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Traps Lures - Agriplex

Traps Lures are a natural and effective way to control insect pests. They use a variety of methods to attract and trap insects, including pheromone lures, food baits, and light traps. 

  • Pheromone lures are used to attract insects by mimicking their natural pheromones. This is a very effective way to target specific pests, such as moths, beetles, and flies. 
  • Food baits are used to attract insects by using food that they are attracted to, such as fruits, vegetables, and nuts. This is a good option for pests that are not attracted to pheromones. 
  • Light traps use bright light to attract insects. This is a good option for pests that are attracted to light, such as moths and mosquitoes. 

Traps Lures are a safe and effective way to control insect pests without using harsh chemicals. They are easy to use and can be placed in a variety of locations, including indoors and outdoors. 

Here are some of the benefits of using Traps Lures: 

  • They are non-toxic and environmentally friendly. 
  • They are effective against a wide variety of insect pests. 
  • They are easy to use and can be placed in a variety of locations. 
  • They are a cost-effective way to control insect pests. 

If you are looking for a natural and effective way to control insect pests, then Traps Lures are a great option. They are safe for your family and pets, and they are easy to use. 

Here are some additional Details: 

  • They are made from high-quality materials and are designed to last. 
  • They come with a satisfaction guarantee. 
  • They are backed by a team of experts who are committed to providing you with the best possible customer service. 
  • Non-toxic and environmentally friendly: Traps lures do not use harmful chemicals, so they are safe for your family, pets, and the environment. 
  • Effective against a wide variety of insect pests: It can be used to control a wide variety of insect pests, including moths, beetles, flies, mosquitoes, and ants. 
  • Easy to use: It is easy to set up and use. They can be placed in a variety of locations, both indoors and outdoors. 
  • Cost-effective: It can cost-effective way to control insect pests. They are reusable and the lures can be replaced as needed. 
  • Specific to the target insect: It can be specific to the target insect, which means that they will not attract other insects. This can help to prevent the spread of pests. 
  • Can be used for monitoring: It can also be used for monitoring insect populations. This can help you to identify potential problems early on and take corrective action. 


  • They can be used to control pests in a variety of settings, including homes, businesses, and farms. 
  • They are not harmful to plants or other wildlife. 
  • They can be used to control pests without having to use pesticides, which can be harmful to the environment. 
  • They are a good option for people who are allergic to pesticides or who have children or pets. 

Pheromone trap lure are a type of pest control device that uses the insect's own pheromones to attract and trap them. Pheromones are chemicals that insects use to communicate with each other, and they are incredibly specific to each species. This means that a It can be designed to target a specific pest, with little or no impact on other insects. 

Pheromone trap lures are a safe and effective way to control insect pests. They are non-toxic, and they do not harm beneficial insects. They are also easy to use and can be set up by anyone. 

How Do Pheromone trap lure Work? 

It consists of two main parts: a lure and a trap. The lure is a synthetic version of the insect's pheromone, and it is released into the air by the trap. When the pest smells the pheromone, it is attracted to the trap and becomes trapped. 

The trap can be a variety of shapes and sizes, but it typically has a sticky surface that the pest becomes stuck to. The trap may also have a light or other attractant to further lure the pest. 


There are many benefits to using pheromone trap lure to control insect pests. Some of these benefits include: 

  • Effective: It is very effective at attracting and trapping insect pests. In some cases, they can be up to 95% effective. 
  • Safe: It is non-toxic and do not harm beneficial insects. They are also safe for humans and pets. 
  • Easy to use it is easy to set up and use. They can be used by anyone, regardless of their experience with pest control. 
  • Cost-effective: It is a cost-effective way to control insect pests. They are typically less expensive than other methods of pest control, such as pesticides. 


It can be used to control a variety of insect pests, including: 

  • Fruit flies 
  • Moths 
  • Beetles 
  • Termites 
  • Carpenter ants 
  • Aphids 
  • Whiteflies 
  • Spider mites 

It can be used in a variety of settings, including: 

  • Agriculture: It can be used to monitor and control insect pests in crops, orchards, and greenhouses. 
  • Food storage: It can be used to monitor and control insect pests in food warehouses and processing facilities. 
  • Homes and businesses: It can be used to monitor and control insect pests in homes, offices, and other buildings. 

How to Choose a Pheromone trap lure 

  • The type of pest you are trying to control 
  • The size of the area you need to treat 
  • The number of traps you need 
  • The cost of the traps 

It is also important to make sure that the trap is designed for the specific pest you are trying to control. Some traps are designed for a single pest, while others can be used to control a variety of pests. 

How to Use a Pheromone trap lure 

  1. Attach the lure to the trap. 
  1. Hang the trap in a location where the pests are active. 
  1. Replace the lure every 45 days for best results. 

It is important to hang the trap in a location where the pests will be able to smell the pheromone. The trap should also be placed in an area where it will not be disturbed by wind or rain. 


  • Keep out of reach of children and pets. 
  • Do not eat or drink the lure. 
  • If the lure comes into contact with your skin, wash it with soap and water immediately. 


It is a safe and effective way to control insect pests. They are easy to use and can be used in a variety of settings. If you are looking for a way to control insect pests without using pesticides, then it is a good option for you. 

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