
Common Pests and Diseases in Indian Ginger Farming

  • , by Agriplex India
  • 3 min reading time

Ginger, a pungent and versatile spice, is a vital part of Indian cuisine. However, cultivating this flavorful treasure can be a battle against pests and diseases. Here, we explore some major threats to Indian ginger farms and how to manage them for a healthy harvest.

1 Bacterial foes:

  • Bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum): Nicknamed "prel rog," this disease causes wilting, yellowing, and stunting of plants. The bacteria live in the soil and enter through wounds.


  • Crop rotation with non-susceptible crops like turmeric or pulses.
  • Use disease-free seeds or rhizomes.
  • Soil treatment with copper fungicides before planting.
  • Once the disease is noticed in the field all beds should be drenched with Streptocycline Or Multiplex Bactinash

2. Fungal Felons:

  • Soft rot (Pythium aphanidrematum): Also known as "paheli," this fungal disease causes yellowing leaves, rotting rhizomes, and a foul odor. It thrives in waterlogged conditions.


  • Ensure proper drainage to avoid waterlogging.

  • Practice crop rotation and solarization (covering soil with plastic sheets for heat treatment).

  • Drenching the soil with Bordeaux mixture can help control the spread.

  • Dry rot (Fusarium and Pratylenchus complex): This fungal-nematode combo causes shrinking and shriveling of rhizomes, with internal discoloration.

  • Recommended products : For seed treatment or drenching - Sprint 2.5gm + Multiplex Bactinash, 0.5gm+ Ekalux 2ml per liter of water. Or Anshul Tricomax / Multiplex Nisarga 
  • Use disease-resistant ginger varieties.
  • Hot water treatment of seeds before planting.
  • Applying neem cake or bio-pesticides can help manage nematodes.

3. Spot the Spots:

  • Leaf spot/blight (Phyllostricta zingiberi): This fungal disease manifests as small, brown spots with yellow halos on leaves, reducing their photosynthetic capacity.


  • Planting ginger under partial shade can help.
  • Spraying Bordeaux mixture at regular intervals during the initial stages of the disease is effective.
  • Recommended products: Sprint, Anshul Tricomax / Multiplex Nisarga, Ekalux

FAQ: Pests and Diseases in Ginger Farming

Q: What are some signs of bacterial wilt in ginger plants?

A: Wilting, yellowing, and stunting of the plants are telltale signs.

Q: How can I prevent soft rot in my ginger crop?

A: Ensure proper drainage in your fields and practice crop rotation. Drenching the soil with Bordeaux mixture can also help control the spread of the fungus.

Q: What are some ginger varieties resistant to dry rot?

A: Consult your local agricultural department or seed suppliers for recommendations on disease-resistant ginger varieties suited for your region.

Q: What is the benefit of using neem cake in ginger farming?

A: Neem cake is a natural product with pesticidal properties that can help manage nematodes, a component of the dry rot disease complex.

Q: Can I use a fungicide to control leaf spot/blight?

A: Yes, spraying Bordeaux mixture at regular intervals during the initial stages of the disease can be effective. However, prioritize organic or bio-control methods whenever possible.


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