Active Ingredients
Azospirillum spp. (Min 1 X 108 CFU/ml) and Metabolites of Selective Micro Algae Species.
Mode of Action
- Multiplex Alga-rythm is a Bio revolutionary product which plays a vital role as plant growth promoter. On application it produces an array of organic compounds that are important sources of carbon which helps in root growth thereby more absorption of essential nutrients by the plants. It accelerates the translocation of nutrients from vegetative part to reproductive part. Initiates the synthesis of hormones, proteins, enzymes, amino acids there by inducing vigorous plant growth, flowering and increases fruit setting.
Target Crops
Dosage & Methods of Application
- Mix 3 ml of Multiplex Algarythum in one litre of water and spray on both the surfaces of the leaves.
- We recommend two applications.
- First spray 20 to 25 days after sowing and Second spray 15 days after first spray.
- For better results mix Multiplex Maxiwet at one ml or Multiplex Nagastha-180 at 0.3 ml per litre of prepared spray solution. .
- Do not Mix with copper-based products and Antibiotics