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  • Sumitomo Glycel Herbicide Weeds Sumitomo Glycel Herbicide

    Sumitomo Sumitomo Glycel Herbicide

    Product Description Sumitomo Glycel is a post-emergence, broad-spectrum herbicide that is used to control a wide range of annual and perennial weeds in a variety of crops. It is formulated as a soluble liquid (SL) and is applied to the leaves of the weeds Technical Composition Sumitomo Glycel contains 41% w/w of the active ingredient glyphosate. Glyphosate is a member of the glyphosate family of herbicides. It works by inhibiting the enzyme EPSPS, which is essential for plant growth. Mode of Action Sumitomo Glycel is absorbed by the leaves of the weeds and then translocated throughout the plant. It accumulates in the chloroplasts, which are the plant's "powerhouses". Once it reaches the chloroplasts, glyphosate inhibits the enzyme EPSPS, which prevents the plant from producing essential amino acids. This leads to the death of the plant cells and the eventual death of the plant. Features Broad-spectrum: Glycel Herbicide is effective against a wide range of annual and perennial weeds, including barnyardgrass, dandelions, and thistles. Post-emergence: It Herbicide is a post-emergence herbicide, meaning that it is applied after the weeds have emerged from the soil. This makes it a good choice for controlling weeds that emerge after the crop has been planted. Long-lasting: It Herbicide has a long residual activity, meaning that it can provide control of weeds for up to 30 days after application. Easy to use: Glycel is easy to use and can be applied with a variety of sprayers. Benefits Effective weed control: Glycel is effective against a wide range of annual and perennial weeds, making it a good choice for controlling weeds in a variety of crops. Long-lasting weed control: Glycel has a long residual activity, so you can be confident that your crops will be protected from weeds for up to 30 days. Easy to use: It Herbicide is easy to use and can be applied with a variety of sprayers. Safe for crops: It Herbicide is safe for a wide range of crops, including corn, soybeans, wheat, and cotton. Environmentally friendly: It Herbicide is a non-persistent herbicide, meaning that it breaks down quickly in the environment. Targeted Weeds Glycel is used to control a wide range of annual and perennial weeds in a variety of crops. It is effective against Arundinella bengalensis, Axonopus compressus, Cynodon dactylon, Imperata cylindrical, Kalm grass, Paspalum scrobiculatum, Polygonum perfoliatum, Soghum helepense , other dicot & monocot weeds in general Target Crops Sumitomo Glycel is approved for use on a variety of crops, including corn, soybeans, wheat, and cotton. It is also approved for use on non-crop areas, such as roadsides and ditches. Frequency of application - Depends on Spread and growth of weeds in the field Compatibility - Compatible with sticking agents Manufacturing Or Marketing Company –  Sumitomo Chemical India Ltd. Mode Of Formulation – Emulsified Mobility In Plant - Systemic Application Method Direction Of Use- Foliage Spraying Dosage:The recommended dosage of Sumitomo Glycel varies depending on the crop and the weed pressure Crop Name of the weeds Dosage / ha Formulation (Litre) Tea Arundinellabengalensis Axonopuscompressus CynodondactylonImperata cylindrical Kalm grassPaspalumscrobiculatum Polygonumperfoliatum 2.0 - 3.0 Non-cropped area Soghumhelepenseother dicot &monocot weeds in general 2.0 - 3.0 Shipping Charges May Vary After the Checkout

    Rs. 493.00 - Rs. 2,464.00


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