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  • PAN 1911 Hybrid Bitter Gourd (Dark Green) Seeds - 10 GM (Pack of 2) - Agriplex PAN 1911 Hybrid Bitter Gourd (Dark Green) Seeds - 10 GM (Pack of 2) - Agriplex

    PAN PAN 1911 Hybrid Bitter Gourd (Dark Green) Seeds - 10 GM (Pack of 2)

    PAN 1911 Hybrid Bitter Gourd seeds are a great option for gardeners who want to produce high-quality bitter gourds quickly and efficiently. It is a high-quality hybrid bitter gourd seed variety known for its fast growth and desirable traits.  Key Features:  Early Maturing: Ready to harvest in just 50-55 days (about 2 months) after sowing, allowing for a quicker turnaround and potentially more harvests per season.  Large & Dark Green Gourds: Produces gourds that are a deep green color and grow to a size of 20-25 centimeters (about 9.84 in) long.  Excellent Spines: The gourds have good prickles, which can be a deterrent to pests.  Long Shelf Life: The PAN 1911 bitter gourd boasts excellent keeping quality, meaning it stays fresh longer after harvest.  Benefits:  Increased Yield: The fast maturation time allows for more harvests throughout the growing season.  Visually Appealing Gourds: The large size and dark green color make them attractive for both home cooks and commercial growers.  Reduced Pest Issues: The presence of spines can help deter pests from damaging the gourds.  Less Waste: The long shelf life minimizes spoilage and waste.    Land Preparation:      Choose a Sunny Location: Select a sunny location with well-drained soil. Gourds won't tolerate soggy conditions, so avoid planting them in areas that tend to flood or have poor drainage.  Prepare the Soil: The ideal soil for gourds is fertile, well-drained, and loamy or sandy. A soil pH between 6.0 and 7.0 is preferred.  Amend the Soil (optional): If your soil is not fertile or well-drained, you can amend it before planting. Here's how: Add organic matter: Apply decomposed manure or compost to the planting area at a rate of 10-12 tons per hectare. You can also add aged manure to the planting holes.  Improve drainage: If your soil is heavy clay, you can improve drainage by adding sand or other organic matter. Raised beds are another option for improving drainage in poorly drained soils.  Tilling and Weeding: Begin preparing the land 3-4 weeks before planting. Till the soil to a fine tilth, which is a loose, crumbly condition that is easy for plant roots to penetrate. Remove any weeds or debris from the planting area.   Sowing     Sowing Time:  Sowing PAN 1911 Hybrid Bitter Gourd prefers warm weather. Aim for planting in the spring or summer months after the danger of frost has passed.  Some regions may have a second planting window during the rainy season.  Seed Selection:  Choose high-quality PAN 1911 Hybrid Bitter Gourd seeds from a reputable source. Consider factors like variety, maturity time, and disease resistance.  Direct Sowing vs. Transplanting:  Some gourds, like bottle gourds and luffa, thrive with direct sowing in prepared planting holes.  Other varieties, like sponge gourds, may benefit from starting PAN 1911 Hybrid Bitter Gourd seedlings indoors in pots before transplanting outdoors.  Planting Depth:  Follow the recommended planting depth for your specific gourd variety. It's usually around 1-2 inches deep.  Seed Spacing:  Each planting hole should hold the recommended number of PAN 1911 Hybrid Bitter Gourd seeds for your chosen gourd variety. Thin seedlings later if necessary to maintain proper spacing for mature plants.  Watering:  Water the planting area thoroughly after sowing PAN 1911 Hybrid Bitter Gourd seedlings to ensure good seed-to-soil contact and promote germination.    Transplanting:      Timing is Crucial: Transplant PAN 1911 Hybrid Bitter Gourd seedlings when they have developed 4-5 true leaves, typically around 2-3 weeks after sowing.  Harden Them Up: Before transplanting, harden off your seedlings for a week or two. Gradually expose them to increased sunlight, wind, and cooler temperatures to mimic outdoor conditions. This reduces transplant shock.  Prepare the Planting Area: Ensure the chosen location has well-drained, fertile soil amended with compost or manure if needed. Space the planting holes according to your specific PAN 1911 Hybrid Bitter Gourd variety.  Dig Carefully: When removing seedlings from their pots or trays, gently loosen the soil and lift the entire root ball to minimize root damage.  Plant at the Right Depth: Dig a hole deep enough to accommodate the seedling's root ball. Plant the seedling so the lowest true leaves are slightly above the soil surface.  Water Well: Water the newly transplanted PAN 1911 Hybrid Bitter Gourd seedlings thoroughly to settle the soil around the roots and eliminate air pockets.  Continuing Care: Provide regular watering during the initial establishment period, especially during hot or dry weather. Monitor for signs of transplant shock, such as wilti0ng, and provide shade if necessary.  Harvesting Gourds     Look for Signs: Generally, gourds are ready for harvest when the stem begins to brown and dry out. The skin may also change color, becoming dull or developing a yellowish tinge for some varieties.  Tenderness Test (for culinary gourds): For gourds consumed fresh, gently press the skin with your thumb. If it yields slightly, it's ready for picking. A hard, unyielding skin indicates it needs more time.  Sharp is Best: Use sharp pruners or shears to cut the gourd from the vine. Leave a short stem attached (about 1-2 inches) to help prevent rot during storage.  Timing is Key: For continuous harvest, pick gourds regularly at the recommended stage. This encourages the plant to produce more fruits. Leaving gourds on the vine for too long can hinder further production.  Avoid Frost: Don't wait for frost to harvest your gourds. Frost can damage the fruits and shorten their storage life.  Drying Gourds: If you're harvesting gourds for crafting purposes, allow them to dry completely on the vine before picking. This can take several weeks. Signs of dryness include a completely brown and papery stem and a lightweight feel to the gourd.  Ripening: If your melons are slightly underripe, you can try to ripen them at room temperature for a day or two. However, don't expect them to ripen significantly if they're picked too early. 

