Republic Day Offer - Pesticides

10 products

  • Syngenta Tilt Propiconazole 25 % EC Insecticide - Agriplex Syngenta Tilt Propiconazole 25 % EC Insecticide - Agriplex

    Syngenta Syngenta Tilt Propiconazole 25 % EC Insecticide

    Tilt Fungicide is an economical tool that provides full-season disease control on wheat, barley, stone fruits, tree nuts and vegetables. With benefits like quick rain fastness and tank-mix flexibility. It stops fungal growth before it can sporulate and moves systemically to protect new growth. FEATURES Tilt is a broad spectrum systemic fungicide and by its curative and protective action, controls the plant diseases very effectively. Tilt controls the disease for a longer period of time. Tilt gives better grain quality because it controls disease at critical stage. Recommendation Dosage Crop Insect/Pest Dose (ml/acre) Wheat Karnal bunt, Leaf rust, Stem rust, Stripe rust 200 Rice Sheath blight 200 Ground nut Early leaf spot, Late leaf spot, Rust 200 Tea Blister blight 100 Soybean Rust 200 Cotton Leaf spot 200

    Rs. 171.00 - Rs. 1,396.00

  • Syngenta Score Fungicide Crops Syngenta Score Fungicide

    Syngenta Syngenta Score Fungicide

    Product Description   Syngenta Score Fungicide is a broad-spectrum systemic fungicide that is effective against a variety of diseases in a wide range of crops. It is a triazole fungicide that works by inhibiting the ergosterol biosynthesis pathway in fungi. This pathway is essential to produce cell membranes in fungi, so inhibiting it can lead to the death of the fungus.   Active Ingredients   Syngenta Score Fungicide is Difenoconazole. It is a broad-spectrum systemic triazole fungicide that works by inhibiting the ergosterol biosynthesis pathway in fungi. This pathway is essential to produce cell membranes in fungi, so inhibiting it can lead to the death of the fungus.   Mode of Action   Specifically, difenoconazole inhibits the enzyme 14-alpha-demethylase, which is responsible for the conversion of lanosterol to ergosterol. This inhibition prevents the production of ergosterol, which leads to the disruption of the fungal cell membrane and the death of the fungus.   Difenoconazole is a systemic fungicide, which means that it is absorbed by the plant and moves through the plant tissues. This makes it a more effective fungicide than contact fungicides, which only protect plant surfaces.   Benefits   Syngenta Score Fungicide Broad-spectrum control: Difenoconazole is a broad-spectrum fungicide, which means that it can control a variety of diseases. This makes it a versatile tool for protecting crops from a wide range of pests.   Effective against a variety of diseases: Difenoconazole is effective against a variety of diseases, including:   Powdery mildew   Leaf spot diseases   Rusts   Anthracnose   Scab   Alternaria leaf blight   Target spot   Long-lasting protection: Difenoconazole provides long-lasting protection against diseases. This means that you can apply it once and be confident that your crops will be protected for a period of time.   Safe and easy to use: Difenoconazole is safe and easy to use. It is a water-soluble concentration that can be applied by ground or aerial application.   Cost-effective: Difenoconazole is a cost-effective way to protect crops from diseases. It is a relatively inexpensive product, and it can be used to protect a large area.   Crop   Disease   Dosage (mL/ha)   Apples   Scab   150-300   Grapes   Powdery mildew   100-200   Citrus fruits   Alternaria leaf spot   150-300   Vegetables   Powdery mildew   100-200   Ornamentals   Anthracnose   150-300      Syngenta Score Fungicide is important to note that these are just general guidelines, and the specific dosage and application rate may vary depending on the crop, the severity of the disease, and the environmental conditions. It is always best to consult the product label for specific instructions.   

