Frequently Bought with Herbicides
Anshul अंशुल स्टिक मैक्स (इसमें स्प्रेडिंग और स्टिकिंग वेटिंग एजेंट होता है)
फसलः वे सभी फसलें जिनमें पर्णीय छिड़काव किया जाता है। खुराक: 1.0 मिली प्रति लीटर स्प्रे घोल। लाभ: अंशुल स्टिकमैक्स के साथ छिड़काव करने पर कीटनाशकों या कवकनाशियों या सूक्ष्म पोषक तत्वों या अन्य उर्वरकों का बेहतर और तत्काल अवशोषण एक फैलाने, मर्मज्ञ और चिपकने वाले एजेंट के रूप में काम करता है। यह जल निकासी से बचने में मदद करेगा। इसका उपयोग अधिकतम कवरेज के लिए शाकनाशियों के साथ भी किया जा सकता है और खरपतवारों को प्रभावी ढंग से नियंत्रित कर सकता है। स्टिकमैक्स का उपयोग कम लागत पर स्प्रेयर और कृषि मशीनरी के लिए सफाई एजेंट के रूप में भी किया जा सकता है। यह पौधों के लिए गैर विषैले और सोडियम से मुक्त है।
Rs. 77.00 - Rs. 1,402.00
Bayer बायर काउंसिल एक्टिव (ट्रायफामोन 20% + एथॉक्सीसल्फ्यूरॉन 10% WG) - 45GM
तकनीकी सामग्री: Triafamone 20% + Ethoxysulfuron 10% WG रोपाई के साथ-साथ सीधे बोए गए चावल (गीले डीएसआर) में भी इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है घास, सेज और चौड़ी पत्ती वाले खरपतवारों पर नियंत्रण प्रदान करता है सुपीरियर अवशिष्ट प्रभाव और फसल सुरक्षा एक शॉट और एक सीजन भर चलने वाला खरपतवार नियंत्रण समाधान
Rs. 750.00 - Rs. 1,350.00
Bayer Bayer Laudis Herbicide With Foost
Product Description Bayer laudis is a post-emergence, selective herbicide that is used to control a range of broadleaf weeds in corn and soybean crops. It is formulated as a soluble concentrate (SC) and is applied to the leaves of the weeds. Technical Composition laudis herbicide contains 42% w/w of the active ingredient tembotrione. Tembotrione is a member of the PPO (photosynthetic electron transport inhibitor) family of herbicides. It works by blocking the production of ATP, which is a molecule that provides energy for plant growth. Mode of Action laudis herbicide is absorbed by the leaves of the weeds and then translocated throughout the plant. It accumulates in the chloroplasts, which are the plant's "powerhouses". Once it reaches the chloroplasts, tembotrione blocks the production of ATP, which prevents the plant from producing energy. This leads to the death of the plant cells and the eventual death of the plant. Features Selective: It is selective for corn and soybean crops, so it will not harm the crop when applied properly. Effective: It is effective against a range of broadleaf weeds, including lambsquarters, pigweed, and waterhemp. Long-lasting: It has a long residual activity, so it can provide control of weeds for up to 30 days after application. Easy to use: It is easy to use and can be applied with a variety of sprayers. Benefits Increased crop yield: It can help to increase crop yield by controlling weeds that compete with the crop for water, nutrients, and sunlight. Reduced weed control costs: It can help to reduce weed control costs by reducing the need for manual weeding. Improved crop quality: It can help to improve crop quality by reducing the incidence of diseases and pests that are transmitted by weeds. Dosage The recommended dosage of laudis herbicide varies depending on the crop and the weed pressure. For corn, the recommended dosage is 115ml/ acre. For soybeans, the recommended dosage is 0.2-0.4 Liters per hectare. Targeted Weeds Laudis is used to control a range of broadleaf weeds in corn and soybean crops. It is effective against lambsquarters, pigweed, waterhemp, and other broadleaf weeds. Target Crops laudis herbicide is approved for use on corn and soybean crops. It is also approved for use on non-crop areas, such as roadsides and ditches. Frequency of application - Depends on pest incidence or severity of disease. Manufacturing Or Marketing Company – Bayer CropScience Mode Of Formulation - Emulifiable Mobility In Plant - Systemic Application Method Direction Of Use- Foliage Spraying
Rs. 1,226.00 - Rs. 3,155.00
Crystal Crystal Topper-77 Herbicide
Crystal Topper 77 Herbicide contains Glyphosate 71% sg and Is A Non-Selective, Systemic Herbicide Of Organo Phosphorus Group, Which Inhibits Epsp Synthesis In Weed Plant. Due To Its Non-Selective Action It Kills All Types Of Weeds Topper 77 Is Absorbed By The Weed Plants Very Rapidly And Kills The Plant From The Root With 7-12 Days After Its Application, Apart From Annual And Perennial Weeds Also Kills The Aquatic Weeds Efficiently Topper 77 Does Not Affect The Germination Of Ensuing Crops And Any Crop Can Be Grown After Its Application. Dosage : Use Topper 77 Herbicide 1 ML / Litre of Water
Rs. 130.00 - Rs. 850.00
Crystal Crystal Clinton Herbicide - 1 LT
Active Ingredient : Glyphosate 41% SL Mode Of Formulation: Emulifiable Product Description Crystal Clinton herbicide is used for killing all weeds (non-selective). Use only when there is no standing crop. Effective control of weeds in the field. Recommended Crop It Is Used In Non-Cropped Area. Recommended Dosage 1-2 ml Application Method Direction of use Foliage Spraying
Rs. 600.00
Indofil Indofil Bigul Herbicide
Indofil Bigul Herbicide is a powerful, non-selective herbicide that kills tough weeds and grasses. It is ideal for spot or broadcast treatment and provides up to 95% control of a range of broadleaf weeds in field and vegetable crops. It is fast-acting and easy to use, making it an effective part of any integrated weed management plan.
