
97 उत्पाद

  • Tata Taqat Fungicide - Agriplex

    Tata Rallis Tata Taqat Fungicide

    Technical Content :  Captan 70% + Hexaconazole 5% WP Taqat is a broad-spectrum, protective, curative and eradicant with anti-sporulation activity. It is good for soil drenching to target soil borne diseases Mode Of Action- Single site xylem systemic in action with dual mode of action; contact and Systemic in nature. Dosage: 2gm/ltr of water

    Rs. 340.00 - Rs. 1,205.00

  • Aries Plantomycin Fungicide Crops

    Aries Aries Plantomycin Fungicide - 50 GM

    Benefits Plantomycin effectively controls disease cost by fungus/ bacteria in wide range. Plantomycin also helps in increasing yield Plantomycin is preventive as well as curative.

  • Multiplex Treat Fungicide Multiplex Treat Fungicide Crops

    Multiplex Multiplex Treat Fungicide

    Technical Content: PROPICONAZOLE 25% E.C Mode Of Action: Triazole group fungicide with Systemic action. DOSAGE & Methods Of Application: 1 ml /liter of water. Karnal Bunt, Leaf Rust, Brown Rust, Stripe Rust, Sheath Blight, Blister Blight, Tikka Leaf Spot, sigatoka leaf spot in crops like Wheat, Paddy, Groundnut, Coffee, Tea, Soyabean, etc. Special Features: Protective and curative action.

    Rs. 334.08 - Rs. 1,233.66

  • Multiplex Safari Fungicide - 120 GM

    Multiplex Multiplex Safari Fungicide - 120 GM

    Active Ingredients: TRICYCLAZOLE 75% WP Mode Of Action: Triazole group Systemic Fungicide. DOSAGE & Methods Of Application: 0.6 g /litre of Water. Leaf Blast & Neck Blast diseases in Paddy. Special Features: Curative & eradicative

  • Multiplex Sergent Fungicide Crops Multiplex Sergent Fungicide

    Multiplex Multiplex Sergent Fungicide

    Technical Content: HEXACONAZOLE 5% SC Mode Of Action: Triazole group Fungicide with Broad Spectram Systemic, protective Action. DOSAGE & Methods Of Application: 2 ml /Litre of water. Powdery Mildew, Scab, Rust, Blast, Sheath Blight, Tikka Leaf Spot, Pod Rot in crops like paddy, grapes, chillies, Groundnut, cereals, millets, etc. Special Features: Protective & Curative.

    Rs. 122.67 - Rs. 1,757.40

  • Anshul Dost (Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63%) Fungicide Crops Anshul Dost (Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63%) Fungicide

    Anshul अंशुल दोस्त (कार्बेन्डाजिम 12% +, मैंकोजेब 63% WP)

    कार्रवाई का तरीका: संपर्क और प्रणालीगत कार्रवाई उत्पाद विवरण: अंशुल दोस्त अपनी प्रणालीगत और संपर्क क्रिया द्वारा फंगल रोगों को प्रभावी ढंग से नियंत्रित करता है। दोस्त खेत की फसलों और सब्जियों के उत्पादन को बढ़ाने में मदद करता है। दोस्त एकीकृत कीट प्रबंधन (आईपीएम) के लिए एक उपयुक्त कवकनाशी है। दोस्त आमतौर पर इस्तेमाल किए जाने वाले कीटनाशकों और कवकनाशियों के अनुकूल है। खुराक: 2 ग्राम/लीटर

    Rs. 119.00 - Rs. 430.00

  • Anshul Suraksha Fungicide Liquid Anshul Suraksha Fungicide Liquid

    Anshul अंशुल सुरक्षा (हेक्साकोनाज़ोल 5% ईसी) तरल

    तकनीकी सामग्री: हेक्साकोनाजोल 5% ईसी प्रणालीगत क्रिया सुरक्षा हेक्साकोनाज़ोल का 5% एससी सूत्रीकरण है। यह एक प्रणालीगत ट्राईज़ोल कवकनाशी है। यह ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes और कवक अपूर्णता के खिलाफ व्यापक-स्पेक्ट्रम कार्रवाई करता है। यह एर्गोस्टेरॉल बायोसिंथेसिस इनहिबिटर है जिससे पौधे के फंगल रोगजनकों के विकास और प्रजनन को नियंत्रित किया जाता है। यह अनाज, तिलहन, बागवानी और रोपण फसलों में पाउडर फफूंदी, जंग और पत्ती के धब्बों को नियंत्रित करने और चावल शीथ ब्लाइट के प्रभावी नियंत्रण के लिए भी उपयोगी है। कीटों को नियंत्रित करता है: स्कैब, ब्लास्ट, शीथ ब्लाइट, टिक्का लीफ स्पॉट, पाउडरी मिल्ड्यू, रस्ट, ब्लिस्टर ब्लाइट खुराक: 2 मिली/लीटर