    Rs. 292.00 - Rs. 4,755.00

  • Syngenta Alika Insecticide Crops Syngenta Alika Insecticide

    Syngenta Syngenta Alika Insecticide

    Product Description  Syngenta Alika is a contact and systemic insecticide that provides effective control of a wide range of insect pests. It is a combination of two active ingredients: thiamethoxam and lambda-cyhalothrin. Thiamethoxam is a neonicotinoid insecticide that works by disrupting the nervous system of insects. Lambda-cyhalothrin is a pyrethroid insecticide that works by disrupting the electrical activity of insects.  Technical Composition  Alika Insecticide is a suspension concentrate (SC) formulation. It contains 25% thiamethoxam and 10% lambda-cyhalothrin.  Mode of Action  Syngenta Alika Insecticide works by a combination of contact and systemic action. The thiamethoxam component is absorbed by the plant and moves throughout the tissues, providing protection from within. This means that even if insects feed on the leaves of a plant that has been treated with Alika Insecticide, they will still be exposed to the insecticide and killed.  The lambda-cyhalothrin component kills insects on contact. This means that insects that come into contact with the spray will be killed immediately. The combination of contact and systemic action makes Alika is very effective insecticide that can provide long-lasting protection for your crops.  Benefits  Effective control of a wide range of insect pests:  Alika is effective against a wide range of insect pests, including aphids, beetles, caterpillars, leafhoppers, mealybugs, scale, spider mites, and whiteflies.  Long-lasting protection:  Alika provides long-lasting protection, keeping your crops safe for weeks or even months.  Systemic and contact-type: It works both inside and outside the plant, providing comprehensive protection.  Safe for use on a variety of crops: It is safe for use on a variety of crops, including fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants.  Easy to use: It is easy to use and can be applied with a variety of sprayers.  Dosage  The recommended dosage of Syngenta Alika Insecticide varies depending on the crop and the severity of the infestation. For most crops, the recommended dosage is 0.1-0.25 milliliters per Liter of water.  Targeted Diseases  Syngenta Alika is effective against a wide range of insect pests that can damage crops. These pests include:  Aphids  Beetles  Caterpillars  Leafhoppers  Mealybugs  Scale  Spider mites  Whiteflies  Available Packing:  40 ml, 80 ml, 500 ml, 250 ml, 1 liter  Company Name - Syngenta India Pvt Ltd   Class of danger: - Poison  Registered Crops  Target Pest  Application Rate  Rice  Stemborer, Leafhoppers, Rice Bug  1 tbsp  Mango  Leafhopper, Tip borer, Capsid bug, Fruitfly, Cecid Fly  60 ml / 200 L  Potato  Whiteflies, Aphids, Thrips  0.5 tbsp  Stringbeans  GLH, Aphids, Mites  0.5 tbsp  Eggplant  Whiteflies, GLH, Aphids  0.5 tbsp  Ampalaya  Leaffolder, Thrips, Aphids, Fruitfly, Cutworm  1 tbsp  Corn  Asiatic Corn Borer, Earworm, Cutworm, Leafhopper, Aphids  1 tbsp   

    Rs. 281.00 - Rs. 3,020.00

  • Syngenta Ridomil Gold Fungicide Syngenta Ridomil Gold Fungicide Crops

    Syngenta Syngenta Ridomil Gold Fungicide

    Ridomil Gold is a broad spectrum fungicide which contains unique combination of Metalaxyl 4% and Manconzeb 64%. Ridomil Gold provides excellent crop protection due to hyper-systemic uptake and translocation properties. TECHNICAL- Metalaxyl-M 4% + Mancozeb 64% WP BENEFITS Ridomil Gold Provides Unsurpassed protection against soil-borne oomycete diseases. Excellent crop protection due to hyper-systemic uptake and translocation properties. Flexible application methods for at-planting treatment. Easy-to-use formulation. CROPS : Potatoes, Grapes, Tobacco, Vegetables, Citrus, Tomato, Turf & Ornamentals. TARGET DISEASES Specific fungicide for control of oomycetes fungi (e.g. late blight and downy mildew diseases). Ridomil can be applied to foliage, soil, or as a seed treatment. DOSAGE : Dissolve Ridomil Gold 1-1.5 gm/ liter of water and spray on the leaves Crop Insect/Pest Dosage/Acre Water(L) Waiting period from last application to harvest(in days) Grape Downey mildew 500-1000 200-400 8 Potato Late blight 500 200-400 24 Black Pepper Phytophthora foot rot 1000 200 Not less than 21 weeks Mustard Downey mildew, white rust 1000 200-400 60 Chilli nursery Damping off 600 200 53 Pomegranate Leaf spot & fruit spot 1 200(depending upon age of tree) 5 Cauliflower Downey mildew, leaf spot 500 200 3   COMPATIBILITY Ridomil Gold is compatible with commonly used pesticides except lime Sulphur and Bordeaux mixture or alkaline solutions. DURATION OF EFFECT  - 10 days FREQUENCY OF APPLICATION - Depends on pest incidence or severity of disease. METHOD OF APPLICATION - Spray, drenching PACKING AVAILABLE - 50g, 100g, 250g,  500g, 1kg