Rs. 827.50
JU Agri Science JU Atrazine 50 WDP Herbicide - 500 GM
Technical Name: Atrazine 50% WP Mode of Action: Pre and Early Post Emergent Herbicide Atrazine is a chlorinated triazine herbicide that is used to selectively control annual grasses and broadleaf weeds before they emerge. It is a systemic herbicide, which means that it is taken up by the roots and leaves of the plant and moves throughout the plant, killing it. Atrazine is registered for use on several agricultural crops, including corn, sorghum, sugarcane, wheat, macadamia nuts, and guava. It is also registered for use on non-agricultural areas, such as industrial sites and turf. Atrazine is effective against a wide range of weeds, including crabgrass, foxtail, barnyardgrass, pigweed, and johnsongrass. It is also effective against some perennial weeds, such as quackgrass and dallisgrass. Atrazine is applied to the soil as a spray or granular application. The rate of application will vary depending on the crop being treated and the weeds present. Atrazine is a relatively safe herbicide when used according to label directions. However, it can be harmful to fish and other aquatic organisms. It is important to avoid applying atrazine near water bodies. Safety Precautions Always read and follow the label directions carefully. Wear protective clothing, including gloves, long sleeves, and pants, when handling atrazine. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and mouth. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling atrazine. Dispose of atrazine and its containers properly. Dosages: 400- 1600 gm per acre
Rs. 321.50
Indofil Indofil Oxy Gold Herbicide
Rs. 143.50 - Rs. 487.35
Godrej Godrej Hitweed Herbicide
Hitweed is India's first highly selective herbicide for Cotton. It contains 'Pyrithiobac Sodium' as active ingredient. Hitweed is highly effective on several broad leaf weeds. Selective herbicide, safe for Cotton Controls all problematic broad-leaf weeds in Cotton Safe to succeeding crops after cotton harvest Less labour intensive Cotton plants get more space, light and air for robust growth Healthy cotton plants produce more yield No adverse effect on soil Mode Of ActionIt is an early post-emergence and selective herbicide with Acetolactate Synthase inhibition (ALS). It inhibits the synthesis of essential amino acids and proteins leading to the death of weeds. Recommendation Crops Target Pest/Disease Dose per Acre (gm/ml) Cotton Trianthema sp., Chenopodium sp., Digera sp., Amaranthus sp., Celosia argentina 250- 300 ml/acre
Rs. 1,165.00 - Rs. 3,650.00
BASF BASF Basta Herbicide - 1 LT
Product Description Basf Basta is a non-selective, post-emergence herbicide that is used to control a wide range of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds in a variety of crops. It is formulated as a soluble liquid (SL) and is applied to the leaves of the weeds. Technical Composition Basta Herbicide contains 13.5% w/w of the active ingredient glufosinate ammonium. Glufosinate ammonium is a member of the glufosinate family of herbicides. It works by inhibiting the enzyme glutamine synthetase, which is essential for plant growth. Mode of Action Basta Herbicide is absorbed by the leaves of the weeds and then translocated throughout the plant. It accumulates in the chloroplasts, which are the plant's "powerhouses". Once it reaches the chloroplasts, glufosinate ammonium inhibits the enzyme glutamine synthetase, which prevents the plant from producing amino acids. This leads to the death of the plant cells and the eventual death of the plant. Features: Non-selective: Basta Herbicide will kill any plant that it comes into contact with, making it a good choice for controlling weeds that are difficult to control with other herbicides. Post-emergence: basta is applied after the weeds have emerged from the soil, making it a good choice for controlling weeds that emerge after the crop has been planted. Long-lasting: It has a long residual activity, meaning that it can provide control of weeds for up to 30 days after application. Water-soluble: Basta is water-soluble, making it easy to mix and apply. Low volatility: Basta is low-volatile, meaning that it is less likely to drift away from the target area. Benefits: Effective weed control: It is effective against a wide range of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, including pigweed, lambsquarters, and dandelions. Long-lasting weed control: It has a long residual activity, so you can be confident that your crops will be protected from weeds for up to 30 days. Easy to use: It is easy to use and can be applied with a variety of sprayers. Safe for crops: It is safe for a wide range of crops, including soybeans, corn, cotton, and sugarcane. Environmentally friendly: It is a non-persistent herbicide, meaning that it breaks down quickly in the environment. Target Crops It is approved for use on a variety of crops, including soybeans, corn, cotton, and sugarcane. It is also approved for use on non-crop areas, such as roadsides and ditches. Frequency of application - Depends on Spread and growth of weeds in the field Manufacturing Or Marketing Company – BASF India Dosage : Use BASF Basta Herbicide Target Crops Target weeds Dose (liter/acre) Time of application Cotton Echinochloa spp. Dactyloctenium sp. Cynodon dactylon. 