
148 उत्पाद

  • BASF Macera Insecticide Crops BASF Macera Insecticide

    BASF BASF Macera Insecticide

    Technical Content : Emamectin Benzoate BASF Macera® is a Neuromuscular Disruptor Insecticide containing Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG. Macera causes paralysis of lepidoptera larvae due to the activation of chloride channel in the nervous System Macera BASF is most effective when ingested by larvae. The affected larva gets paralyzed, stops feeding shortly thereafter, and is killed within 2-4 days. Apply Macera BASF when the incidence of Larvae is first observed and repeat applications as necessary. Apply Macera BASF in a sufficient quantity of Water to ensure thorough coverage of the foliage.  Dosage Per Acre : Use BASF Macera for Cotton 76 to 88 gmOkra 54 to 68 gmCabbage & Cauliflower 60 to 80 gmChilli  80 gmBrinjal 80 gmRed Gram 88 gmGrapes 88 gmTea 80 gm

    Rs. 577.00 - Rs. 2,520.00

  • Anshul Ikon (Acetamiprid 20% SP) Insecticide - 100 GM  Insects Anshul Ikon (Acetamiprid 20% SP) Insecticide - 100 GM

    Anshul अंशुल आइकॉन (एसिटामिप्रिड 20% एसपी) - 100 जीएम

    क्रिया का तरीका: प्रणालीगत क्रिया उत्पाद विवरण: आइकॉन कीटनाशक का एक नियोनिकोटिनोइड्स समूह है जिसमें प्रणालीगत क्रिया होती है जिसमें उन कीड़ों को नियंत्रित करने की क्षमता होती है जो अन्य कीटनाशकों के खिलाफ प्रतिरोध प्राप्त करते हैं। विशेष लक्षण: यह फसलों में बना रहता है और इसलिए इसमें लंबे समय तक छिपे रहने वाले कीड़ों को नियंत्रित करने की क्षमता होती है। यह अत्यधिक प्रभावी कीटनाशक है क्योंकि इसका ओविसाइडल प्रभाव है। खुराक: 0.5 ग्राम/लीटर

  • SWAL Starthin Power(Ac 50+ Imida 1.8sp) Insecticide - Agriplex

    SWAL SWAL Starthin Power(Ac 50+ Imida 1.8sp) Insecticide

    SWAL Starthin Power is an insecticide that provides broad-spectrum control of a variety of insects. It contains 50% acephate and 1.8% imidacloprid for greater effectiveness, making it a reliable and powerful tool for pest management. This powerful insecticide is safe to use around humans and pets.

  • Tata Bahar Insecticide - Agriplex

    Tata Rallis Tata Bahar Insecticide

    Tata Bahar Insecticide provides reliable protection from mosquitoes, flies, and other pests. Its scientifically formulated composition is proven to kill insects on contact, keeping your home and garden safe, comfortable, and free from pests.

  • Best Agrolife Ghotu Insecticide - 100 GM - Agriplex
  • Crystal Crop Proclaim Insecticide - Agriplex

    Crystal Crystal Crop Proclaim Insecticide

    Product Description Crystal Crop Proclaim is a highly effective, multipurpose soluble granular insecticide formulated with Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG. Designed for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) systems, it offers exceptional control over a wide range of caterpillar pests affecting various crops. Proclaim's unique translaminar action ensures thorough coverage, including the underside of leaves, providing comprehensive protection for your plants. Technical Content Active Ingredient: Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG Formulation: Soluble Granules Rainfastness: Approximately 4 hours Mode of Action Proclaim is a contact and stomach poison that exhibits a rapid and potent effect on caterpillars. The active ingredient, Emamectin Benzoate, disrupts the insect's nervous system, leading to paralysis and eventual death. Its translaminar properties allow for systemic penetration into plant tissues, ensuring effective control of pests hiding on the lower leaf surface. Benefits Broad-spectrum control: Effectively targets a wide range of caterpillar pests. Rapid action: Caterpillars cease damage within 2 hours of application. Translaminar activity: Reaches pests on both upper and lower leaf surfaces. Long-lasting protection: Offers extended control against target pests. Safe for beneficial insects: Compatible with IPM programs. Targeted Crops & Pests/Diseases Proclaim is suitable for a variety of crops, including cotton, okra, cabbage, chili, brinjal, redgram, chickpea, tea, and grapes. It effectively controls pests such as bollworms, fruit and shoot borers, diamondback moth, fruit borers, thrips, and mites. Frequency of Application The frequency of application depends on the crop, pest pressure, and local weather conditions. Refer to the product label for specific recommendations. Method of Application Proclaim can be applied through various methods including ground sprayers, aerial sprayers, and drip irrigation systems. Ensure thorough and even coverage of the crop. Avoid application during hot weather or when plants are wet. Compatibility Proclaim is generally compatible with most commonly used pesticides and fertilizers. However, it is recommended to conduct a small-scale compatibility test before mixing with other products. Manufacturing & Marketing Company Crystal Crop Protection is the manufacturing and marketing company behind Proclaim insecticide. Disclaimer: Always read and follow the label instructions carefully before using Crystal Crop Proclaim.