  • PAN 3682 Spl Hybrid Tomato Seeds (Deep Red, Round) - 10 GM - Agriplex PAN 3682 Spl Hybrid Tomato Seeds (Deep Red, Round) - 10 GM - Agriplex

    PAN PAN 3682 Spl Hybrid Tomato Seeds (Deep Red, Round) - 10 GM

    FITO PAN 3682 Spl Hybrid Tomato Seeds are exceptional seeds that boast high yields of deep red, round tomatoes, perfect for salads, sandwiches, and sauces. Packed with desirable features, they'll make any gardener smile  Benefits:  Unmatched Yield: Experience an explosion of tomatoes! PAN 3682 Spl plants produce abundant clusters of 90-100 gram fruits, ensuring a bountiful harvest throughout the season.  Durable Delight: Forget about mushy tomatoes! These beauties boast extra-firm skin, making them ideal for transportation and storage. Enjoy fresh-picked flavor even days later.  Semi-determinate Growth: Enjoy flexibility in your garden. These medium-vine plants are perfect for staking or letting trail, adapting to various garden setups.  Quick to Please: Harvest your first juicy treasures in just 55-60 days after transplanting. Get a head start on summer salads and savor homegrown goodness sooner.  Disease Resistant: Breathe easy knowing your plants are protected. PAN 3682 Spl offers resistance to common tomato diseases, maximizing your success and harvest.  Key Features:  For optimal results, follow the recommended planting instructions and provide your tomato seedlings with well-drained soil, plenty of sunlight, and regular watering.  Consider using companion planting techniques to deter pests and attract beneficial insects.  Pinch off suckers for a bushier plant and potentially higher yields.      Land Preparation:     Tomatoes need well-drained, fertile soil with a neutral pH (6.5-7.5).  Test your soil and adjust pH with lime or sulfur if needed.  Add organic matter like compost for better fertility and drainage.  Deep till (10-12 inches) to loosen the soil for root growth, use a rototiller or spade.  Create furrows 1-2 inches deep, spaced 2-4 feet apart for row planting.  Water the area thoroughly a few days before planting.  Lightly rake the soil surface for a smooth planting bed.  Add balanced fertilizer as per package instructions.  Use black plastic mulch to warm the soil and suppress weeds.  For raised beds, ensure they are at least 12 inches deep with a well-draining soil mix.     Sowing    Fill your seedling trays or pots with excellent quality seedling compost.  Aim for spacing of FITO PAN 3682 Spl Hybrid Tomato Seeds are about 2-3 cm (about 1.18 in) apart & lightly cover the seeds with a thin layer of compost. This should be about 0.5 cm (about 0.2 in) thick.   Cover the FITO PAN 3682 Spl Hybrid Tomato seedlings with transparent plastic wrap or a humidity dome to maintain moisture.  When the FITO PAN 3682 Spl Hybrid Tomato seedlings have emerged and developed their first true leaves, it is time to thin them out. This means removing weaker seedlings to give the stronger ones more space to grow. Use scissors to snip off the weaker seedlings at the base.  Continue to care for your tomato seedlings until they are ready to be transplanted outdoors. This will be around 6-8 weeks (about 2 months) after sowing, depending on the variety and your climate.     Transplanting:     Dig planting holes: Dig holes slightly deeper and wider than the containers your seedlings are currently in. Space the holes according to the recommended spacing for FITO PAN 3682 Spl Hybrid Tomato Seeds variety, usually 18-24 inches apart.  Removing seedlings: Gently remove the seedlings from their containers. Use a spoon or trowel to loosen the soil around the roots if necessary.  Planting: Carefully place each seedling in a prepared hole, burying it slightly deeper than it was in its container. This encourages strong root development.  Watering: Water each seedling deeply immediately after planting. Continue to water regularly, especially during dry periods.  Mulching: Apply a layer of organic mulch, such as straw or wood chips, around the base of your plants. This helps retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.  Varieties:  Determinate tomatoes: These compact plants typically grow 3-5 feet tall and can be spaced closer together than indeterminate varieties. Aim for 2-3 feet apart within rows and 3-4 feet between rows.  Indeterminate tomatoes: These vining plants can grow 6-12 feet tall and require more space to sprawl. Space them 3-4 feet apart within rows and 4-5 feet between rows.  Cherry tomatoes: These small-fruited plants can be planted closer together than larger-fruited tomatoes. Aim for 18-24 inches apart within rows and 3-4 feet between rows.    Harvesting:    Ripeness: Harvest FITO PAN 3682 Spl Hybrid Tomatoes when they are fully colored and slightly soft to the touch. Avoid picking green tomatoes, as they will not ripen properly.  Timing: Harvest FITO PAN 3682 Spl Hybrid Tomatoes in the cool morning hours to avoid sun damage.  Methods: Use sharp pruning shears or a knife to remove the tomatoes from the vine. Leave a small stem attached to help prevent rot.  Frequency: Pick tomatoes regularly to encourage further fruit production.  Storage:    Light: Keep FITO PAN 3682 Spl Hybrid Tomatoes out of direct sunlight, avoid storing them in the refrigerator.  Store FITO PAN 3682 Spl Hybrid Tomatoes at room temperature (60-70°F) for the best flavor.  Duration: Ripe tomatoes can be stored at room temperature for 3-5 days. If you have a surplus, you can extend their shelf life by storing them in the refrigerator for up to a week.  Green tomatoes: If you have a late frost and your Tomato are still green, you can harvest them and ripen them indoors. Place them in a paper bag at room temperature out of direct sunlight. Check them regularly and remove any that are soft or rotten. Green tomatoes will typically ripen within 1-2 weeks.     