    Rs. 248.00 - Rs. 478.00

  • Swal Junper Fungicide - Agriplex

    SWAL Swal Junper Fungicide - 600 GM

    Swal Junper Fungicide is an effective and easy-to-use solution for control of common fungal diseases. Its active ingredients help to protect plants in a variety of environments and conditions and offer long-lasting protection from fungal infestations. Use Swal Junper Fungicide to ensure your plants stay healthy and vibrant.

  • Indofil Moximate Fungicide - 300 GM - Agriplex

    Indofil Indofil Moximate Fungicide - 300 GM

    Indofil Moximate Fungicide is a broad-spectrum, systemic fungicide that controls a variety of diseases in grapes, potatoes, tomatoes, and citrus crops. It is a mixture of two fungicides, mancozeb and cymoxanil, which work together to provide both contact and systemic control. Mancozeb is a protectant fungicide that forms a barrier on the plant surface to prevent the growth of fungi. Cymoxanil is a systemic fungicide that is absorbed by the plant and moves throughout the tissues, providing protection from within. Indofil Moximate Fungicide is effective against a variety of diseases, including: Downy mildew in grapes Late blight in potatoes and tomatoes Gummosis in citrus Powdery mildew in grapes and tomatoes Rust in wheat and barley Dosage: The dosage of Indofil Moximate Fungicide will vary depending on the crop, the disease being treated, and the severity of the infestation. Always follow the directions on the product label. Safety precautions: Indofil Moximate Fungicide is a pesticide and should be used with caution. Always wear personal protective equipment when handling the product, and follow the directions on the label.

  • Multiplex M&M Fungicide Crops Multiplex M&M Fungicide - Agriplex

    Multiplex Multiplex M&M Fungicide

    Technical Content : Metalaxyl 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP Mode Of Action: It is a systemic and contact fungicide DOSAGE & Methods Of Application: 1.5 to 2 kg per ha (500 gm/200 litre of Water) & For the control of downy mildew of grapevine, damping off, leaf blight and black shank disease in tobacco in nursery, late blight in potato, white rust and alternaria blight in mustard phytophthora foot rot in black pepper and downy mildew in pearl millet. Special Features: Protective and curative action.

    Rs. 114.84 - Rs. 840.42

  • Syngenta Sandovit Fungicide- 1 KG

    Syngenta Syngenta Sandovit Fungicide- 1 KG

    "Protect your crops with Syngenta Sandovit Fungicide. This powerful 1 KG fungicide is scientifically proven to eliminate and prevent fungal diseases, ensuring healthy and abundant harvests. Trust in Syngenta, the industry expert, for effective and reliable crop protection."

  • Coromandel Lancia Fungicide Crop Coromandel Lancia Fungicide

    Coromandel Coromandel Lancia Fungicide

    Product Description: Coromandel Lancia is a patented and unique fungicide which prevents the fungus from penetrating the plant. Lancia is a patented and unique fungicide. Lancia has dual action having contact and systemic properties. Lancia is rapidly absorbed by the plants and translocated towards leaf tips. Dosage: 2.5gm/lt.

