Republic Day Offer - Pesticides

9 products

  • Bayer Sunrice Herbicide Crops Bayer Sunrice Herbicide

    Bayer Bayer Sunrice Herbicide- 50 GM

    Technical Content : Bayer's Sunrice herbicide contains Ethoxysulfuron 15% WDG Sunrice is a selective herbicide. Sunrice Herbicide Acts as post-emergence hence gives flexibility of application. Gives excellent control of difficult to control weeds like Monochoria and Scirpus. Effectively controls annual sedges like Cyperus rotundus. Sunrice Acts at very low dose being sulfonyl urea.

    Rs. 510.00 - Rs. 2,540.00

  • Sumitomo Glycel Herbicide Weeds Sumitomo Glycel Herbicide

    Sumitomo Sumitomo Glycel Herbicide

    Product Description Sumitomo Glycel is a post-emergence, broad-spectrum herbicide that is used to control a wide range of annual and perennial weeds in a variety of crops. It is formulated as a soluble liquid (SL) and is applied to the leaves of the weeds Technical Composition Sumitomo Glycel contains 41% w/w of the active ingredient glyphosate. Glyphosate is a member of the glyphosate family of herbicides. It works by inhibiting the enzyme EPSPS, which is essential for plant growth. Mode of Action Sumitomo Glycel is absorbed by the leaves of the weeds and then translocated throughout the plant. It accumulates in the chloroplasts, which are the plant's "powerhouses". Once it reaches the chloroplasts, glyphosate inhibits the enzyme EPSPS, which prevents the plant from producing essential amino acids. This leads to the death of the plant cells and the eventual death of the plant. Features Broad-spectrum: Glycel Herbicide is effective against a wide range of annual and perennial weeds, including barnyardgrass, dandelions, and thistles. Post-emergence: It Herbicide is a post-emergence herbicide, meaning that it is applied after the weeds have emerged from the soil. This makes it a good choice for controlling weeds that emerge after the crop has been planted. Long-lasting: It Herbicide has a long residual activity, meaning that it can provide control of weeds for up to 30 days after application. Easy to use: Glycel is easy to use and can be applied with a variety of sprayers. Benefits Effective weed control: Glycel is effective against a wide range of annual and perennial weeds, making it a good choice for controlling weeds in a variety of crops. Long-lasting weed control: Glycel has a long residual activity, so you can be confident that your crops will be protected from weeds for up to 30 days. Easy to use: It Herbicide is easy to use and can be applied with a variety of sprayers. Safe for crops: It Herbicide is safe for a wide range of crops, including corn, soybeans, wheat, and cotton. Environmentally friendly: It Herbicide is a non-persistent herbicide, meaning that it breaks down quickly in the environment. Targeted Weeds Glycel is used to control a wide range of annual and perennial weeds in a variety of crops. It is effective against Arundinella bengalensis, Axonopus compressus, Cynodon dactylon, Imperata cylindrical, Kalm grass, Paspalum scrobiculatum, Polygonum perfoliatum, Soghum helepense , other dicot & monocot weeds in general Target Crops Sumitomo Glycel is approved for use on a variety of crops, including corn, soybeans, wheat, and cotton. It is also approved for use on non-crop areas, such as roadsides and ditches. Frequency of application - Depends on Spread and growth of weeds in the field Compatibility - Compatible with sticking agents Manufacturing Or Marketing Company –  Sumitomo Chemical India Ltd. Mode Of Formulation – Emulsified Mobility In Plant - Systemic Application Method Direction Of Use- Foliage Spraying Dosage:The recommended dosage of Sumitomo Glycel varies depending on the crop and the weed pressure Crop Name of the weeds Dosage / ha Formulation (Litre) Tea Arundinellabengalensis Axonopuscompressus CynodondactylonImperata cylindrical Kalm grassPaspalumscrobiculatum Polygonumperfoliatum 2.0 - 3.0 Non-cropped area Soghumhelepenseother dicot &monocot weeds in general 2.0 - 3.0 Shipping Charges May Vary After the Checkout