  • PAN 1402 F1 Hybrid Chilli Seeds - 10 GM - Agriplex PAN 1402 F1 Hybrid Chilli Seeds - 10 GM - Agriplex

    PAN PAN 1402 F1 Hybrid Chilli Seeds - 10 GM

    PAN 1402 F1 Hybrid Chilli seeds are a popular choice for both home gardeners and farmers looking for a high-yielding, disease-resistant variety.  Key Features:  Sowing time: September-February  Duration: 40-45 days  Fruit length: 6-7 cm  Fruit diameter: 1-1.2 cm  Pungency: High  Seed rate: 100 g/acre  Special features: LCV tolerance, high pungency, suitable for both green and dry use, easy harvesting  Benefits:  High yields: You can expect to harvest a large amount of chillies from a single plant.  Disease resistance: These chillies are resistant to many common diseases, such as leaf spot and wilt.  Adaptability: They can be grown in a variety of climates and soil types.  Versatility: You can use them fresh, dried, or powdered in a variety of dishes.  Easy to grow: Even beginner gardeners can successfully grow PAN 1402 F1 Hybrid Chilli seeds.      Land Preparation:     Number of ploughings: 2-3 ploughings are generally recommended to achieve a fine tilth.    Depth of ploughing: The first ploughing should be deep (18-20 cm) to break the hardpan and improve drainage. Subsequent ploughings can be shallower (10-12 cm).    Timing: Ploughing is best done during the summer months (April-May) to allow the soil to dry and aerate.    Moisture content: Ideally, the soil should have moderate moisture content during ploughing. Avoid ploughing when the soil is too wet or dry.    After ploughing, remove all weeds, stones, and other debris from the field. This will prevent competition for resources and facilitate smooth land leveling.    Incorporate well-decomposed farmyard manure (FYM) or compost at 15-20 tons per acre at the time of final ploughing. This improves soil fertility, water holding capacity, and soil structure.    Incorporate well-decomposed farmyard manure (FYM) or compost at 15-20 tons per acre at the time of final ploughing. This improves soil fertility, water holding capacity, and soil structure.    Apply a basal dose of fertilizers based on soil test recommendations. A general recommendation is 40 kg nitrogen, 60 kg phosphorus, and 40 kg potassium per acre.     Sowing    Sow of PAN 1402 F1 Hybrid  Chilli seeds in a well-drained seedbed with fertile soil.    Sow seeds thinly, about 2-3 cm apart.    Cover the seeds lightly with soil.    Water the seedbed regularly and keep it moist.    PAN 1402 F1 Hybrid  Chilli Seedlings should emerge in 7-10 days.     Transplanting:     Transplant Chilli seedlings to the field when they are 4-5 weeks old and have 4-5 true leaves.    Harden off seedlings for a week before transplanting by gradually exposing them to outdoor conditions.    Prepare the field by tilling, levelling, and making planting holes.    Space the plants 45-60 cm apart in rows that are 60-75 cm apart.    Make sure the roots are not bent when planting.    Water the plants thoroughly after transplanting.     Harvesting:    Chillies are ready for harvest when they reach full color and size.    Ripe PAN 1402 F1 Hybrid  Chilli    Use sharp scissors or pruners to harvest the chillies.    Cut the stem about 1 cm above the fruit.    Harvest chillies regularly, as this will encourage further fruiting.    Storage:    Fresh PAN 1402 F1 Hybrid  Chilli can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.    PAN 1402 F1 Hybrid  Chilli stored in refrigerator    Wash chillies gently before storing them.    Place PAN 1402 F1 Hybrid  Chillis in a plastic bag and remove as much air as possible.    Alternatively, chillies can be dried or frozen for longer storage.    Drying of PAN 1402 F1 Hybrid  Chilli:    Wash chillies and remove stems.    Slice chillies into thin strips or leave them whole.    Spread chillies on a clean drying rack or on trays in a well-ventilated area.    Drying chillies    Turn chillies regularly to ensure even drying.    Chillies are dry when they are brittle and break easily.   

