Rice. Apiro Forte is for those progressive Rice growers of India, who are looking for a one pass solution, ease of application & an effective control of broad spectrum weeds to help the crop to get right nutrients without competition of weeds. Within 5-7 days after transplanting when weed stage is at 1 leaf stage of grass weed Dosage : Apiro Forte 150ml / acre with 2 L water / acre Splash (2 full splash bottles / acre)

    Rs. 956.00

  • Syngenta Acoreli (Propineb 70% WP) Fungicide Crops Syngenta Acoreli (Propineb 70% WP) Fungicide

    Syngenta Syngenta Acoreli (Propineb 70% WP) Fungicide

    Technical Content :  Syngenta Acoreli Contains Propineb 70% WP Syngenta Acoreli is a contact and preventive fungicide which contains Propineb 70% WP.  Acoreli with its special mode of action its foliar spray gives effective control of various fungal diseases in different plants. Acoreli is is widely used in apple Pomegranate Potato Chilli tomato Grapes Rice Cotton & other vegetables and fruits for the control of various diseases like Scab Early & Late Blight Dieback, Downy mildew, fruit spots, Brown, Narrow leaf spot. It is a Both contact and preventive action As a result of its multi-site complex mode of action, Acoreli is particularly suited for use in spraying programs to combat and prevent the selection of resistant populations of the fungal pathogen Acoreli Contains Zinc which is available positive effect on the crop as a whole and improves the immunity of plants resulting in higher yields and improvement in quality. Dosage: For Domestic Use take 4 - 6 Gram of Acoreli per 1 Liter of Water. For Large Applications 600 - 800 grams per Acre Foliar Spray.

    Rs. 435.00 - Rs. 849.00

  • Syngenta Fusiflex Herbicide Syngenta Fusiflex Herbicide Crops

    Syngenta Syngenta Fusiflex Herbicide

    Technical Content : Syngenta Fusiflex Herbicide contains Fluazifop-p-butyl 13.4 %EC. Fusiflex is a post-emergence selective herbicide for Soybean, Cotton and Ground Nut. It controls key grass weeds and very safe to crop. Application time – 3-5 leaf stage of weed.  It is post-emergence selective herbicide for Soybean, Cotton and Ground Nut. Fusiflex Herbicide controls key grass weeds and is very safe to crop. Fusiflex gets quickly absorbed by leaves and translocates. It performs well in all weather conditions. Dosage : Use Fusiflex 400-500 ML / Acer

    Rs. 508.00 - Rs. 4,128.00

  • Syngenta Touchdown Herbicide Crops Syngenta Touchdown Herbicide - 1 LT

    Syngenta Syngenta Touchdown Herbicide - 1 LT

    Technical Content: Syngenta Touchdown Herbicide contains Glyphosate (36.8 %) Mode of Action: Non-selective Herbicide Product Description: TOUCHDOWN IQ is a non-selective herbicide for the control of a wide range of annual and perennial Grass and Broadleaf weeds in Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Industrial areas, Recreational areas and for other uses including general weed control. Dosage: Dissolve Syngenta Touchdown 1.5 ltr/acre.