    Rs. 364.00 - Rs. 1,371.00

  • बिक्री -33% Multiplex Multilaxin (Disease Resistance Inducer) Crops Multiplex Multilaxin (Disease Resistance Inducer) Dosage

    Multiplex मल्टीप्लेक्स मल्टीलैक्सिन (फॉस्फोरस के कई लवण)

    लगाने का तरीका: पर्णीय छिड़काव उत्पाद विवरण: मल्टीप्लेक्स मल्टीलेक्सिन अंगूर के विनिफेरा, चावल के रिश्तिन, मूंग के फेजोलिन के समतुल्य रसायन के रूप में काम करता है। ये रसायन पौधों द्वारा रोगों के आक्रमण का मुकाबला करने के लिए संक्रमण के बाद उत्पन्न होते हैं (यह कवक मायसेलियम में प्रवेश करते हैं, विकास को प्रतिबंधित करते हैं और बीजाणुओं को मारते हैं। मल्टीलेक्सिन अणु फाइटोएलेक्सिन को संश्लेषित करने के लिए जैव रासायनिक प्रतिक्रियाओं को ट्रिगर करते हैं जो सीधे कवक रोगज़नक़ पर हमला करते हैं)। यह पौधों की बीमारियों और तनाव के प्रतिरोध में सुधार करता है। खुराक: 3.0 - 4.0 मिली लीटर पानी में घोलकर पत्तियों की दोनों सतहों पर छिड़काव करें। पहला छिड़काव: फंगस के हमले का पता चलने के बाद छिड़काव शुरू किया जा सकता है। दूसरा छिड़काव : पहले छिड़काव के 10 दिन बाद।

    Rs. 189.00 - Rs. 3,643.00

  • SWAL Stargem -45 Fungicide - Agriplex

    SWAL SWAL Stargem -45 Fungicide

    SWAL Stargem -45 Fungicide is a professional-grade, preventive fungicide that helps protect crops from disease. It's formulated with 45% aclonifen active ingredient, providing reliable protection against a wide range of fungal diseases. Use of SWAL Stargem -45 Fungicide will help you save time and money, and protect your valuable crops.

  • Swal Turf (Mcz863+Cbzm12wp) Fungicide - Agriplex

    SWAL Swal Turf (Mcz863+Cbzm12wp) Fungicide

    Swal Turf Fungicide is a powerful combination of Mcz863 and Cbzm12wp, designed to control and prevent a wide range of turf diseases. Its highly active ingredients provide long-lasting protection and deliver unbeatable results at a fraction of the cost.

  • Indofil Boon Fungicide - Agriplex

    Indofil Indofil Boon Fungicide

    Indofil Boon Fungicide offers protection from major fungi diseases, providing up to 80% control of fungal diseases in vegetables. It is a broad-spectrum fungicide with rapid action and long lasting protection. Its highly effective formulation provides protection from major diseases in various crops.

  • GSP Mercury Fungicide - 250 ML - Agriplex
  • Sumitomo Haru Fungicide - 250 ML - Agriplex

    Sumitomo Sumitomo Haru Fungicide - 250 ML

    Product Description Sumitomo Haru Fungicide is an advanced, broad-spectrum premix fungicide designed to control diseases in Chilli and Soybean crops effectively. This multifunctional formulation combines Tebuconazole and Sulphur's strengths, offering systemic and contact action for comprehensive disease management.   Technical Content Active Ingredients: Tebuconazole 10% + Sulphur 65% WG Mode of Action Tebuconazole: A systemic triazole fungicide that is absorbed and translocated within the plant. It inhibits the synthesis of ergosterol, a vital component of the fungal cell membrane, leading to fungal cell death.   Sulphur: A non-systemic fungicide that works through contact and vapour action. It disrupts the fungal cell walls and membranes, resulting in fungal eradication.   Benefits Broad-spectrum control against a wide range of fungal diseases.   Combines systemic and contact action for long-lasting protection.   Rapid absorption and translocation for effective disease management.   Compatible with most commonly used pesticides.   Safe for the environment and beneficial organisms. Targeted Crops & Pests/Diseases Crops: Chilli, Soybean Diseases: Powdery mildew, fruit rot (chilli), leaf spot, pod blight (soybean) Dosage & Application Chilli: 1250 g/acre   Soybean: 1250 g/acre   The exact dosage may vary based on crop stage, disease severity, and local conditions. Always follow label instructions. Method of Application Foliar spray Compatibility Compatible with most commonly used pesticides. However, always conduct a small-scale compatibility test before mixing with other products. Manufacturing & Marketing Company Sumitomo Chemical India Ltd.

