
3 ಉತ್ಪನ್ನಗಳು

  • BASF Librel TMX2 - Multi Miconutrient Mixture BASF Librel TMX2 - Multi Miconutrient Mixture Crops

    BASF BASF Librel TMX2 - Multi Miconutrient Mixture

    BASF Librel TMX2 contains mixture of highly soluble chelated form of micronutrient which are essential elements for plant growth. It is rich source of essential micronutrients like  Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn, Mo, B. Librel TMX can be broadcast and spray with other fertilizer and other crop protectants. Compatibility : Compatible with many crop protection chemicals. Liberal chelates give best results when crops have adequate supplies of water and major nutrients and are not under stress for any other reason. Conditions which are resonable for one particular deficiencies of other micronutrient. Always ensure that deciencies of other micronutrient. Always ensure that deficiencies are confirmed before treatment is carried out. Never exceed the recommended application rate. It is highly soluble chelated form of zinc which is an essential element for plant growth.

  • BASF Lihocin - Growth Regulator BASF Lihocin - Growth Regulator Crops

    BASF BASF Lihocin - Growth Regulator

    Lihocin plant growth regulator that is used to control the growth of plants. It is a chloromequat chloride compound that works by inhibiting the production of gibberellins, a plant hormone that promotes growth. Lihocin is used to reduce vegetative growth and promote flowering and fruiting. It is also used to improve the quality of produce by increasing the size and weight of fruits and vegetables.   Lihocin plant growth regulator is a safe and effective plant growth regulator that has been used for many years. It is registered for use on a variety of crops, including cotton, potatoes, brinjal, grapes, and soybeans.   How to use Lihocin:   Lihocin plant growth regulator is applied to plants as a foliar spray. The recommended application rate varies depending on the crop and the desired level of control. It is important to follow the label instructions carefully when using Lihocin.   Safety precautions:   Lihocin plant growth regulator is a relatively safe plant growth regulator, but it is important to take precautions when using it. Always wear gloves and eye protection when handling Lihocin. Avoid contact with the skin and eyes. If Lihocin comes into contact with the skin or eyes, flush the area with water immediately.   Storage:   Store Lihocin in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children and pets.   Benefits of using Lihocin:   Reduces vegetative growth and promotes flowering and fruiting   Improves the quality of produce by increasing the size and weight of fruits and vegetables   Safe and effective when used according to label instructions   The dosage of Lihocin plant growth regulator for crops varies depending on the crop and the desired level of control. The following are some general guidelines:   Cotton: Apply 2-4 fl oz of Lihocin per acre in 100-200 gallons of water. Apply at the early vegetative stage to reduce vegetative growth and promote flowering.   Potatoes: Apply 1-2 fl oz of Lihocin per acre in 100-200 gallons of water. Apply at the early flowering stage to promote fruit set and reduce the number of small potatoes.   Brinjal: Apply 2-4 fl oz of Lihocin per acre in 100-200 gallons of water. Apply at the early flowering stage to promote fruit set and reduce the number of small fruits.   Grapes: Apply 1-2 fl oz of Lihocin per acre in 100-200 gallons of water. Apply at the budbreak stage to reduce vegetative growth and promote flowering.   Soybeans: Apply 1-2 fl oz of Lihocin per acre in 100-200 gallons of water. Apply at the flowering stage to promote pod set and reduce the number of small pods.   It is important to follow the label instructions carefully when using Lihocin. The label will provide specific information on the dosage, application timing, and safety precautions for each crop.   Here are some additional things to keep in mind when using Lihocin:   Lihocin is not effective on all crops. It is important to check the label to make sure that it is registered for use on the crop you are growing.   Lihocin can be harmful to some plants, so it is important to avoid overdosing.   Lihocin can be harmful to bees, so it is important to avoid applying it during the bloom period.   Lihocin plant growth regulator is a relatively safe product, but it is important to take precautions when using it. Always wear gloves and eye protection when handling Lihocin. Avoid contact with the skin and eyes. If Lihocin comes into contact with the skin or eyes, flush the area with water immediately.   Store Lihocin in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children and pets.   If you are considering using Lihocin, please consult with your local agricultural extension agent or a certified crop advisor to determine if it is the right plant growth regulator for your needs.   Overall, Lihocin plant growth regulator is a safe and effective plant growth regulator that can be used to improve the yield and quality of crops. However, it is important to use it according to the label instructions to avoid any potential risks.  

  • BASF Librel Zn BASF Librel Zn Crops

    BASF BASF Librel Zn

    BASF Librel® Zn is a micronutrient fertilizer, which contains 14% chelated Zinc in powder form which is highly soluble in water. Librel Zn is mainly used to correct zinc deficiency in crops and as a micronutrient source in growing media. Librel Zn, an EDTA micronutrient is best and easy available form of micronutrient. Compatibility : Compatible with many crop protection chemicals. Liberal chelates give best results when crops have adequate supplies of water and major nutrients and are not under stress for any other reason. Conditions which are resonable for one particular deficiencies of other micronutrient. Always ensure that deciencies of other micronutrient. Always ensure that deficiencies are confirmed before treatment is carried out. Never exceed the recommended application rate. It is highly soluble chelated form of zinc which is an essential element for plant growth.

Agricultural Fertilizers

Fertilizers are products used to enhance plant growth and improve crop yield. They provide essential nutrients to plants, which are often deficient in the soil. Fertilizers are typically classified based on their composition, including macronutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as micronutrients such as calcium, magnesium, and sulfur.


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