    Rs. 876.00

  • Syngenta To-3150 Tomato Seeds - Agriplex Syngenta To-3150 Tomato Seeds

    Syngenta Syngenta To-3150 Tomato Seeds

    Syngenta To-3150 seeds are powerhouse performers that thrive in both Kharif and Rabi seasons, showering you with juicy, delicious rewards.  Benefits:  Yields Like Dynamite: Buckle up for a bounty! To-3150 boasts determinate plants, packing their punch in concentrated clusters. Expect a staggering 25-30 metric tons per acre on average – prepare your baskets!  Fast-Track to Flavor: From seed to succulent in a flash! Harvest juicy, sun-kissed tomatoes in just 55-60 days after transplanting. Savor homegrown goodness all season long!  Beauty Beyond Compare: These aren't just any tomatoes, they're stunners! Picture perfect with a uniform size (70-90 grams each) and an eye-catching oblate-round shape, their vibrant red color will make your mouth water.  Disease-Defying Champions: Worry less, grow more! To-3150 comes armed with natural resistance against Leaf Curl Virus and pesky foliar spots, ensuring your plants thrive without a hitch.  Market-Ready Marvels: Impress the crowd or your own dinner table! These beauties boast a remarkable shelf life, staying fresh and delicious for longer, perfect for sharing (or not!).  Climate Conquerors: No soil is too tough, no season too harsh! To-3150's adaptability makes it a champion across diverse Indian climates and soil conditions.    Key Features:  Explosive Yields: Get ready for baskets overflowing! To-3150 plants are determinate, meaning they pack dense clusters of fruit for an average harvest of 25-30 MT per acre.  Lightning-Fast Maturation: Feast on fresh tomatoes in just 55-60 days after transplanting. Enjoy homegrown goodness throughout the season!  Stunning Visuals: Picture-perfect produce is yours! To-3150 boasts vibrant red, uniform-sized tomatoes (70-90 gm each) with an alluring oblate-round shape.  Disease-Defying Armor: Breathe easy knowing your plants are shielded. To-3150 offers natural resistance to Leaf Curl Virus and foliar spots, ensuring worry-free growth.  Market-Ready Champions: Impress at the market or your dinner table! These beauties have a fantastic shelf life, staying fresh and vibrant longer.  Adaptable All-Stars: Conquer diverse climates and soil conditions. To-3150's resilience makes it perfect for growers across India.      Land Preparation:     Tomatoes need well-drained, fertile soil with a neutral pH (6.5-7.5).  Test your soil and adjust pH with lime or sulfur if needed.  Add organic matter like compost for better fertility and drainage.  Deep till (10-12 inches) to loosen the soil for root growth, use a rototiller or spade.  Create furrows 1-2 inches deep, spaced 2-4 feet apart for row planting.  Water the area thoroughly a few days before planting.  Lightly rake the soil surface for a smooth planting bed.  Add balanced fertilizer as per package instructions.  Use black plastic mulch to warm the soil and suppress weeds.  For raised beds, ensure they are at least 12 inches deep with a well-draining soil mix.     Sowing    Fill your seedling trays or pots with excellent quality seedling compost.  Aim for spacing of Syngenta To-3150 Tomato Seeds are about 2-3 cm (about 1.18 in) apart & lightly cover the seeds with a thin layer of compost. This should be about 0.5 cm (about 0.2 in) thick.   Cover the Syngenta To-3150 Tomato seedlings with transparent plastic wrap or a humidity dome to maintain moisture.  When the Syngenta To-3150 Tomato seedlings have emerged and developed their first true leaves, it is time to thin them out. This means removing weaker seedlings to give the stronger ones more space to grow. Use scissors to snip off the weaker seedlings at the base.  Continue to care for your tomato seedlings until they are ready to be transplanted outdoors. This will be around 6-8 weeks (about 2 months) after sowing, depending on the variety and your climate.     Transplanting:     Dig planting holes: Dig holes slightly deeper and wider than the containers your seedlings are currently in. Space the holes according to the recommended spacing for Syngenta To-3150 Tomato Seeds variety, usually 18-24 inches apart.  Removing seedlings: Gently remove the seedlings from their containers. Use a spoon or trowel to loosen the soil around the roots if necessary.  Planting: Carefully place each seedling in a prepared hole, burying it slightly deeper than it was in its container. This encourages strong root development.  Watering: Water each seedling deeply immediately after planting. Continue to water regularly, especially during dry periods.  Mulching: Apply a layer of organic mulch, such as straw or wood chips, around the base of your plants. This helps retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.  Varieties:  Determinate tomatoes: These compact plants typically grow 3-5 feet tall and can be spaced closer together than indeterminate varieties. Aim for 2-3 feet apart within rows and 3-4 feet between rows.  Indeterminate tomatoes: These vining plants can grow 6-12 feet tall and require more space to sprawl. Space them 3-4 feet apart within rows and 4-5 feet between rows.  Cherry tomatoes: These small-fruited plants can be planted closer together than larger-fruited tomatoes. Aim for 18-24 inches apart within rows and 3-4 feet between rows.    Harvesting:    Ripeness: Harvest Syngenta To-3150 Tomatoes when they are fully colored and slightly soft to the touch. Avoid picking green tomatoes, as they will not ripen properly.  Timing: Harvest Syngenta To-3150 Tomatoes in the cool morning hours to avoid sun damage.  Methods: Use sharp pruning shears or a knife to remove the tomatoes from the vine. Leave a small stem attached to help prevent rot.  Frequency: Pick tomatoes regularly to encourage further fruit production.  Storage:    Light: Keep Syngenta To-3150 Tomatoes out of direct sunlight, avoid storing them in the refrigerator.  Store Syngenta To-3150 Tomatoes at room temperature (60-70°F) for the best flavor.  Duration: Ripe tomatoes can be stored at room temperature for 3-5 days. If you have a surplus, you can extend their shelf life by storing them in the refrigerator for up to a week.  Green tomatoes: If you have a late frost and your Tomato are still green, you can harvest them and ripen them indoors. Place them in a paper bag at room temperature out of direct sunlight. Check them regularly and remove any that are soft or rotten. Green tomatoes will typically ripen within 1-2 weeks. 