    Rs. 545.00 - Rs. 1,815.00

  • Syngenta Amistar Top Fungicide Crops Syngenta Amistar Top Fungicide

    Syngenta Syngenta Amistar Top Fungicide

    Product Description   Amistar Top Fungicide is used to control a variety of fungal diseases in a range of crops, including vegetables, rice, cotton, citrus, and tree nuts. It is a co-formulation of azoxystrobin and difenoconazole, two active ingredients that work together to provide preventive, systemic, and curative control of diseases.   Active Ingredients   Azoxystrobin is a strobilurin fungicide that works by inhibiting the production of ergosterol, a compound that is essential for the growth of fungi.   Difenoconazole is a triazole fungicide that works by inhibiting the synthesis of squalene, another compound that is essential for the growth of fungi.   Mode of Action   The two active ingredients in Amistar Top Fungicide work together to provide a broad spectrum of control against a variety of fungal diseases. They are both relatively safe fungicides, but it is important to follow the label instructions carefully when using them. The decrease in the production of ergosterol and squalene disrupts the structure of the cell membrane of the fungus, which prevents the fungus from growing and reproducing.   Benefits   Broad-spectrum control: Amistar Top Fungicide can control a wide range of fungal diseases, including leaf spots, blights, powdery mildew, rust, scab, and downy mildew.   Preventive, systemic, and curative: Amistar Top can be used as a preventive treatment to protect plants from fungal diseases, as a systemic treatment to move through the plant and protect it from the inside out, or as a curative treatment to kill existing fungal infections.   Relatively safe: Amistar Top is a relatively safe fungicide, but it is important to follow the label instructions carefully when using it.   Easy to apply: Amistar Top is easy to apply as a spray.   Overall, Amistar Top Fungicide is a safe and effective fungicide that can help to protect crops from a variety of fungal diseases. It is a good option for growers who are looking for a way to improve crop yields and quality while reducing the need for other fungicides.   Crop   Disease   Dosage   Apple   Scab   1 ML/ lit of water   Corn   Northern corn leaf blight   1 ML/ lit of water   Grape   Powdery mildew   1 ML/ lit of water   Peach   Brown spot   1 ML/ lit of water   Soybean   Early soybean leaf spot   1 ML/ lit of water     It is important to note that these are just general guidelines, and the specific dosage and application rate may vary depending on the crop, the severity of the disease, and the environmental conditions. It is always best to consult the product label for specific instructions.   

    Rs. 529.00 - Rs. 15,053.00

  • Syngenta Folio Gold Fungicide Syngenta Folio Gold Fungicide Crops

    Syngenta Syngenta Folio Gold Fungicide

    Technical Content : Chlorothalonil +Metalaxyl-M Syngenta Folio Gold Fungicide is used primarily against diseases caused by oomycete fungi, such as downy mildew and late blights. Folio gold is used primarily against diseases caused by oomycete fungi, such as downy mildew and late blights. Its dual-action gives more effective & long-lasting control against diseases. Folio Gold improves crop health & helps in developing crop stand. Targeted on : Late Blight, Downy Mildew Dosage: Dissolve Folio Gold 1.5-2 ML/Ltr ( 300- 400 ML/Acre)