    Rs. 572.00 - Rs. 2,610.00

  • GSP Pledge Insecticide - 250 GM - Agriplex
  • GSP Cyclon Cl Cy Insecticide - 250 ML - Agriplex
  • बिक्री -13% Multiplex Nagtamipride Insecticide Crops Multiplex Nagtamipride Insecticide

    Multiplex Multiplex Nagtamipride Insecticide

    Technical Content: ACETAMIPRID 20% S.P. Mode Of Action: It is a neonicotinoids group of insecticide with systemic action having the ability to control the insects which gained resistance against other insecticides. DOSAGE & Methods Of Application: 0.5 g/litre of water. sucking pests like Aphids, Jassids, thrips, White Flies in cotton, chilli and other crops. Also effective against Colorado Potato Beetle, Flea hoppers, Fruit Moth, Leafhoppers, Leaf Miners and Plant Bugs. Special Features: It persists in crops and hence has the ability to control the hiding insects for a longer time. It is highly effective insecticide as it has ovicidal effect.

    Rs. 56.77 - Rs. 665.11

  • बिक्री -32% Multiplex Nagethion Insecticide Crops Multiplex Nagethion Insecticide

    Multiplex Multiplex Nagethion Insecticide

    Technical Content: ETHION 50% E.C. Mode Of Action: It is an Organophosphate Insecticide. Non-systemic with predominantly contact action. DOSAGE & Methods Of Application: 2ml /Litre of water. Pink Mites, Purple Mites, Scarlet Mites, Red Spider Mites, Thrips, Aphids, Whitefly, Tea mosquito bug, Caterpillar, pod borer, girdle beetle, stem fly and termites in crops like tea, cotton, chilli, pigeon pea, soyabean, etc. Special Features: Effective acaricide and quick knockdown effect.

    Rs. 483.78 - Rs. 4,182.21

  • बिक्री -46% Multiplex Hotstar (Imidaclprid 70% WG) Insecticde Multiplex Hot Star Insecticide

    Multiplex Multiplex Hot Star Insecticide

    Technical Content: IMIDACLOPRID 70% WG Mode Of Action: Neonicotinoids group of insecticide with systemic action. DOSAGE & Methods Of Application: 0.2-0.25 g /1 litre of water. Jassids, Aphids, Thrips, Termite, Hopper, Whitefly, Brown Plant Hopper, White Back Plant Hopper, Green Leaf Hopper, Soil Pests & Termites in crops like Cotton, chilli, cucumber, okra, paddy, sugarcane, mango, etc., Special Features: It is a new generation Termiticide. used for seed treatment for control of sucking pests.

    Rs. 148.49 - Rs. 1,415.26

  • बिक्री -24% Multiplex Vigilant Insecticide Crops Multiplex Vigilant Insecticide

    Multiplex Multiplex Vigilant Insecticide

    Technical Content : Lambda-Cyhalothrin 4.9% C.S Mode Of Action: Synthetic Pyrethroid Insecticide. Non-systemic, contact & stomach action. DOSAGE & Methods Of Application: 1 ml / litre of water & It is recommended for the control of bollworms in cotton, stem borer and leaf folder in paddy. Shoot and Fruit borer in Brinjal, Fruit borer in Okra and Tomato, Thrips, flea beetle in grapes, Thrips and Pod borer in chilli and stem fly, semi looper in soya bean crop, thrips and fruit borers on pomegranate crop. Special Features: It has insect repellent properties with little fumigant action.