1-1.2ltr At active vegetative growth stage of weeds Tea Borreria hispida Imperata cylindrica Digitaria sangunalis Commelina benghalensis Ageratum conyzoides Eleusine indica Paspalum conjugatum Panicum repens 1-1.3ltr At active vegetative growth stage/flowering stage of weeds use a spray shield to prevent drift on the tea plants.
Rs. 1,170.00
Sumitomo Sumitomo Sumimax Herbicides - 100 ML
Product Description Sumitomo Sumimax is a pre-emergent herbicide formulated as a suspension concentrate (SC) containing the active ingredient flumioxazin. It is designed to effectively control a wide spectrum of broadleaf weeds and grasses in various crops. Technical Content Active Ingredient: Flumioxazin Formulation: Suspension Concentrate (SC) Mode of Action Sumimax inhibits the protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO) enzyme, a crucial component in chlorophyll synthesis. By disrupting this process, the herbicide prevents weed growth and development, leading to their eventual death. Benefits Effective control of a broad spectrum of weeds Pre-emergent application for long-lasting protection Safe for target crops when applied as per recommendations Rainfast after a specific period Targeted Crops & Pests/Diseases Crops: Soybean, wheat, groundnut (peanuts), and other crops as per label recommendations. Pests/Diseases Controlled: Broadleaf weeds and grasses, including problematic species like phulkia, carrot grass, and motha. Dosage & Application The recommended dosage varies depending on the crop, weed pressure, and soil type. Refer to the product label for specific application rates and timing. Generally, Sumimax is applied as a pre-emergent treatment. Method of Application Sumimax is applied through foliar spraying using appropriate equipment. Ensure uniform coverage of the target area. Compatibility Always check compatibility with other pesticides or fertilizers before mixing. Conduct a small-scale test to avoid phytotoxicity or reduced efficacy. Manufacturing & Marketing Company Sumitomo Chemical India Ltd. is the manufacturing and marketing company of Sumitomo Sumimax herbicide. Disclaimer: This information is provided for general knowledge and does not substitute professional advice. Always read and follow the product label instructions carefully before use.
Rs. 994.50
Rs. 2,392.50
Sumitomo Sumitomo Suminara Herbicide
Product Description Sumitomo Suminara is a non-selective, systemic herbicide formulated with IPA salt of glyphosate. It is designed for effective control of a broad spectrum of weeds in non-crop areas. This high-loaded glyphosate formulation offers enhanced power and coverage, ensuring consistent weed control. Technical Content Active Ingredient: IPA salt of glyphosate Formulation: Soluble Liquid (SL) Mode of Action Suminara is absorbed through leaves and translocated to all parts of the plant. It inhibits the synthesis of essential amino acids, leading to plant death. Benefits Broad-spectrum control: Effective against a wide range of weeds. Non-selective action: Controls both annual and perennial weeds. High-loaded formulation: Provides powerful and consistent weed control. Rapid action: Visible effects within days of application. Long-lasting control: Prevents weed regrowth. Targeted Crops & Pests/Diseases Sumitomo Suminara is specifically designed for weed control in non-crop areas and is not intended for use on crops. It targets a wide range of annual and perennial weeds, including grasses, broadleaf weeds, and sedges. Dosage & Application The recommended dosage may vary depending on weed species, size, and density. Always refer to the product label for specific application rates. Method of Application Suminara is applied as a foliar spray using appropriate ground or aerial equipment. Ensure thorough coverage of target weeds. Compatibility While Suminara is generally compatible with most commonly used tank mixes, it is essential to conduct a small-scale compatibility test before mixing with other products. Manufacturing & Marketing Company Sumitomo Chemical India Ltd. is the manufacturer and marketer of Sumitomo Suminara herbicide. Disclaimer: Always read and follow the label instructions carefully before using Sumitomo Suminara. Handle with care and observe safety precautions.