  • Tragic Metaxyl 35 Fungicide - Agriplex

    MAC Tragic Metaxyl 35 Fungicide

    Tragic Metaxyl 35 Fungicides is a systemic fungicide that is used to control a variety of diseases in crops, including downy mildew, leaf spot, and rust. It is a white, water-soluble powder that is applied to the leaves and stems of plants. Benefits: Effective against a wide range of diseases Systemic action provides long-lasting protection Safe for use on edible crops Easy to apply Dosage and application: The recommended dosage of Tragic Metaxyl 35 Fungicides varies depending on the crop and the disease being treated. It is important to read the label carefully before applying the product. Bajra: 200 g/100 kg seed, or 750 ml/ha in foliar spray. Mustard: 200 g/100 kg seed, or 750 ml/ha in foliar spray. Sunflower: 200 g/100 kg seed, or 750 ml/ha in foliar spray. Sorghum: 200 g/100 kg seed, or 750 ml/ha in foliar spray. Maize: 240 g/100 kg seed, or 1000 ml/ha in foliar spray. Potatoes: 2.5 kg/ha in foliar spray. Tomatoes: 2.5 kg/ha in foliar spray. Peas: 1.25 kg/ha in foliar spray. Beans: 1.25 kg/ha in foliar spray. Cucumbers: 1.25 kg/ha in foliar spray. Safety precautions: Tragic Metaxyl 35 Fungicides is a relatively safe product, but it is important to take precautions when handling it. Wear gloves and eye protection when applying the product, and wash your hands thoroughly afterwards. Storage: Store Tragic Metaxyl 35 Fungicides in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children and pets. Shelf life: The shelf life of Tragic Metaxyl 35 Fungicides is 2 years. Recommendations: Tragic Metaxyl 35 Fungicides is a valuable tool for controlling a variety of diseases in crops. It is important to use the product as directed to ensure its effectiveness and safety.

    Rs. 459.75 - Rs. 856.25

  • Multiplex Tough - 3 KG Crops

    Multiplex Multiplex Tough - 3 KG

    Technical Content: SULPHUR 80% WDG Mode Of Action: Inorganic, Non-systemic, Contact fungicide. DOSAGE & Methods Of Application: 2 g /litre of water. Powdery Mildew, Rust, tikka leaf spot in crops like grapes, apple, mango, citrus, cow pea, moong, urid, pea, chillies, okra, groundnut, etc. Special Features: Acts as an acaricide and sulphur nutrient. Should not be sprayed when temperature is high.

  • Multiplex Nagziram Fungicide Crops

    Multiplex Multiplex Nagziram Fungicide

    Technical Content: ZIRAM 27% S.C Mode Of Action: Dithiocarbamate group fungicide with Broad spectrum Contact action. DOSAGE & Methods Of Application: 2 - 2.5 ml /litre of water. Blast, Leaf Spot, Rust, Early Blight, Anthracnose, Downy Mildew and Scab in crops like Paddy, Potato, Tomato, Beans, Groundnut, Grapes and Apple. Special Features: Protective & Curative Fungicide with Zinc supplement.

  • Multiplex Pop-Up Fungicide Crops Multiplex Pop-Up Fungicide

    Multiplex Multiplex Pop-Up Fungicide

    Techncal Content: Propineb 70% WP Mode Of Action: Contact Fungicide DOSAGE & Methods Of Application: 2 gm per litre & It is a contact Fungicide used as a foliar spray for the control of fungal diseases in different crops. Precautions: Poisonous, Handle with care. Do not touch or inhale the contents. Do not eat and drink during application. While handling the contents use rubber gloves and face masks. If symptoms of poisoning occur call the physician immediately. Special Features: Protective and curative in action.

    Rs. 92.22 - Rs. 688.17

  • Syngenta Amistar Xtra Fungicide Crops Syngenta Amistar Xtra Fungicide

    Syngenta Syngenta Amistar Xtra Fungicide

    AMISTAR® Xtra delivers long lasting foliar protection, rate-for-rate outlasting key competitor products The Cyproconazole in AMISTAR® Xtra delivers the fastest moving foliar curative activity on rusts and powdery mildew With two Modes of Action, it provides activity on all key stages of disease development AMISTAR® Xtra has a full dose of Strobilurin active unlike low AI loading competitor products Unlike triazole-only fungicides, it stops disease before it attacks the plant, maximising yield potential