    Rs. 186.32 - Rs. 650.47

  • बिक्री -48% Multiplex Nayanatara Insecticide Multiplex Nayanatara Insecticide Crops

    Multiplex Multiplex Nayanatara Insecticide

    Technical Content : Thiamethoxam 30% FS Mode Of Action: Neonicotinoids group. Broad spectrum insecticide having systemic, contact and stomach action. DOSAGE & Methods Of Application: 1 ml per litre & Recommended as seed treatment to control jassids, aphids and white fly in cotton, shoot fly on sorghum and maize, termites in wheat, jassids in Okra, thrips, GLH and whorl maggot in rice, jassids and thrips in sun flower, stem fly in soya bean and thrips in chilli crop. Special Features: Long lasting effect against sucking pests

    Rs. 293.12 - Rs. 571.34

  • Cruiser 350FS Insecticide Syngenta Crops Syngenta Cruiser 350FS Insecticide Use

    Syngenta Syngenta Cruiser 350FS Insecticide

    Technical Content : Syngenta Cruiser contains Thiamethoxam Syngenta CRUISER provides broad-spectrum control of a wide range of early-season sucking and chewing, leaf-feeding and soil-dwelling insect pests, including aphids, leafhoppers, beetles, thrips, whiteflies, soil grubs and wireworms. Its high level of systemicity offers long-lasting protection while providing consistent performance. Targeted Crops : Corn (maize), sunflowers, cotton, cereals, peas, soybeans and sugarbeets

    Rs. 1,657.00 - Rs. 7,885.00

  • Anshul Laksh (Lambda cyhalothrin 5% EC) Insecticide Anshul Laksh (Lambda cyhalothrin 5% EC) Insecticide

    Anshul अंशुल लक्ष (लैम्ब्डा साइहलोट्रिन 5% ईसी)

     लैम्ब्डा साइहलोट्रिन 5% ईसी क्रिया का तरीका: संपर्क और पेट की क्रिया अंशुल लक्ष में लैम्ब्डा साइहलोथ्रिन 5% ईसी होता है यह एक सिंथेटिक पाइरेथ्रॉइड कीटनाशक है। गैर-प्रणालीगत, संपर्क और पेट क्रिया। इसमें कम फ्यूमिगेंट एक्शन के साथ कीट विकर्षक गुण होते हैं। खुराक: छिड़काव के लिए अंशुल लक्ष 1 मिली/लीटर पानी का प्रयोग करें

    Rs. 323.00 - Rs. 628.00

  • BASF Vesticor Insecticide BASF Vesticor Insecticide Crops

    BASF बीएएसएफ वेस्टिकर (क्लोरैंट्रानिलिप्रोल 18.5% एससी)

    क्रिया का तरीका: बीएएसएफ वेस्टीकोर कीटनाशक में क्लोरेंट्रानिलिप्रोल 18.5% एससी होता है और यह एक संपर्क कीटनाशक है उत्पाद विवरण: बीएएसएफ वेस्टिकॉर फसल को अपनी पूरी क्षमता का एहसास करने की अनुमति देता है, अधिक स्वस्थ फली सुनिश्चित करता है, उत्पादकों, फार्मवर्कर्स और पर्यावरण के लिए सही विकल्प बनता है। हेलियोथिस, स्पोडोप्टेरा के साथ-साथ सेमीलूपर के लिए बेहतर नियंत्रण देता है और लंबी अवधि का नियंत्रण प्रदान करता है। बेहतर फसल सुरक्षा से स्वस्थ फलियों की संख्या अधिक होती है । खुराक: स्प्रे के लिए वेस्टीकोर कीटनाशक 0.5 मि.ली./लीटर का प्रयोग करें

    Rs. 213.00 - Rs. 4,980.00

  • Syngenta Verama Insecticide - Agriplex

    Syngenta Syngenta Verama Insecticide

    Syngenta Verama Insecticide is a powerful solution for controlling insects and pests in your crops. With over 75% effectiveness, it provides reliable protection and increased yields for farmers. Its scientifically proven formula targets pests at their source, ensuring long-lasting results. Trust Syngenta for expert solutions in insect control.

  • HPM Capture(Propenofos 50%Ec) Insecticide - Agriplex

    HMP HPM Capture(Propenofos 50%Ec) Insecticide

    HPM Capture(Propenofos 50%Ec) is an effective insecticide designed to protect crops from a variety of pests. Its high concentration of propenofos provides reliable control of chewing and sucking insects, nematodes and other pests on many crops. It is a fast-acting, broad-spectrum insecticide that helps ensure a high yield.

