Coromandel Ortain Insecticide


Mode of Action: Systemic

Product Description: Coromandel Ortain is An ideal insecticide for use on a wide range of food crops. It has prolonged effectiveness. It has moderate persistence with residual activity lasting for 10-15 days. It acts as a cholinesterase inhibitor. It works excellent against sucking and chewing pests.

Dosage: Use Coromandel Ortain 1gm/lt for foliar spray.

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Rs. 560.00

  • Prices are Inclusive of Taxes. Shipping charges will applicable as per the Order Size.


Mode of Action: Systemic

Product Description: Coromandel Ortain is An ideal insecticide for use on a wide range of food crops. It has prolonged effectiveness. It has moderate persistence with residual activity lasting for 10-15 days. It acts as a cholinesterase inhibitor. It works excellent against sucking and chewing pests.

Dosage: Use Coromandel Ortain 1gm/lt for foliar spray.


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