  • PAN Bottle Gourd 16000 Seeds - 10 GM (Pack of 2) - Agriplex PAN Bottle Gourd 16000 Seeds - 10 GM (Pack of 2) - Agriplex

    PAN PAN Bottle Gourd 16000 Seeds - 10 GM (Pack of 2)

    PAN Bottle Gourd is a great choice for gardeners looking for a reliable, high-yielding, and delicious bottle gourd variety. It is a variety of bottle gourd known for its excellent yield, good taste, and disease resistance.  Key Features & Benefits: High Yield: PAN Bottle Gourd is a prolific yielder, producing a large amount of fruit per plant Dark Green Color with Spots: The gourds have a visually appealing dark green skin with lighter spots Good Keeping Quality: The fruits can be stored for longer periods compared to other bottle gourd varieties  Suitable for Warm Weather: This variety thrives in warm climates and can be sown throughout the year  Disease Tolerance: PAN Bottle Gourd shows good resistance to common diseases that can affect bottle gourds  Healthy Greens: The plant also produces healthy green foliage leaves    Land Preparation:      Choose a Sunny Location: Select a sunny location with well-drained soil. Gourds won't tolerate soggy conditions, so avoid planting them in areas that tend to flood or have poor drainage.  Prepare the Soil: The ideal soil for gourds is fertile, well-drained, and loamy or sandy. A soil pH between 6.0 and 7.0 is preferred.  Amend the Soil (optional): If your soil is not fertile or well-drained, you can amend it before planting. Here's how: Add organic matter: Apply decomposed manure or compost to the planting area at a rate of 10-12 tons per hectare. You can also add aged manure to the planting holes.  Improve drainage: If your soil is heavy clay, you can improve drainage by adding sand or other organic matter. Raised beds are another option for improving drainage in poorly drained soils.  Tilling and Weeding: Begin preparing the land 3-4 weeks before planting. Till the soil to a fine tilth, which is a loose, crumbly condition that is easy for plant roots to penetrate. Remove any weeds or debris from the planting area.   Sowing     Sowing Time:  Sowing PAN Bottle Gourdprefers warm weather. Aim for planting in the spring or summer months after the danger of frost has passed.  Some regions may have a second planting window during the rainy season.  Seed Selection:  Choose high-quality PAN Bottle Gourdseeds from a reputable source. Consider factors like variety, maturity time, and disease resistance.  Direct Sowing vs. Transplanting:  Some gourds, like bottle gourds and luffa, thrive with direct sowing in prepared planting holes.  Other varieties, like sponge gourds, may benefit from starting PAN Bottle Gourdseedlings indoors in pots before transplanting outdoors.  Planting Depth:  Follow the recommended planting depth for your specific gourd variety. It's usually around 1-2 inches deep.  Seed Spacing:  Each planting hole should hold the recommended number of PAN Bottle Gourd seeds for your chosen gourd variety. Thin seedlings later if necessary to maintain proper spacing for mature plants.  Watering:  Water the planting area thoroughly after sowing PAN Bottle Gourdseedlings to ensure good seed-to-soil contact and promote germination.   Transplanting:      Timing is Crucial: Transplant PAN Bottle Gourdseedlings when they have developed 4-5 true leaves, typically around 2-3 weeks after sowing.  Harden Them Up: Before transplanting, harden off your seedlings for a week or two. Gradually expose them to increased sunlight, wind, and cooler temperatures to mimic outdoor conditions. This reduces transplant shock.  Prepare the Planting Area: Ensure the chosen location has well-drained, fertile soil amended with compost or manure if needed. Space the planting holes according to your specific PAN Bottle Gourdvariety.  Dig Carefully: When removing seedlings from their pots or trays, gently loosen the soil and lift the entire root ball to minimize root damage.  Plant at the Right Depth: Dig a hole deep enough to accommodate the seedling's root ball. Plant the seedling so the lowest true leaves are slightly above the soil surface.  Water Well: Water the newly transplanted PAN Bottle Gourdseedlings thoroughly to settle the soil around the roots and eliminate air pockets.  Continuing Care: Provide regular watering during the initial establishment period, especially during hot or dry weather. Monitor for signs of transplant shock, such as wilti0ng, and provide shade if necessary.  Harvesting Gourds     Look for Signs: Generally, gourds are ready for harvest when the stem begins to brown and dry out. The skin may also change color, becoming dull or developing a yellowish tinge for some varieties.  Tenderness Test (for culinary gourds): For gourds consumed fresh, gently press the skin with your thumb. If it yields slightly, it's ready for picking. A hard, unyielding skin indicates it needs more time.  Sharp is Best: Use sharp pruners or shears to cut the gourd from the vine. Leave a short stem attached (about 1-2 inches) to help prevent rot during storage.  Timing is Key: For continuous harvest, pick gourds regularly at the recommended stage. This encourages the plant to produce more fruits. Leaving gourds on the vine for too long can hinder further production.  Avoid Frost: Don't wait for frost to harvest your gourds. Frost can damage the fruits and shorten their storage life.  Drying Gourds: If you're harvesting gourds for crafting purposes, allow them to dry completely on the vine before picking. This can take several weeks. Signs of dryness include a completely brown and papery stem and a lightweight feel to the gourd.  Ripening: If your melons are slightly underripe, you can try to ripen them at room temperature for a day or two. However, don't expect them to ripen significantly if they're picked too early. 