  • Meghmani Megaking Insecticide - 100 GM - Agriplex
  • Godrej Hanabi Insecticide - Agriplex

    Godrej Godrej Hanabi Insecticide

    Godrej Hanabi Insecticide provides up to 90 days of protection against houseflies, mosquitoes, cockroaches and other pests. Formulated with advanced synthetic pyrethroids, it offers fast-acting, long-lasting protection for your home and family.

  • Godrej Elpida Insecticide - 100 GM - Agriplex

    Godrej Godrej Elpida Insecticide - 100 GM

    Godrej Elpida Insecticide is an effective solution to tackle flying and crawling insects for up to 4 weeks. It kills even strong insects such as bed bugs, ants, cockroaches, and mosquitoes. With its odour-free and non-staining formula, it ensures complete safety for family and pets.

  • GSP Mercury Fungicide - 250 ML - Agriplex
  • Atul Orax Gold Insecticide - 100 GM - Agriplex

    Atul Atul Orax Gold Insecticide - 100 GM

    Atul Orax Gold is a unique combination of two novel insecticides that provides effective control of a wide range of lepidopteran pests, harmful insects, and phytophagous mites. It is a broad-spectrum insecticide that is effective against a wide range of pests, including: Lepidopteran pests: Diamondback moth, tobacco budworm, bollworm, armyworm, cutworm Harmful insects: Thrips, aphids, whiteflies, jassids Phytophagous mites: Red spider mite, two-spotted spider mite, citrus red mite Atul Orax Gold is a systemic insecticide, meaning that it is absorbed by the plant and moves throughout the plant tissues. This makes it effective against pests that are both feeding on the leaves and those that are boring into the plant. Atul Orax Gold is also a contact insecticide, meaning that it kills pests on contact. This makes it effective against pests that are crawling or flying on the plant. Atul Orax Gold is safe for use on a wide range of crops, including vegetables, fruits, and ornamentals. It is also safe for use in greenhouses and nurseries. Key Features: Broad-spectrum insecticide Systemic and contact action Safe for use on a wide range of crops Effective against a wide range of pests Benefits: Protects crops from damage caused by pests Increases yields Improves crop quality Reduces the need for other pesticides

  • Atul Balio 505 Insecticide - 500 ML - Agriplex
  • Atul Balio Insecticide - 1 LT - Agriplex

    Atul Atul Balio Insecticide - 1 LT

    Mode of action: It is a broad-spectrum contact and stomach poison with fumigant action. Product group: Insecticides Technical name: Chlorpyrifos 50% + Cypermethrin 5% EC   crop(s) target pest(s) dose | acre cotton American bollworm, aphids, jassids, pink bollworm, spotted bollworm, thrips and whiteflies 400 ML   Features:▸ is a broad-spectrum contact and stomach poison with fumigant action▸ offers combination results in synergistic action providing longer protection and faster action▸ is cost effective Available pack sizes: 1 L, 500 ML, 250 ML, 100 ML Antidote: 1) Atropinize the patient immediately and maintain full atropinisation by repeated doses of 2 to 4 mg of Atropine sulphate intravenously at 5 to 10 minutes interval. 25 to 50 mg of Atropine may be required in a day. The need for further Atropine administration is guided by the continuance of symptoms. The extent of salivation is a useful criterion for dose adjustment.2) Dissolve 1-2 gm of 2 PAM in 10 ml distilled water and inject intravenously very slowly for 10-15 minutes.3) Antihistamines may be given for allergic manifestation. Disclaimer: The product usage is beyond our control and the product performance depends on a variety of factors such as the crop pattern, the soil type, the method of application, climatic conditions, and the quality of water used for preparing spray solutions. Therefore, we do not guarantee or accept any liability other than for uniform quality of the product.

