Product Description - Anshul Iron is a soil alteration product to lower the ph of high alkaline soil so that plants can absorb soil’s nutrients which is essential for crop growth and food production. It is the key component of many enzymes associated with energy transfer, nitrogen reduction and fixation, and lignin formation.
Technical Content : Ferrous Sulphate (Iron) 19%
Benefits: Anshul Iron is important in photosynthesis and also involved in carbohydrate breakdown in mitochondria. Without iron, plants would not be able to produce chlorophyll, which gives plants oxygen and its healthy green color. Without iron, the plant can go into a state of chlorosis (lack of chlorophyll, plant is less green), where the leaves will have a sickly yellow color
Foliar Spray: Dissolve 2.5 g of Anshul Iron in one liter of water and spray liberally on both surfaces of the leaves.