    Rs. 493.00 - Rs. 2,464.00

  • UPL Sweep Power Herbicide - 1LT UPL Sweep Power Herbicide - 1LT Non Cropped

    UPL UPL Sweep Power Herbicide - 1LT

    Product Description  UPL sweep power is a post-emergence, non-selective herbicide that is used to control a wide range of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds in a variety of crops. It is formulated as a soluble liquid (SL) and is applied to the leaves of the weeds.  Technical Composition  Sweep Power Herbicide contains 13.5% w/w of the active ingredient glufosinate ammonium. Glufosinate ammonium is a member of the glufosinate family of herbicides. UPL sweep power works by inhibiting the enzyme glutamine synthetase, which is essential for plant growth.  Mode of Action  UPL sweep power is absorbed by the leaves of the weeds and then translocated throughout the plant. It accumulates in the chloroplasts, which are the plant's "powerhouses". Once it reaches the chloroplasts, glufosinate ammonium inhibits the enzyme glutamine synthetase, which prevents the plant from producing essential amino acids. This leads to the death of the plant cells and the eventual death of the plant.  Features  Non-selective: Sweep Power is non-selective, meaning that it will kill any plant that it comes into contact with. This makes it a good choice for controlling difficult-to-kill weeds.  Post-emergence: It Herbicide is a post-emergence herbicide, meaning that it is applied after the weeds have emerged from the soil. This makes it a good choice for controlling weeds that emerge after the crop has been planted.  Long-lasting: It Herbicide has a long residual activity, meaning that it can provide control of weeds for up to 30 days after application.  Easy to use: It Herbicide is easy to use and can be applied with a variety of sprayers.  Benefits  Effective weed control: Sweep Power is effective against a wide range of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, making it a good choice for controlling weeds in a variety of crops.  Long-lasting weed control: It Herbicide has a long residual activity, so you can be confident that your crops will be protected from weeds for up to 30 days.  Easy to use: It Herbicide is easy to use and can be applied with a variety of sprayers.  Safe for crops: It Herbicide is safe for a wide range of crops, including corn, soybeans, cotton, and sugarcane.  Environmentally friendly: It Herbicide is a non-persistent herbicide, meaning that it breaks down quickly in the environment.  Dosage  The recommended dosage of UPL sweep power varies depending on the crop and the weed pressure. For corn, the recommended dosage is 0.35-0.75 pounds per acre. For soybeans, the recommended dosage is 0.25-0.50 pounds per acre.  Targeted Weeds  Sweep power is used to control a wide range of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds in a variety of crops. In Cotton and Tea:Cynodon Dactylon, Cyperus Rotundus, Dactyloteneum Aegyptium, Digitaria Marginata.  Target Crops  UPL sweep power is approved for use on a variety of crops, including Cotton and Tea. It is also approved for use on non-crop areas, such as roadsides and ditches.  Frequency of application - Depends on Spread and growth of weeds in the field  Compatibility - Compatible with sticking agents  Manufacturing Or Marketing Company –  UPL Limited.  Mode Of Formulation – Emulsified  Mobility In Plant - Systemic  Application Method Direction Of Use- Foliage Spraying  Shipping Charges May Vary After the Checkout 

    Rs. 719.00

  • Excel Mera-71 Herbicide Excel Mera-71 Herbicide

    Excel Crop Care Excel Mera 71 Herbicide ( Glyphosate 71% Sg)

    1 review

    Excel Mera 71 is a systemic, broad-spectrum, non-selective, post-emergent, herbicide. Excel Mera 71 gives complete and speedy control of hard to kill annual and perennial weeds. Technical Content : Ammonium salt of Glyphosate 71% SG Quicker & Higher absorption. Faster kill as compared to IPA salt. Higher loading (a.i.) per liter. Better control of Broadleaf and hard to kill weeds. Better rain fastness. Cost-effective weed management. Convenient to recommend, use and handle DOSAGE - Use Mera 71, 6-7 gm/liter of water or 1 kg per acre in 150-160 liter of water per acre.