  • Tata Takumi Insecticide - Agriplex Tata Takumi Insecticide - Agriplex

    Tata Rallis Tata Takumi Insecticide

    Tata Takumi is a broad-spectrum insecticide that is effective against a wide range of pests, including stem borers, leaf folders, pod borers, and semi-loopers. It is a water-dispersible granule (WDG) formulation that is easy to mix and apply. Tata Takumi is also relatively safe for beneficial insects and has a low toxicity. Key Features Broad-spectrum insecticide Effective against a wide range of pests Water-dispersible granule (WDG) formulation Easy to mix and apply Relatively safe for beneficial insects Low toxicity Benefits Controls a wide range of pests Easy to use Safe for beneficial insects Low toxicity Applications Rice Cotton Tomato Cabbage Tea Chilli Dosage

  • GSP Slayer Insecticide - 100 GM - Agriplex
  • GSP Santri Lambda Insecticide - 1 LT - Agriplex
  • GSP Safari Insecticide - 100 GM - Agriplex
  • GSP Helipro Insecticide - 60 ML - Agriplex
  • GSP Bosh Chlro 50EC Insecticide - 250 ML - Agriplex
  • Sanavex Sp Insecticide - Agriplex

    Sumitomo Sanavex Sp Insecticide

    Product Description Sanavex SP is a broad-spectrum insecticide formulated as a soluble powder.It is highly effective in controlling a wide range of insect pests that affect various crops. This product offers reliable protection against both sucking and chewing insects, making it a versatile solution for agricultural applications. Technical Content Active Ingredient: Cartap Hydrochloride 50% S Mode of Action Sanavex SP exerts its insecticidal action through a combination of contact, systemic, and stomach poison properties. It disrupts the insect's nervous system, leading to paralysis and eventual death. Benefits Broad Spectrum: Effectively controls a wide range of pests. Rapid Action: Provides quick knockdown and control of insects. Long-lasting Protection: Offers extended residual activity for sustained pest control. Systemic Action: Translocates within the plant for complete protection. Safe for Beneficial Insects: Compatible with Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs. Targeted Crops & Pests/Diseases Sanavex SP is suitable for use on a variety of crops, including: Cotton Rice Other crops as recommended It effectively controls pests such as: Stem borer Bollworm Leaf folder Green leafhopper Hispa Aphids Jassids Whiteflies Thrips Mites Dosage & Application The recommended dosage of Sanavex SP varies depending on the crop, pest, and severity of infestation. Always refer to the product label for specific application instructions. Generally, it is applied as a foliar spray Compatibility Sanavex SP is compatible with most commonly used insecticides and fungicides. However, it is always advisable to conduct a small-scale compatibility test before mixing with other products.              

    Rs. 183.00 - Rs. 433.30

  • Tata Summit Insecticide - 100 ML - Agriplex

    Tata Rallis Tata Summit Insecticide - 100 ML

    Product Description Tata Summit Insecticide is a broad-spectrum, contact, and stomach poison that effectively controls a wide range of insect pests in various crops. It offers rapid knockdown and long-lasting control, making it a reliable choice for farmers. Technical Content Active Ingredient: Spinetoram 11.7% SC Formulation: Suspension Concentrate (SC) Mode of Action Summit disrupts the insect's nervous system by affecting nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors. This leads to abnormal neural transmission, ultimately causing insect death. Benefits Broad-spectrum control: Effective against a wide range of insect pests. Rapid knockdown: Quick action against targeted pests. Long-lasting control: Provides extended protection for crops. Translaminar activity: Penetrates leaves to control pests like thrips. Low toxicity to beneficial insects: Minimal impact on the environment. Targeted Crops & Pests/Diseases Crops: Cotton, soybean, chili, and various other crops. Pests: Thrips, tobacco caterpillars, spotted bollworms, fruit borers, and other lepidopteran insects. Dosage & Application Dosage: Refer to the product label for specific dosage recommendations based on crop, pest, and growth stage. Application: Apply Summit as a foliar spray using recommended equipment. Method of Application Foliar spray: Apply the insecticide uniformly to the target crop. Ensure proper coverage of plant foliage. Compatibility Summit is generally compatible with most commonly used pesticides. However, it is recommended to conduct a small-scale compatibility test before mixing with other products. Manufacturing & Marketing Company Manufacturer: Tata Rallis India Limited Marketing Company: Tata Rallis India Limited Disclaimer: Always read and follow the product label instructions carefully before use.

  • बिक्री -29% Multiplex Nagin Insecticide Multiplex Nagin Insecticide

    Multiplex Multiplex Nagin Insecticide

    Technical Content: QUINALPHOS 25% EC Mode Of Action: Organophosphate Insecticide with contact & stomach action. DOSAGE & Methods Of Application: 2 to 2.5 ml/litre of water. Brown Plant Hopper, Hispa/Blue Beetle, Leaf Roller, Stem Borer, Mite, Shoot Fly, Ear Head Caterpillar, Bihar Hairy Caterpillar, Stem Fly, Pod Borer, Pod Fly, Weevil, Black Bug, Tingid Bug, Aphids, Jassids, Thrips, White Fly, Scales, Semi Looper, Leaf Hopper, Leaf Miner, Sawfly, Shoot/Fruit Borer, Vitrus Butterfly, green Bug in crops like Sorghum, Paddy, wheat, Pulses, French bean, Fibre Crops, Cotton, Groundnut, Safflower, mustard, Vegetables and fruits. Special Features: Good penetration properties. Degrades very fast in plants.

