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Multi Micronutrients - Agriplex

Give your plants the essential boost they need with Agriplex's Multi Micronutrient fertilizers! These powerful blends provide a comprehensive range of micronutrients like zinc, iron, copper, manganese, boron, and molybdenum, all vital for optimal plant growth and health.

Why Choose Multi Micronutrients?

  • Combats Deficiencies: Correct micronutrient deficiencies that can cause stunted growth, discolored leaves, and reduced yields.
  • Enhanced Benefits: Promotes stronger cell walls, improved chlorophyll production, and increased resistance to diseases.
  • Vibrant Results: Experience healthier foliage, more vibrant blooms, and potentially higher yields (for fruits and vegetables).

Multiple Options to Suit Your Needs:

Agriplex offers a variety of Multi Micronutrient products, including:

  • Microla RCF: A liquid fertilizer ideal for foliar application.
  • Multiplex Prokissan: A chelated multi-micronutrient available in both chelated and non-chelated forms for soil application or foliar spray.

Easy Application & Affordable Prices:

Dosage instructions are clearly labeled on each product, ensuring you provide the optimal amount of micronutrients for your plants. Multi Micronutrients from Agriplex are competitively priced and readily available for purchase online at Agriplex


By incorporating Multi Micronutrients from Agriplex into your plant care routine, you're providing your plants with the essential elements they need to thrive. With improved plant health, stronger defenses, and the potential for vibrant blooms and increased yields, Multi Micronutrients can be a valuable tool for any gardener. Visit the Agriplex online shop today and discover the difference Multi Micronutrients can make for your plants!

Invest in Your Plant's Health, Order Your Multi Micronutrients Today!

Frequently Asked Questions: Multi Micronutrients

What are Multi Micronutrients?

Multi Micronutrients are fertilizers containing a blend of essential micronutrients like zinc, iron, copper, manganese, boron, and molybdenum. Plants require these micronutrients in small quantities for healthy growth and development.

What are the signs of Micronutrient Deficiency in Plants?

  • Stunted growth
  • Discolored leaves (chlorosis, yellowing)
  • Weak stems
  • Poor flowering or fruiting
  • Increased susceptibility to diseases

What are the benefits of using Multi Micronutrients?

  • Corrects deficiencies, leading to improved plant health.
  • Promotes stronger cell walls, which enhances plant structure and resistance to stress.
  • Boosts chlorophyll production for better photosynthesis and increased growth.
  • Improves plant immunity, making them more resistant to diseases.
  • Enhances flower and fruit production (for flowering plants and vegetables).

How are Multi Micronutrients applied?

There are two main application methods:

  • Foliar application: Spraying the fertilizer directly on the leaves. This is a quick way to address deficiencies. Agriplex offers Microla RCF, a liquid option ideal for foliar application.
  • Soil application: Granular fertilizers are incorporated into the soil where they are absorbed by the plant roots. Agriplex offers Multiplex Prokissan, available in both chelated and non-chelated forms, suitable for soil application.

How often should I use Multi Micronutrients?

Application frequency depends on the specific product and your soil conditions. Always follow the dosage instructions provided on the product label.

Where can I buy Multi Micronutrients?

Agriplex offers a variety of Multi Micronutrient products available for purchase online at their shop Agriplex

Are Multi Micronutrients safe for all plants?

Multi Micronutrients are generally safe for most plants when used according to the recommended dosage. However, it's always a good practice to check the specific needs of your plants before applying any fertilizer.

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