    Rs. 114.00 - Rs. 979.00

  • Swal Ferio Herbicide - 1LT Swal Ferio Herbicide - 1LT Non Cropped

    SWAL Swal Ferio Herbicide - 1LT

    Swal Ferio is a non-selective, post-emergent herbicide used for the control of perennial weeds in plantation crops. It contains Glufosinate Ammonium as an active ingredient. Ferio has got broad-spectrum efficacy that can control broad leaf and grassy weeds. Ferio is a contact herbicide, on being safe to the crop spray hood may be used to avoid spill of drift on crops. Borrelia/Fern-like hard-to-kill weeds can also be killed effectively in the crops that are planted in rows eg., cotton, chilies, vegetables, grapes, citrus, banana etc. Ferio causes no harm to soil and water.

    Rs. 759.00

  • Roundup Herbicide Roundup Herbicide

    Monsanto Bayer Roundup Herbicide (Glyphosate 41%)

    Product Description  Bayer Roundup is a post-emergence, broad-spectrum herbicide that is used to control a wide range of annual and perennial weeds in a variety of crops. It is formulated as a soluble liquid (SL) and is applied to the leaves of the weeds.  Technical Composition  Bayer Roundup Herbicide contains 41% w/w of the active ingredient glyphosate. Glyphosate is a member of the glyphosate family of herbicides. It works by inhibiting the enzyme EPSPS, which is essential for plant growth.  Mode of Action  Bayer Roundup Herbicide is absorbed by the leaves of the weeds and then translocated throughout the plant. It accumulates in the chloroplasts, which are the plant's "powerhouses". Once it reaches the chloroplasts, glyphosate inhibits the enzyme EPSPS, which prevents the plant from producing essential amino acids. This leads to the death of the plant cells and the eventual death of the plant.  Features  Broad-spectrum: It Herbicide is effective against a wide range of annual and perennial weeds, including barnyardgrass, dandelions, and thistles.  Post-emergence: Roundup Herbicide is a post-emergence herbicide, meaning that it is applied after the weeds have emerged from the soil. This makes it a good choice for controlling weeds that emerge after the crop has been planted.  Long-lasting: It Herbicide has a long residual activity, meaning that it can provide control of weeds for up to 30 days after application.  Easy to use: It Herbicide is easy to use and can be applied with a variety of sprayers.  Benefits  Effective weed control: Roundup Herbicide is effective against a wide range of annual and perennial weeds, making it a good choice for controlling weeds in a variety of crops.  Long-lasting weed control: It has a long residual activity, so you can be confident that your crops will be protected from weeds for up to 30 days.  Easy to use: It Herbicide is easy to use and can be applied with a variety of sprayers.  Safe for crops: It Herbicide is safe for a wide range of crops, including corn, soybeans, wheat, and cotton.  Environmentally friendly: It Herbicide is a non-persistent herbicide, meaning that it breaks down quickly in the environment.  Dosage  The recommended dosage of Bayer Roundup Herbicide varies depending on the crop and the weed pressure. For corn, the recommended dosage is 0.8-1.2 liter per acre. For soybeans, the recommended dosage is 0.8-1 liter per acre.  Targeted Weeds  Bayer Roundup is used to control a wide range of annual and perennial weeds in a variety of crops. It can be used for For killing all weeds (non-selective) and also can be use only when there is no standing crop  Target Crops  Bayer Roundup is approved for use on a variety of crops, including corn, soybeans, wheat, and cotton. It is also approved for use on non-crop areas, such as roadsides and ditches.  Frequency of application - Depends on Spread and growth of weeds in the field  Compatibility - Compatible with sticking agents  Manufacturing Or Marketing Company – Monsanto India  Mode Of Formulation – Emulsified  Mobility In Plant - Systemic  Application Method Direction Of Use- Foliage Spraying     Dosage: Use Roundup   Shipping Charges May Vary After the Checkout   

