Chelated Micronutrients

1 product

  • BASF Librel Zn BASF Librel Zn Crops

    BASF BASF Librel Zn

    BASF Librel® Zn is a micronutrient fertilizer, which contains 14% chelated Zinc in powder form which is highly soluble in water. Librel Zn is mainly used to correct zinc deficiency in crops and as a micronutrient source in growing media. Librel Zn, an EDTA micronutrient is best and easy available form of micronutrient. Compatibility : Compatible with many crop protection chemicals. Liberal chelates give best results when crops have adequate supplies of water and major nutrients and are not under stress for any other reason. Conditions which are resonable for one particular deficiencies of other micronutrient. Always ensure that deciencies of other micronutrient. Always ensure that deficiencies are confirmed before treatment is carried out. Never exceed the recommended application rate. It is highly soluble chelated form of zinc which is an essential element for plant growth.

    Rs. 167.00 - Rs. 746.00

What are chelated micronutrients? 

Chelated micronutrients are micronutrients that are chemically bonded to an organic molecule, such as an amino acid. This bonding process, called chelation, protects the micronutrient from reacting with other compounds in the soil or water, which can make it unavailable for plant uptake. 

Why are chelated micronutrients important? 

Micronutrients are essential nutrients that plants need in small amounts to grow and thrive. However, micronutrients can be easily lost from the soil through leaching, erosion, and crop removal. Chelated micronutrients help to overcome these losses by making the micronutrients more available to plants. 

What are the best chelated micronutrients? 

The best chelated micronutrients for a particular plant will depend on the specific needs of the plant and the soil conditions. However, some of the most common and effective chelated micronutrients include: 

  • Iron (Fe): Chelated iron is essential for photosynthesis and plant growth. It is often used to treat iron deficiency chlorosis, a condition that causes yellowing of the leaves. 
  • Zinc (Zn): Chelated zinc is important for plant growth, reproduction, and disease resistance. It is often used to treat zinc deficiency, which can cause stunted growth and leaf spotting. 
  • Copper (Cu): Chelated copper is essential for plant respiration and photosynthesis. It is also important for the formation of chlorophyll and the development of fruits and seeds. 
  • Manganese (Mn): Chelated manganese is important for plant growth, photosynthesis, and reproduction. It is also involved in the formation of chlorophyll and the development of fruits and seeds. 
  • Boron (B): Chelated boron is essential for plant cell division and growth. It is also involved in the development of flowers and fruits. 
  • Molybdenum (Mo): Chelated molybdenum is essential for nitrogen fixation, a process by which plants convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that they can use. It is also involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins. 

How are chelated micronutrients applied? 

Chelated micronutrients can be applied to plants through foliar sprays, soil applications, or fertigation. Foliar sprays are applied directly to the leaves of the plant, while soil applications are applied to the soil around the plant. Fertigation is a method of applying nutrients through the irrigation system. 

The best way to apply chelated micronutrients will depend on the specific plant, the soil conditions, and the desired results. 

What are the benefits of using chelated plant nutrients? 

Chelated plant nutrients offer a number of benefits over traditional fertilizers, including: 

  • Increased availability to plants: Chelated nutrients are more readily available to plants than non-chelated nutrients, which can help to prevent nutrient deficiencies. 
  • Improved soil health: Chelated nutrients can help to improve soil health by increasing the microbial activity in the soil. 
  • Reduced environmental impact: Chelated nutrients are less likely to leach into the environment than non-chelated nutrients. 
  • More convenient to use: Chelated nutrients are often available in soluble forms that can be easily applied to plants. 

Overall, chelated plant nutrients are a valuable tool for improving plant health and productivity. 


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