    Rs. 515.00 - Rs. 5,000.00

  • Syngenta Asmita Bitter Gourd Seeds - Agriplex Syngenta Asmita Bitter Gourd Seeds

    Syngenta Syngenta Asmita Bitter Gourd Seeds

    Intermediate tolerance to DM & PM Dark Green shiny attractive fruits Uniform Fruit shape Dense prickles Color: Dark green Characteristics Size: Fruit length: 30 to 32cm, Girth: 4 to 5 cm Shape: 45-50 Fruit shape: Uniform shape Plant type: Vigorous plant, green foliage with more branching, good fruit setting. Weight: 125 to 140 gm (depending on cultural practices).

    Rs. 722.00 - Rs. 6,980.00

  • Syngenta Virtako Insecticide Crops Syngenta Virtako Insecticide Dosage

    Syngenta Syngenta Virtako Insecticide - 1 KG

    Technical Content : Chlorantraniliprole 0.5% GR + Thiomethoxam 1% Target Crops Target Insects/Pests Dosage (kg/acre) Application Time Paddy Stem borer 2.5 (Broadcasting) 20-30 DAT (Vegetative to Tillering Stage) Corn Stem borer 2.5 kg / acre (Broadcasting) 15-20 DAS (early stage) Sugarcane Early shoot borer 4 (Broadcasting 0-30 days (Planting & Tillering stage)

    Rs. 554.00

  • Syngenta Rifit Herbicide Crops Syngenta Rifit Herbicide

    Syngenta Syngenta Rifit Herbicide

    Mode of Action: Syngenta Rifit works as a Pre and Post-emergent herbicide. Product Description: Syngenta Rifit 50 EC is a pre-emergence herbicide for control of grasses, sedges and some broad leaf weeds in transplanted Rice. Formulated with the active ingredient PRETILACHLOR. It provides excellent selectively on all known varieties of Rice. No adverse effect like stunting or yellowing of crop, rather gives greening effect to the crop. It belongs to chemical class, Chloroacetanilide. Best time of application to yield optimum results should be maximum till the 5th day after transplanting and water management is extremely important during the use of the product. Dosage: Dissolve Rifit 500ml/acre

    Rs. 205.00 - Rs. 4,491.00

  • Syngenta Polo Zapp Insecticide Syngenta Polo Zapp Insecticide Crops

    Syngenta Syngenta Polo Zapp Insecticide

    Syngenta Polo Zapp is a contact insecticide which contains 47.8% SC Diafenthiuron. Polo Zapp offers unique and effective mode of action against whiteflies and mites on cotton crop. Polo zapp is powered by ZIP, ZAPP, ZOOM technology ensures effective and precise kill of the target insect, thus reducing economic loss.

    Rs. 778.00 - Rs. 3,527.00

  • Cigna Insecticide Syngenta Crops Syngenta Cigna Insecticide Uses

    Syngenta Syngenta Cigna Insecticide

    Technical Content: 5.4 % EC Lufenuron Target Insects/Pests: Diamond Backed moth (Plutella xylostella), Pod fly of Redgram, fruit borers in chilli (Helicoverpa armigera), Pod borers (Nanaguna breviuscula) and American boll worm (Helicoverpa armigera) in cotton. Target crops: Cotton, Chilli, Cole crops, Red gram, vegetables. Dosage: Use Syngents Cigna 1.5 to 2 ml per liter of water

    Rs. 979.00 - Rs. 4,189.00

  • Syngenta Airaf Insecticide technical Syngenta Airaf Insecticide Crops

    Syngenta Syngenta Airaf (Insecticide)

    Syngenta Airaf is a contact Insecticide which contains Buprofezin 22% + Fipronil 3% SC Airaf insecticide is used  For Destroying Vermin, Fungicides, Herbicides, Insecticides.

    Rs. 432.00 - Rs. 1,654.00

  • Syngenta Sandovit Fungicide- 1 KG

    Syngenta Syngenta Sandovit Fungicide- 1 KG

    "Protect your crops with Syngenta Sandovit Fungicide. This powerful 1 KG fungicide is scientifically proven to eliminate and prevent fungal diseases, ensuring healthy and abundant harvests. Trust in Syngenta, the industry expert, for effective and reliable crop protection."