    Rs. 494.00 - Rs. 9,940.00

  • Adama Agil Herbicide Use Adama Agil Herbicide Crops

    Adama Adama Agil Herbicide

    Product Description Adama Agil is a selective, post-emergence herbicide that is used to control annual grasses in a wide range of crops. It is formulated as an emulsifiable concentrate (EC) and is applied to the leaves of the weeds. Technical Composition Agil Herbicide contains 10% w/w of the active ingredient propaquizafop. Propaquizafop is a member of the aryloxyphenoxy propionates (AOPP) family of herbicides. It works by inhibiting the plant enzyme acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase). ACCase is essential for the production of fatty acids, so when it is inhibited, the plant is unable to grow and eventually dies. Mode of Action Agil Herbicide is absorbed by the leaves of the weeds and then transported throughout the plant. It accumulates in the meristem, which is the growing point of the plant. Once it reaches the meristem, propaquizafop inhibits ACCase, which prevents the plant from producing fatty acids. This leads to the death of the plant. Features Selective: Agil is selective for a wide range of crops, including sugarbeet, oilseed rape, soybeans, sunflower, other field crops, vegetables, fruit trees, vineyards, and forestry. Effective: It is effective against a wide range of annual grasses, including barnyardgrass, crabgrass, foxtail, and goosegrass. Long-lasting: It has a long residual activity, so it can provide control of weeds for up to 30 days. Easy to use: Agil is easy to use and can be applied with a variety of sprayers. Benefits Increased crop yield: Agil can help to increase crop yield by controlling weeds that compete with the crop for water, nutrients, and sunlight. Reduced weed control costs: It can help to reduce weed control costs by reducing the need for manual weeding. Improved crop quality: It can help to improve crop quality by reducing the incidence of diseases and pests that are transmitted by weeds. Dosage The recommended dosage of Agil varies depending on the crop and the weed pressure. For sugarbeet, the recommended dosage is 1.0-1.5 liters per hectare. For oilseed rape, the recommended dosage is 0.75-1.0 liters per hectare. For soybeans, the recommended dosage is 1.0-1.5 liters per hectare. Targeted Weeds Agil Herbicide is used to control a wide range of annual grasses in a variety of crops. It is effective against barnyard grass, crabgrass, foxtail, and goosegrass. Target Crops Agil Herbicide is approved for use on a wide range of crops, including sugarbeet, oilseed rape, soybeans, sunflower, other field crops, vegetables, fruit trees, vineyards, and forestry. Frequency of application - Depends on Spread and growth of weeds in the field Manufacturing Or Marketing Company – ADAMA India Private Limited Mode Of Formulation - Emulifiable Mobility In Plant - Systemic Application Method Direction Of Use- Foliage Spraying

    Rs. 214.00 - Rs. 2,181.00

  • Crystal Clinton Herbicide - 1 LT - Agriplex

    Crystal Crystal Clinton Herbicide - 1 LT

    Active Ingredient : Glyphosate 41% SL Mode Of Formulation: Emulifiable Product Description Crystal Clinton herbicide is used for killing all weeds (non-selective). Use only when there is no standing crop. Effective control of weeds in the field. Recommended Crop It Is Used In Non-Cropped Area. Recommended Dosage 1-2 ml Application Method Direction of use Foliage Spraying

    Rs. 600.00

  • Crystal Topper-77 Herbicide Crystal Topper-77 Herbicide

    Crystal Crystal Topper-77 Herbicide

    Crystal Topper 77 Herbicide contains Glyphosate 71% sg and Is A Non-Selective, Systemic Herbicide Of Organo Phosphorus Group, Which Inhibits Epsp Synthesis In Weed Plant. Due To Its Non-Selective Action It Kills All Types Of Weeds Topper 77 Is Absorbed By The Weed Plants Very Rapidly And Kills The Plant From The Root With 7-12 Days After Its Application, Apart From Annual And Perennial Weeds Also Kills The Aquatic Weeds Efficiently Topper 77 Does Not Affect The Germination Of Ensuing Crops And Any Crop Can Be Grown After Its Application. Dosage :  Use Topper 77 Herbicide 1 ML / Litre of Water

    Rs. 130.00 - Rs. 850.00


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