    Rs. 222.00 - Rs. 1,945.00

  • Syngenta Isabion (Amino Acids) Syngenta Isabion (Amino Acids) Crops

    Syngenta Syngenta Isabion (Amino Acids) Bio Stimulant

    Product Description Syngenta Isabion is a natural biostimulant that contains a mixture of amino acids and peptides. It is a foliar-applied product that can be used on a variety of crops, including fruit trees, vegetables, and field crops. Isabion helps to improve plant growth and development, and it can also help to increase crop yields. Technical Composition Syngenta Isabion is a suspension concentrate that contains 100 g/L of amino acids. The amino acids in Isabion are derived from natural sources, and they are a complete and balanced mixture of essential and non-essential amino acids. Mode of Action Syngenta Isabion works by stimulating the plant's natural growth processes. The amino acids in Isabion help to increase the plant's ability to absorb nutrients, and they also help to improve the plant's resistance to stress. Isabion can also help to improve the quality of the crop, and it can increase the shelf life of the produce. Features Improves plant growth and development Increases crop yields Improves the quality of the crop Increases the shelf life of the produce Helps to improve the plant's resistance to stress Is a natural product that is derived from amino acids Is safe to use on food crops Benefits Increased yields: It also helps in increasing crop yields by up to 20%. Improved quality of produce: Isabion can help to improve the quality of produce by making it more flavourful, nutritious, and visually appealing. Longer shelf life: It can help to increase the shelf life of produce by making it less susceptible to spoilage. Increased resistance to stress: Isabion can help to increase the plant's resistance to stress, such as drought, heat, and pests. Improved plant health: It results in improvement in overall health of the plant, making it more resistant to disease and pests. Reduced the need for fertilizers and pesticides: It can help to reduce the need for fertilizers and pesticides, making it a more sustainable choice for crop production.  Dosage The dosage of Syngenta Isabion will vary depending on the crop and the application method. For foliar application, the recommended dosage is 2-3 mL per liter of water. For irrigation, the recommended dosage is 1-2 L per hectare. Recommended Crops – Tomato, Cotton, Chilies, Paddy & Groundnut, Soyabean Compatibility - Compatible with sticking agents Frequency of application - During Flowering and Fruiting Manufacturing Or Marketing Company –  Syngenta India Ltd.. Mode Of Formulation – Emulsified Mobility In Plant - Systemic Application Method Direction Of Use- Foliage Spraying

    Rs. 140.75 - Rs. 1,250.00

  • Syngenta Ekalux  Insecticide Application Syngenta Ekalux  Insecticide Crops

    Syngenta Syngenta Ekalux (Quinalphos 25% EC) Insecticide

    Product Description Syngenta Ekalux insecticide is a contact and systemic insecticide that provides effective control of a wide range of insect pests. It is a neonicotinoid insecticide that works by disrupting the nervous system of insects. Technical Composition Syngenta Ekalux insecticide is a Emulsified concentrate (EC) formulation. It contains Quinalphos 25 % EC Mode of Action Syngenta Ekalux insecticide works by a combination of contact and systemic action. The Quinalphos 25 % EC component is absorbed by the plant and moves throughout the tissues, providing protection from within. Insects that feed on treated plants will be exposed to the insecticide and killed. Features Long-lasting protection: Ekalux insecticide provides long-lasting protection, keeping your crops safe for weeks or even months. Systemic action: Ekalux works both inside and outside the plant, providing comprehensive protection. Effective against a wide range of insect pests: It is effective against a wide range of insect pests, including aphids, beetles, caterpillars, leafhoppers, mealybugs, scale, spider mites, and whiteflies. Safe for use on a variety of crops: Ekalux  is safe for use on a variety of crops, including fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants. Easy to use: It is easy to use and can be applied with a variety of sprayers. Benefits Increased Yields: By shielding crops from pest damage, Ekalux ensures healthier and more abundant yields, maximizing the return on your agricultural investment. Enhanced Crop Health: Ekalux's systemic action fosters overall crop health, enhancing growth and resilience against environmental stressors. Cost-Effective: Its long-lasting residual control minimizes the frequency of applications, reducing overall operational costs. Sustainable Agriculture: Ekalux's environmentally conscious design promotes a balanced ecosystem, supporting sustainable farming practices. Dosage The recommended dosage of Syngenta Ekalux insecticide varies depending on the crop and the severity of the infestation. For most crops, the recommended dosage is 2ml per liter of water. Targeted Diseases Ekalux insecticide is effective against a wide range of insect pests that can damage crops. These pests include: Aphids Beetles Caterpillars Leafhoppers Mealybugs Scale Spider mites Whiteflies Target Crops Ekalux insecticide can be used on a variety of crops, including: Fruits Vegetables Ornamental plants Packing Available – 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 Liter Frequency of application - Depends on pest incidence or severity of disease. Compatibility - Compatible with sticking agents Frequency of application - Depends on pest incidence or severity of disease. Manufacturing Or Marketing Company – Syngenta India Ltd. Mode Of Formulation - Emulifiable Application Method Direction Of Use- Foliage Spraying