  • PAN Pluto Hybrid Cabbage Seeds (Dark Green, Round) - 10 GM - Agriplex PAN Pluto Hybrid Cabbage Seeds (Dark Green, Round) - 10 GM - Agriplex

    PAN PAN Pluto Hybrid Cabbage Seeds (Dark Green, Round) - 10 GM

    Pan Pluto Hybrid Cabbage Seeds SOWING TIME: September-December DURATION: Ready in 55-60 days after transplantation WEIGHT: 1.5-2 Kg (Depending on farmer) SHAPE: It is completely round headed & very compact COLOUR: Dark Green SEED RATE: 0.12-0.13kg/acre SPECIAL FEATURES: There is no problem for sowing in December as this variety forms good head when harvested in March.

  • PAN 1983 Hybrid Bitter Gourd Seeds (Dark Green) - 10 GM (Pack of 2) - Agriplex PAN 1983 Hybrid Bitter Gourd Seeds (Dark Green) - 10 GM (Pack of 2) - Agriplex

    PAN PAN 1983 Hybrid Bitter Gourd Seeds (Dark Green) - 10 GM (Pack of 2)

    PAN 1983 Hybrid Bitter Gourd seeds are a high-yielding variety of hybrid bitter gourd seeds, ideal for home gardeners. These seeds produce dark green, cylindrical gourds measuring 12-15 cm (about 5.91 in) long and 4-5 cm (about 1.97 in) wide. The mature gourds typically weigh between 100-150 grams (about 5.29 oz) and are ready to harvest in just 50-60 days (about 2 months) after sowing.   Key Features   High Yielding: PAN 1983 seeds produce a bountiful harvest of bitter gourds.  Fast Maturing: Enjoy homegrown bitter gourds in just 50-60 days (about 2 months) after planting.  Attractive Appearance: The gourds have a uniform size and shape with a good spine pattern and a deep green color.  Year-Round Sowing: You can plant PAN 1983 seeds any time of year.  Benefits:  Grow your own fresh, delicious bitter gourds for culinary use.  Enjoy a prolific harvest throughout the year.  The attractive gourds can add visual interest to your garden.    Land Preparation:      Choose a Sunny Location: Select a sunny location with well-drained soil. Gourds won't tolerate soggy conditions, so avoid planting them in areas that tend to flood or have poor drainage.  Prepare the Soil: The ideal soil for gourds is fertile, well-drained, and loamy or sandy. A soil pH between 6.0 and 7.0 is preferred.  Amend the Soil (optional): If your soil is not fertile or well-drained, you can amend it before planting. Here's how: Add organic matter: Apply decomposed manure or compost to the planting area at a rate of 10-12 tons per hectare. You can also add aged manure to the planting holes.  Improve drainage: If your soil is heavy clay, you can improve drainage by adding sand or other organic matter. Raised beds are another option for improving drainage in poorly drained soils.  Tilling and Weeding: Begin preparing the land 3-4 weeks before planting. Till the soil to a fine tilth, which is a loose, crumbly condition that is easy for plant roots to penetrate. Remove any weeds or debris from the planting area.   Sowing     Sowing Time:  Sowing PAN 1983 Hybrid Bitter Gourd prefers warm weather. Aim for planting in the spring or summer months after the danger of frost has passed.  Some regions may have a second planting window during the rainy season.  Seed Selection:  Choose high-quality PAN 1983 Hybrid Bitter Gourd seeds from a reputable source. Consider factors like variety, maturity time, and disease resistance.  Direct Sowing vs. Transplanting:  Some gourds, like bottle gourds and luffa, thrive with direct sowing in prepared planting holes.  Other varieties, like sponge gourds, may benefit from starting PAN 1983 Hybrid Bitter Gourd seedlings indoors in pots before transplanting outdoors.  Planting Depth:  Follow the recommended planting depth for your specific gourd variety. It's usually around 1-2 inches deep.  Seed Spacing:  Each planting hole should hold the recommended number of PAN 1983 Hybrid Bitter Gourd seeds for your chosen gourd variety. Thin seedlings later if necessary to maintain proper spacing for mature plants.  Watering:  Water the planting area thoroughly after sowing PAN 1983 Hybrid Bitter Gourd seedlings to ensure good seed-to-soil contact and promote germination.   Transplanting:      Timing is Crucial: Transplant PAN 1983 Hybrid Bitter Gourd seedlings when they have developed 4-5 true leaves, typically around 2-3 weeks after sowing.  Harden Them Up: Before transplanting, harden off your seedlings for a week or two. Gradually expose them to increased sunlight, wind, and cooler temperatures to mimic outdoor conditions. This reduces transplant shock.  Prepare the Planting Area: Ensure the chosen location has well-drained, fertile soil amended with compost or manure if needed. Space the planting holes according to your specific PAN 1983 Hybrid Bitter Gourd variety.  Dig Carefully: When removing seedlings from their pots or trays, gently loosen the soil and lift the entire root ball to minimize root damage.  Plant at the Right Depth: Dig a hole deep enough to accommodate the seedling's root ball. Plant the seedling so the lowest true leaves are slightly above the soil surface.  Water Well: Water the newly transplanted PAN 1983 Hybrid Bitter Gourd seedlings thoroughly to settle the soil around the roots and eliminate air pockets.  Continuing Care: Provide regular watering during the initial establishment period, especially during hot or dry weather. Monitor for signs of transplant shock, such as wilti0ng, and provide shade if necessary.  Harvesting Gourds     Look for Signs: Generally, gourds are ready for harvest when the stem begins to brown and dry out. The skin may also change color, becoming dull or developing a yellowish tinge for some varieties.  Tenderness Test (for culinary gourds): For gourds consumed fresh, gently press the skin with your thumb. If it yields slightly, it's ready for picking. A hard, unyielding skin indicates it needs more time.  Sharp is Best: Use sharp pruners or shears to cut the gourd from the vine. Leave a short stem attached (about 1-2 inches) to help prevent rot during storage.  Timing is Key: For continuous harvest, pick gourds regularly at the recommended stage. This encourages the plant to produce more fruits. Leaving gourds on the vine for too long can hinder further production.  Avoid Frost: Don't wait for frost to harvest your gourds. Frost can damage the fruits and shorten their storage life.  Drying Gourds: If you're harvesting gourds for crafting purposes, allow them to dry completely on the vine before picking. This can take several weeks. Signs of dryness include a completely brown and papery stem and a lightweight feel to the gourd.  Ripening: If your melons are slightly underripe, you can try to ripen them at room temperature for a day or two. However, don't expect them to ripen significantly if they're picked too early. 