    Rs. 446.00 - Rs. 4,007.00

  • Dividend Fungicide Syngenta Syngenta Dividend  Fungicide  Crops

    Syngenta Syngenta Dividend (Difenoconazole) Fungicide - 5 KG

    Syngenta DIVIDEND® is a high-performance, broad spectrum seed applied fungicide. It has systemic action. Dividend penetrates into the seed and is also able to control deep-seated pathogens like wheat loose smut whose inoculum is located in the embryo. DIVIDEND® has outstanding efficacy against major seed & soil borne diseases on cereals. Unique activity against Loose Smut in wheat. This results in better root development for a healthy crop establishment due to efficient utilization of nutrients.  DIVIDEND® provides excellent crop safety. Dose: For Wheat Crops use Syngenta Dividend @ 2gm/kg of seed

  • Anshul Theer Fungicide Powder - 120 GM Anshul Theer Fungicide Powder - 120 GM

    Anshul अंशुल थीर (ट्राईसाइक्लाज़ोल 75% WP) पाउडर - 120 GM

    तकनीकी सामग्री: ट्राईसाइक्लाज़ोल 75% WP प्रणालीगत क्रिया विस्फोट नियंत्रण के लिए सबसे स्वीकार्य कवकनाशी के रूप में थीर का उपयोग दुनिया भर में किया जाता है। यह प्रकृति में अत्यधिक प्रणालीगत है और बारिश के पानी से दूर नहीं होता है। बारिश वास्तव में ब्लास्टिन के अवशोषण की दर को बढ़ा सकती है। यह ब्लास्ट रोग को धान के पौधे में प्रवेश नहीं करने देता है। यह अन्य भागों में ब्लास्ट रोग के आगे विकास की भी जाँच करता है। यह लंबे समय तक भंडारण के दौरान स्थिर रहता है और पानी में तेजी से घुल जाता है। इसकी निवारक कार्रवाई के कारण भूसी & amp; टूटा हुआ अनाज और गुणवत्ता और amp भी बढ़ाता है; चावल के खेत की उपज। बहु अनुप्रयोग विधियाँ जैसे फ्लैट ड्रेंच, ट्रांसप्लांट रूट सोक या फोलियर एप्लिकेशन संभव हैं। लक्षित कीट: नेक ब्लास्ट, नोड ब्लास्ट, पैनिकल ब्लास्ट, लीफ ब्लास्ट मात्रा: 0.6 ग्राम/लीटर

Fungicides for Plants - Agriplex

Facing Fungal Threats to Your Farm?

Fungal diseases can devastate crops, reducing yields and impacting your profits. At Agriplex, we understand the challenges farmers face. That's why we offer a wide range of fungicides to combat various fungal problems, protecting your crops and promoting high yield.

What are Fungicides?

Fungicides are specialized crop protection solutions that target and control fungal growth. Unlike insecticides targeting insects or herbicides for weeds, fungicides specifically address fungal diseases that can damage your plants.

Finding the Right Fungicide for Your Needs:

Agriplex offers a variety of fungicides at competitive prices to suit your specific farming needs. We carry popular brands in India like Indofil, Syngenta, and Bayer, allowing you to compare and choose the most effective solution.

Here's what you'll find in our Fungicide collection:

  • Technical Names: Each product description clearly mentions the active ingredient, giving you a better understanding of how the fungicide works.
  • Usage and Dosage: We provide clear instructions on usage, including the recommended dosage per liter of water for effective application.
  • Target Diseases: Descriptions specify which fungal diseases each fungicide effectively resolves, allowing you to target specific problems in your fields.
  • Suitable for Various Farm Sizes: Whether you manage acres of land or a smaller farm, Agriplex offers fungicides in suitable quantities to meet your needs.

Benefits of Using Agriplex Fungicides:

  • Protect Crops: Our fungicides effectively control fungal growth, safeguarding your crops from diseases that can significantly reduce yield.
  • Increased Profits: By protecting your crops from fungal damage, you minimize losses and maximize your harvest, leading to higher profits.
  • Improved Farm Management: Using the right fungicides promotes healthy plant growth, leading to better farm management practices.

More Than Just Fungicides:

Agriplex is your one-stop shop for all your farming needs. In addition to fungicides, we offer a comprehensive range of agricultural products, including:

  • Pesticides: Target and eliminate insect pests that harm your crops.
  • Traps & Lures: Effectively monitor and control pest populations in your fields.
  • Adjuvants: Enhance the performance of your fungicides and other crop protection solutions.

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