    Rs. 246.00 - Rs. 840.00

  • Syngenta Karate Insecticide Syngenta Karate Insecticide Crops

    Syngenta Syngenta Karate Insecticide

    Technical Content : Syngenta Karate Contains Lambdacyhalothrin 5% EC Karate Insecticide is a Group 3, emulsifiable concentrate contact and stomach insecticide for the control of various insects. A broad-spectrum synthetic pyrethroid insecticide for the control of biting, chewing, and sucking insect pests. Method of application: Spray Spectrum: Cotton: Bollworms, Jassids, Thrips; Rice (Paddy): Leaf folder, Stem borer, Green leafhopper, Gall Midge, Rice hispa, Thrips; Brinjal: Shoot & fruit borer; Tomato: Fruit borer; Chilli: Thrips, mite, pod borer; Onion: Thrips; Bhindi (Okra): Jassids, Shoot borer; Chickpea: Pod borer; Groundnut: Thrips, Leafhopper, Leaf miner Compatibility: Compatible with most chemicals Frequency of application: Depends on pest incidence or severity of the disease. Dosage : Dissolve 2ML of Syngenta Karate  per Lit of water for Spray (400 ML /Acre)

    Rs. 94.75 - Rs. 3,510.00

  • Syngenta Kavach Fungicide Crops Syngenta Kavach Fungicide

    Syngenta Syngenta Kavach Fungicide

    Product Description  Syngenta Kavach is a broad-spectrum contact fungicide that is highly effective against a variety of diseases in a wide range of crops. It is a multi-site inhibitor that affects various enzymes and other metabolic processes in fungi. It inhibits spore germination and is toxic to fungal cell membranes.  Active Ingredients  Azoxystrobin is a strobilurin fungicide that works by inhibiting the production of ergosterol, a compound that is essential for the growth of fungi.  Difenoconazole is a triazole fungicide that works by inhibiting the synthesis of squalene, another compound that is essential for the growth of fungi.  Mode of Action  The active ingredient in Syngenta Kavach is Chlorothalonil. It is a broad-spectrum contact fungicide that is highly effective against a variety of diseases in a wide range of crops. It is a multi-site inhibitor that affects various enzymes and other metabolic processes in fungi. It inhibits spore germination and is toxic to fungal cell membranes.  The concentration of chlorothalonil in Syngenta Kavach is 75% w/w. This means that 75% of the product is chlorothalonil, and the remaining 25% is other ingredients, such as inert fillers and dispersants.  Benefits  Broad-spectrum control: Kavach is a broad-spectrum fungicide, which means that it can control a variety of diseases. This makes it a versatile tool for protecting crops from a wide range of pests.  Effective against a variety of diseases: Kavach is effective against a variety of diseases, including:  Anthracnose  Fruit rots  Rusts  Downy mildew  Tikka disease  Early and late blight  Long-lasting protection: Syngenta Kavach provides long-lasting protection against diseases. This means that you can apply it once and be confident that your crops will be protected for some time.  Safe and easy to use: Kavach is safe and easy to use. It is a water-soluble powder that can be applied by ground or aerial application.  Cost-effective: Kavach is a cost-effective way to protect crops from diseases. It is a relatively inexpensive product, and it can be used to protect a large area.  Crop  Disease  Dosage (g/ha)  Apples  Scab  0.05-0.075  Grapes  Downy mildew  0.025-0.05  Citrus fruits  Black spot  0.05-0.075  Vegetables  Powdery mildew  0.025-0.05  Ornamentals  Anthracnose  0.05-0.075    It is important to note that these are just general guidelines, and the specific dosage and application rate may vary depending on the crop, the severity of the disease, and the environmental conditions. It is always best to consult the product label for specific instructions. 

    Rs. 440.00 - Rs. 1,785.00


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