  • PAN 1182 Moon Cabbage (Green, Round) Seeds - 10 GM - Agriplex PAN 1182 Moon Cabbage (Green, Round) Seeds - 10 GM - Agriplex

    PAN PAN 1182 Moon Cabbage (Green, Round) Seeds - 10 GM

    SOWING TIME: August to December DURATION: Ready in 70-75 days after transplantation WEIGHT: 1.5-2.5 Kgs SHAPE: Round in shape. COLOUR: Green SEED RATE: 0.12-0.13kg/acre SPECIAL FEATURES: It has thick leaves & it is good for transportation.

  • PAN 3003 Hybrid Cauliflower (Dome Shape) Seeds - 10 GM - Agriplex PAN 3003 Hybrid Cauliflower (Dome Shape) Seeds - 10 GM - Agriplex

    PAN PAN 3003 Hybrid Cauliflower (Dome Shape) Seeds - 10 GM

    SOWING TIME: August-September. DURATION: Ready in 50-55 days after transplantation. TEMPERATURE: Planting in 20C -30C. Curd initiation starts when temp falls below 20C CURD SIZE: 700gms-1kg. SHAPE: Dome shape. SEED RATE: 0.12-0.13kg/acre. SPECIAL FEATURES: Has fair amount of cold tolerance & very good adaptability. Very good uniformity.

  • PAN 1181 Hybrid Cabbage (Dark Green, Round) Seeds - 10 GM - Agriplex PAN 1181 Hybrid Cabbage (Dark Green, Round) Seeds  - 10 GM

    PAN PAN 1181 Hybrid Cabbage (Dark Green, Round) Seeds - 10 GM

    SOWING TIME: September-November DURATION: Ready in 50 days after transplantation WEIGHT: 800 gms to 1 kg SHAPE: It is completely round & extremely compact COLOUR: Dark Green SEED RATE: 0.12-0.13kg/acre SPECIAL FEATURES: Plant don't have to spread habit, So suitable for close spacing.15day FHA&suitable for transportation

  • PAN 1263 Hybrid Tomato Seeds (Dark Red, Oval) - 10 GM - Agriplex PAN 1263 Hybrid Tomato Seeds (Dark Red, Oval) - 10 GM - Agriplex