    Rs. 523.00

  • Syngenta Polo Insecticide Syngenta Polo Insecticide Crops

    Syngenta Syngenta Polo Insecticide

    Syngenta Polo® provides powerful control against aphids and whiteflies. It gives immediate crop protection through permanent feeding inhibition. Formulated with the active ingredient Diafenthiuron and suspension concentrate provides consistent biological efficacy. Technical Content: Syngenta Polo Insecticide contains Diafenthiuron 50% W Target Pests / Insects: Cotton - Whitefly, Thrips, Aphids and Jassids, Cabbage-Diamond Black Moth, Chilli-Mites, Brinjal-Whitefly, Cardamon-Thrips, Capsule Borer Major Crops: Cotton, Cabbage, Chilli, Brinjal, Cardamon Dosage: 250GM / Acer

    Rs. 795.00 - Rs. 3,496.00

  • Syngenta Glo-iT Fungicide Crops Syngenta Glo-iT Fungicide

    Syngenta Syngenta Glo-iT Fungicide

    Product Description Syngenta Glo it is a mixture of tiazole fungicides recommended for the control of sheath blight and dirty panicle disease in paddy. This is an emulsifiable concentrate formulation containing 27.8% active ingredients, equivalent to 30% w/v or 300g/l of formulation Technical Content - Glo iT contains Propiconazole 13.9% + Difenoconazole 13.9% EC. FEATURES Syngenta Glo it is a broad spectrum systemic fungicide One can be used in multiple crops Cost-effective as the price of Syngenta Glo-It is affordable BENEFITS Excellent color and quality of grains. Better produce price. Target Crops -  Wheat, Apple, Cumin, Grapes, Pomegranate etc Target Disease - Leaf Spot, Rust, Purple Blotch, Sheath Blight, Scab, Dirty Panicle, Die Back, Fruit Rot, Anthracnose, Powdery Mildew. Pack size: 100 ml;1 Ltr;500 ml;250 ml;

    Rs. 263.00 - Rs. 2,385.00

  • Axial Herbicide Syngenta Crops Syngenta Axial Herbicide Uses

    Syngenta Syngenta Axial Herbicide

    Syngenta Axial is a prestigious post-emergence solution for use against Phalaris Minor in Wheat crop. It gives an efficient and clean harvest, progressive yields, outstanding crop safety, prominent & fast weed kill. Formulated to effectively controlling tough mixed grasses, Axial® herbicide maximizes yield at a single use rate. Axial has a rainfast period of 30 minutes, and its wide application window offers the flexibility to apply early or late without sacrificing performance.

    Rs. 1,033.00 - Rs. 4,874.00

  • Syngenta Agrimek Insecticide Syngenta Agrimek Insecticide  Crops

    Syngenta Syngenta Agrimek Insecticide

    Syngenta Agrimek® 1.8 EC is a miticide/insecticide that offers exceptional and long residual mite and insect control on fruits and vegetables. It contains 18.0 g/L Abamectin Protects soybeans, almonds, grapes, citrus fruits, sweet corn and a variety of other vegetables Provides a reservoir of protection with its locally systemic active ingredient, abamectin Becomes rain fast once dry, providing long residual control levels Targets difficult-to-manage pests such as two spotted spider mites on both the upper and lower level of leaves Easily tank mixes with common crop protection insecticide for broad-spectrum control of other pests

    Rs. 378.00 - Rs. 3,223.00

  • Syngenta HPH 2043 Chilli Seeds Syngenta HPH 2043 Chilli Seeds

    Syngenta Syngenta HPH 2043 Chilli Seeds

    1 review

    Syngenta HPH 2043 Chilli Seeds are a top choice for chilli growers. Its superior genetics offer high performing plants with excellent yield potential. You can expect a bountiful harvest of robust and flavorful chillies with these premium seeds. Experience the difference with Syngenta.

    Rs. 900.00 - Rs. 41,000.00

  • Syngenta Indra Hybrid Capsium Seeds - Agriplex Syngenta Indra Hybrid Capsium Seeds

    Syngenta Syngenta Indra Hybrid Capsium Seeds

    Specifications: Good Cold set & Heat Set Wider adaptability High Yielding capacity Color: Good Uniform Green Fruits Yield Average yield: 12 - 15 MT/acre (depending on season and cultural practice Size Medium to big sized uniform fruits Plant vigour Strong plant with short internodes

    Rs. 1,900.00 - Rs. 18,500.00

  • Syngenta Rifit DSR Herbicide Syngenta Rifit DSR Herbicide Dosage

    Syngenta Syngenta Rifit DSR Herbicide

    1 review

    Syngenta Rifit DSR is a pre-emergence herbicide for control of grasses, sedges and some broad leaf weeds .

    Rs. 860.00 - Rs. 1,593.00

  • Syngenta Epivio Energy - 200 ML - Agriplex

    Syngenta Syngenta Epivio Energy - 200 ML

    New Seedcare stress management and crop enhancement solutions for the industrial market In combination with current Seedcare solutions, the EPIVIO™ family of products brings innovation to the growing category of stress management and crop enhancement and consistently demonstrates improved plant growth and establishment

    Rs. 1,085.00

Syngenta - Agriplex


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