Syngenta Anvil Fungicide


Syngenta Anvil is a systemic fungicide with protective and curative actions. Anvil fungicide contains 5% EC Hexaconazole (Anvil 5SC).

Anvil is a cost-effective fungicide for controlling white root disease in immature rubber [Hevea brasilensis]

ಉತ್ಪನ್ನ ರೂಪ

Rs. 712.00

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Syngenta Anvil is a systemic fungicide with protective and curative actions. Anvil fungicide contains 5% EC Hexaconazole (Anvil 5SC).

Anvil is a cost-effective fungicide for controlling white root disease in immature rubber [Hevea brasilensis]

Frequently Bought with Insecticides


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