    PAN PAN 1263 Hybrid Tomato Seeds (Dark Red, Oval) - 10 GM

    PAN 1263 Hybrid Tomato Seeds are exceptional seeds that produce mouthwatering, dark red, oval tomatoes perfect for salads, sandwiches, sauces, and fresh eating.  Benefits:  High Yield: Get ready for an abundance of juicy, flavorful tomatoes! PAN 1263 boasts an extremely high yielding potential, with each plant producing fruit weighing 90-100 grams.  Disease Resistance: Say goodbye to worries about common tomato diseases! These seeds are tolerant to both TYLCV (Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus) and BW (Bacterial Wilt), ensuring a healthier, more successful crop.  Long Shelf Life: Enjoy your harvest for longer! PAN 1263 tomatoes have a firm, compact quality and thick skin, making them ideal for transportation and storage.  Fast Maturing: Start savoring your homegrown tomatoes sooner! These seeds boast a rapid growth rate, with the first harvest ready just 55-65 days after transplantation.  Adaptable Growth: PAN 1263 thrives in a semi-determinate growth habit, making it suitable for both in-ground planting and containers.  Additional benefits:  Ideal for sowing from June to October.  Requires 0.6Kg of seeds per acre for optimal yield.  Offers versatility for various culinary uses.  Grow your confidence and your tomato bounty with PAN 1263 Hybrid Tomato Seeds! Order yours today and experience the joy of harvesting delicious, homegrown tomatoes.  Key Features:  For optimal results, follow the recommended planting instructions and provide your Emerald seedlings with well-drained soil, plenty of sunlight, and regular watering.  Consider using companion planting techniques to deter pests and attract beneficial insects.  Pinch off suckers for a bushier plant and potentially higher yields.      Land Preparation:     Tomatoes need well-drained, fertile soil with a neutral pH (6.5-7.5).  Test your soil and adjust pH with lime or sulfur if needed.  Add organic matter like compost for better fertility and drainage.  Deep till (10-12 inches) to loosen the soil for root growth, use a rototiller or spade.  Create furrows 1-2 inches deep, spaced 2-4 feet apart for row planting.  Water the area thoroughly a few days before planting.  Lightly rake the soil surface for a smooth planting bed.  Add balanced fertilizer as per package instructions.  Use black plastic mulch to warm the soil and suppress weeds.  For raised beds, ensure they are at least 12 inches deep with a well-draining soil mix.     Sowing    Fill your seedling trays or pots with excellent quality seedling compost.  Aim for spacing of PAN 1263 Hybrid Tomato Seeds are about 2-3 cm (about 1.18 in) apart & lightly cover the seeds with a thin layer of compost. This should be about 0.5 cm (about 0.2 in) thick.   Cover the PAN 1263 Hybrid Tomato seedlings with transparent plastic wrap or a humidity dome to maintain moisture.  When the PAN 1263 Hybrid Tomato seedlings have emerged and developed their first true leaves, it is time to thin them out. This means removing weaker seedlings to give the stronger ones more space to grow. Use scissors to snip off the weaker seedlings at the base.  Continue to care for your tomato seedlings until they are ready to be transplanted outdoors. This will be around 6-8 weeks (about 2 months) after sowing, depending on the variety and your climate.     Transplanting:     Dig planting holes: Dig holes slightly deeper and wider than the containers your seedlings are currently in. Space the holes according to the recommended spacing for PAN 1263 Hybrid Tomato Seeds variety, usually 18-24 inches apart.  Removing seedlings: Gently remove the seedlings from their containers. Use a spoon or trowel to loosen the soil around the roots if necessary.  Planting: Carefully place each seedling in a prepared hole, burying it slightly deeper than it was in its container. This encourages strong root development.  Watering: Water each seedling deeply immediately after planting. Continue to water regularly, especially during dry periods.  Mulching: Apply a layer of organic mulch, such as straw or wood chips, around the base of your plants. This helps retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.  Varieties:  Determinate tomatoes: These compact plants typically grow 3-5 feet tall and can be spaced closer together than indeterminate varieties. Aim for 2-3 feet apart within rows and 3-4 feet between rows.  Indeterminate tomatoes: These vining plants can grow 6-12 feet tall and require more space to sprawl. Space them 3-4 feet apart within rows and 4-5 feet between rows.  Cherry tomatoes: These small-fruited plants can be planted closer together than larger-fruited tomatoes. Aim for 18-24 inches apart within rows and 3-4 feet between rows.    Harvesting:    Ripeness: Harvest PAN 1263 Hybrid Tomatoes when they are fully colored and slightly soft to the touch. Avoid picking green tomatoes, as they will not ripen properly.  Timing: Harvest PAN 1263 Hybrid Tomatoes in the cool morning hours to avoid sun damage.  Methods: Use sharp pruning shears or a knife to remove the tomatoes from the vine. Leave a small stem attached to help prevent rot.  Frequency: Pick tomatoes regularly to encourage further fruit production.  Storage:    Light: Keep PAN 1263 Hybrid Tomatoes out of direct sunlight, avoid storing them in the refrigerator.  Store PAN 1263 Hybrid Tomatoes at room temperature (60-70°F) for the best flavor.  Duration: Ripe tomatoes can be stored at room temperature for 3-5 days. If you have a surplus, you can extend their shelf life by storing them in the refrigerator for up to a week.  Green tomatoes: If you have a late frost and your Tomato are still green, you can harvest them and ripen them indoors. Place them in a paper bag at room temperature out of direct sunlight. Check them regularly and remove any that are soft or rotten. Green tomatoes will typically ripen within 1-2 weeks.     

