Sakata Seeds Sakata Kestrel F1 Beetroot Seeds
Beetroot is easy to grow and ideal for anyone new to vegetable gardening. Beetroot is for more than pickling. For best results, sow beetroot little and often, harvesting the roots when they are young, tender and the size of a golf ball. The leaves can also be eaten. If you grow varieties for winter storage, it is possible to have beetroot almost all year round.
Rs. 1,114.00 - Rs. 10,800.00
Mahyco Mahyco Beetroot Mahy Lal Seeds - 200 GM
Mahy Lal 2 Beetroot Seeds Crispy and tasty along with good keeping quality this variety comes in the form of round uniform shape roots that is dark red in colour. Root Shape : Globular with close tail Root Colour: Deep Red Root Flesh Colour: Blood Red Root Weight:120 - 140 gm Maturity: 65 - 75 days Attractive root with less lenticel scars Easy for pulling 9000 - 10000 seeds in 200 gm packet or tin
Rs. 1,148.00
Mahyco Mahyco Beet Root Crystal Seeds
Blood red coloured attractive fruit flesh with less lenticel scars, maturity in 65 – 75 days with avg root wt of 120 – 140 gm. Root shape is globular with close tail Seed rate of Lady Fingeris about 3.5-5.5 kg seeds/ha during summer seasons and 8-10 kg seeds/ha for rainy season crop. Spacing Ridges & furrow type of layout is use. The hybrid varieties are planted at a spacing of 75 x 30 cm or 60 x 45 cm. A pre-soaking irrigation 3-4 days before sowing is beneficial. The seeds germinate in about 4-5 days.
Rs. 1,087.00
Winseed Winseed Bradly Beetroot Hybrid Seeds
Beetroots will take 55 to 75 days to grow from seed to harvest. Till the harvest, we need to care the plant by providing the water, potting mix, and neem oil.
Rs. 983.00
Mahyco Mahyco Beet Root Castelo Seeds
Mahyco Beet Root Castelo, Roots are round shaped, smooth with deep red colour. Roots get matured in 80-85 days after sowingAverage weight is 75-80 gmRoot flesh is uniform and blood red in colourRoots are very sweet in taste
Rs. 1,108.00