    Rs. 113.15 - Rs. 3,832.73

  • बिक्री -15% Multiplex Nagace Insecticide Crops Multiplex Nagace Insecticide

    Multiplex Multiplex Nagace Insecticide

    Technical Content: ACEPHATE 75% S.P Mode Of Action: A versatile organophosphate group insecticide with both contact and systemic action. DOSAGE & Methods Of Application: 1.5 to 2 g/litre of water. It is particularly effective on severe infestations of sucking and chewing insects of tobacco, sugarcane, cotton, safflower, chillies, vegetables, fruits and cereals. it is also effective against Green & Brown Leafhoppers and Brown Plant Hoppers. It has low toxicity to mammals and does not harm beneficial insects. Special Features: ACEPHATE 75% S.P is alternatively used with Synthetic Pyrethroid for controlling resistance development in Insects.

    Rs. 122.89 - Rs. 961.85

  • बिक्री -31% Multiplex Border - 50  Insecticide Crops Multiplex Border-50 Insecticide

    Multiplex Multiplex Border-50 Insecticide

    Technical Content: CHLORPYRIPHOS 50 % EC Mode Of Action: Organophosphate Insecticide group. Non-systemic, broad spectrum contact, stomach and respiratory action. DOSAGE & Methods Of Application: 1.5 - 2 ml/litre of water. It is commonly used in the control of termites, Shoot & Fruit Borer, Stem Borers and Leaf Eating Caterpillars, Hispa, Leaf Roller, Gall Midge, Black Bug, Pod Borer, Cut Worm, Early Shoot and Stalk Borer, Pyrilla, Bollworm, White Fly, Aphids, Root Grub, Diamond Back Moth, Leaf Hopper, and Ground Beetle on a wide range of Crops like Cotton, Pulses, Oilseeds, Paddy, Beans, Gram, Sugarcane, Brinjal, Cabbage, Onion, Apple, Citrus and Tobacco. Special Features: Due to fumigant action highly effective against internal borers and soil dwelling Insects.

    Rs. 261.81 - Rs. 4,431.53

Agricultural Pesticides, Insecticides

Looking for effective pest control solutions to safeguard your farm and maximize yields? Agriplex offers a wide range of insecticides (chemical pesticides) alongside Traps & Lures, Adjuvants, and Seed Treatments to empower farmers across India.

Understanding Your Pest Problems:

Before diving into specific products, it's crucial to identify the pests troubling your crops. Whether it's aphids, mites, or borers, Agriplex has solutions to target these threats.

Choosing the Right Insecticide:

  • Technical Name: Many product descriptions will include the active ingredient's technical name, which helps you compare different options. You can research this name to learn more about its mode of action and effectiveness against specific pests.
  • Dosage: Pay close attention to the recommended dosage per liter of water for your specific application. Using too little won't be effective, and too much can harm your crops or impact the environment.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Consider the price per unit and the amount of product needed per acre to find the most cost-effective solution for your farm size. Agriplex offers various options to suit different budgets.

Popular Insecticide Brands at Agriplex:

Several leading Indian brands are available at Agriplex, including:

  • Syngenta
  • Bayer
  • BASF
  • Anshul
  • Adama India
  • Multiplex

Product Categories:

  • Chemical Insecticides: Broad-spectrum or target-specific options to eliminate various pests.
  • Bio-Insecticides: Natural and eco-friendly solutions derived from plants or beneficial organisms.

Beyond Insecticides:

Agriplex offers a comprehensive range of crop protection solutions:

  • Herbicides: Control unwanted weeds that compete with your crops for nutrients and water.
  • Fungicides: Combat fungal diseases that can devastate yields.

By using the right combination of these products, you can:

  • Resolve pest infestations and protect your crops.
  • Increase farm profits through higher yields and reduced losses.
  • Ensure high-quality produce that meets market demands.

Remember: Always follow the instructions on the product label for safe and effective use.

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