  • PAN 1719 Hybrid Bottle Gourd (Dark Green Colour With Spots) Seeds - 10 GM (Pack of 2) - Agriplex PAN 1719 Hybrid Bottle Gourd (Dark Green Colour With Spots) Seeds - 10 GM (Pack of 2) - Agriplex

    PAN PAN 1719 Hybrid Bottle Gourd (Dark Green Colour With Spots) Seeds - 10 GM (Pack of 2)

    PAN 1719 Hybrid Bottle Gourd is a variety specifically bred for excellent yield, top quality, and tasty fruit. These seeds produce dark green, cylindrical gourds measuring 12-15 cm (about 5.91 in) long and 4-5 cm (about 1.97 in) wide. The mature gourds typically weigh between 100-150 grams (about 5.29 oz) and are ready to harvest in just 50-60 days (about 2 months) after sowing.  Key Features & Benefits: High Yield: Get ready to harvest plenty of bottle gourds with this productive variety. Excellent Quality: The PAN 1719 produces gourds with a dark green color and attractive spots. Great Taste: Enjoy delicious, high-quality bottle gourds for all your favorite recipes. Long Sowing Season: This variety can be sown throughout the year, making it a versatile choice for gardeners. Fast Maturing: Get ready to enjoy your homegrown bottle gourds in just 50 days after sowing.   Land Preparation:      Choose a Sunny Location: Select a sunny location with well-drained soil. Gourds won't tolerate soggy conditions, so avoid planting them in areas that tend to flood or have poor drainage.  Prepare the Soil: The ideal soil for gourds is fertile, well-drained, and loamy or sandy. A soil pH between 6.0 and 7.0 is preferred.  Amend the Soil (optional): If your soil is not fertile or well-drained, you can amend it before planting. Here's how: Add organic matter: Apply decomposed manure or compost to the planting area at a rate of 10-12 tons per hectare. You can also add aged manure to the planting holes.  Improve drainage: If your soil is heavy clay, you can improve drainage by adding sand or other organic matter. Raised beds are another option for improving drainage in poorly drained soils.  Tilling and Weeding: Begin preparing the land 3-4 weeks before planting. Till the soil to a fine tilth, which is a loose, crumbly condition that is easy for plant roots to penetrate. Remove any weeds or debris from the planting area.     Sowing     Sowing Time:  Sowing PAN 1719 Hybrid Bottle Gourd prefers warm weather. Aim for planting in the spring or summer months after the danger of frost has passed.  Some regions may have a second planting window during the rainy season.  Seed Selection:  Choose high-quality PAN 1719 Hybrid Bottle Gourd seeds from a reputable source. Consider factors like variety, maturity time, and disease resistance.  Direct Sowing vs. Transplanting:  Some gourds, like bottle gourds and luffa, thrive with direct sowing in prepared planting holes.  Other varieties, like sponge gourds, may benefit from starting PAN 1719 Hybrid Bottle Gourd seedlings indoors in pots before transplanting outdoors.  Planting Depth:  Follow the recommended planting depth for your specific gourd variety. It's usually around 1-2 inches deep.  Seed Spacing:  Each planting hole should hold the recommended number of PAN 1719 Hybrid Bottle Gourd seeds for your chosen gourd variety. Thin seedlings later if necessary to maintain proper spacing for mature plants.  Watering:  Water the planting area thoroughly after sowing PAN 1719 Hybrid Bottle Gourd seedlings to ensure good seed-to-soil contact and promote germination.     Transplanting:      Timing is Crucial: Transplant PAN 1719 Hybrid Bottle Gourd seedlings when they have developed 4-5 true leaves, typically around 2-3 weeks after sowing.  Harden Them Up: Before transplanting, harden off your seedlings for a week or two. Gradually expose them to increased sunlight, wind, and cooler temperatures to mimic outdoor conditions. This reduces transplant shock.  Prepare the Planting Area: Ensure the chosen location has well-drained, fertile soil amended with compost or manure if needed. Space the planting holes according to your specific PAN 1719 Hybrid Bottle Gourd variety.  Dig Carefully: When removing seedlings from their pots or trays, gently loosen the soil and lift the entire root ball to minimize root damage.  Plant at the Right Depth: Dig a hole deep enough to accommodate the seedling's root ball. Plant the seedling so the lowest true leaves are slightly above the soil surface.  Water Well: Water the newly transplanted PAN 1719 Hybrid Bottle Gourd seedlings thoroughly to settle the soil around the roots and eliminate air pockets.  Continuing Care: Provide regular watering during the initial establishment period, especially during hot or dry weather. Monitor for signs of transplant shock, such as wilti0ng, and provide shade if necessary.  Harvesting Gourds     Look for Signs: Generally, gourds are ready for harvest when the stem begins to brown and dry out. The skin may also change color, becoming dull or developing a yellowish tinge for some varieties.  Tenderness Test (for culinary gourds): For gourds consumed fresh, gently press the skin with your thumb. If it yields slightly, it's ready for picking. A hard, unyielding skin indicates it needs more time.  Sharp is Best: Use sharp pruners or shears to cut the gourd from the vine. Leave a short stem attached (about 1-2 inches) to help prevent rot during storage.  Timing is Key: For continuous harvest, pick gourds regularly at the recommended stage. This encourages the plant to produce more fruits. Leaving gourds on the vine for too long can hinder further production.  Avoid Frost: Don't wait for frost to harvest your gourds. Frost can damage the fruits and shorten their storage life.  Drying Gourds: If you're harvesting gourds for crafting purposes, allow them to dry completely on the vine before picking. This can take several weeks. Signs of dryness include a completely brown and papery stem and a lightweight feel to the gourd.  Ripening: If your melons are slightly underripe, you can try to ripen them at room temperature for a day or two. However, don't expect them to ripen significantly if they're picked too early.     

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