Rs. 457.20 - Rs. 811.40
Tata Rallis Tata Atrataf Herbicides - 500 GM
Product Description Tata Atrataf is a pre-emergence herbicide formulated as a Wettable Powder (WP) containing 50% Atrazine. It is designed to effectively control a wide range of annual grasses and broad-leaved weeds in various crops. Technical Content Active Ingredient: Atrazine 50% WP Mode of Action Atrataf works by inhibiting photosystem II, a key component in plant photosynthesis. This disruption leads to the death of germinating weed seedlings. Benefits Effective control of annual grasses and broad-leaved weeds Long-lasting residual activity Safe to target crops when applied as per recommendations Improves crop yield and quality Cost-effective weed management solution Targeted Crops & Pests/Diseases Atrataf is primarily used for weed control in: Maize Sugarcane Sorghum Coffee Grapevine Oil palm Banana Pineapple Guava It effectively targets annual grasses and broad-leaved weeds such as: Trianthema monogyna Digera arvensis Echinochloa spp Eleucine Spp Xanthium strumarium Brachiaria Spp Digitaria Spp Amaranthus viridis Polygonum spp Cleome viscose Dosage & Application The recommended dosage of Atrataf varies depending on the crop, soil type, and weed pressure. Please refer to the product label for specific instructions. Generally, the application rate ranges from 400-500 grams per acre. Method of Application Atrataf is applied as a pre-emergence herbicide, meaning it should be applied before weed emergence. It is typically applied uniformly over the crop area using ground or aerial equipment. Compatibility Atrataf is generally compatible with most fertilizers and pesticides. However, it is always recommended to conduct a small-scale compatibility test before mixing with other products. Manufacturing & Marketing Company Tata Atrataf is manufactured and marketed by Tata Rallis India Limited, a leading agrochemical company. Disclaimer: This information is intended for general knowledge and informational purposes only. Always read and follow the product label instructions carefully before using Atrataf.
Rs. 344.50
GSP Crop Science GSP Seizure Herbicide - 500 ML
Rs. 350.25
Meghmani Meghmani Aura Herbicide - 1 LT
Product Description Meghmani Aura is a selective, post-emergence herbicide designed to effectively control a broad spectrum of broadleaf weeds in key crops.It is formulated to deliver superior weed control without harming the target crop, ensuring optimal yield and quality. Technical Content Active Ingredient: 2,4-D amine salt Formulation: Liquid concentrate Mode of Action Meghmani Aura works by disrupting the plant growth hormones of broadleaf weeds. The active ingredient, 2,4-D, is absorbed through the leaves and translocated throughout the plant, causing abnormal growth and eventual death Benefits Effective control of a wide range of broadleaf weeds Selective action, minimizing crop injury Flexible application timing Enhanced crop yield and quality Cost-effective weed management solution Targeted Crops & Pests/Diseases Crops: Sugarcane, wheat, maize, tea, and other compatible crops Broadleaf weeds such as goosegrass, lambsquarters, pigweed, and others Dosage & Application The specific dosage of Meghmani Aura will vary depending on the crop, weed species, and growth stage. Always refer to the product label for exact recommendations Method of Application Meghmani Aura is typically applied as a foliar spray using calibrated equipment. Ensure thorough coverage of the target weeds. Compatibility Meghmani Aura is generally compatible with most commonly used fertilizers and pesticides. However, always conduct a small-scale compatibility test before mixing with other products. Manufacturing & Marketing Company Meghmani Aura Herbicides is manufactured and marketed by Meghmani Organics Limited, a leading agrochemical company with a strong presence in India and global markets. Disclaimer: This information is intended for general knowledge and does not constitute professional advice. Always read and follow the product label for complete instructions and safety precautions.
Rs. 518.00
Syngenta Syngenta Evenso Herbicides
Looking for a reliable herbicide? Look no further than Syngenta Evenso Herbicides. With proven efficiency and effectiveness in weed control, this product is a top choice for farmers and agricultural professionals. Keep your crops safe and thriving with Syngenta Evenso Herbicides.
Rs. 396.00 - Rs. 1,554.00
Best Agrolife Best Agrolife Tombo Herbicide
Rs. 833.25 - Rs. 1,403.50
JU Agri Science JU Burnout Herbicide - 1 LT
JU Burnout Herbicide is a post-emergent, systemic herbicide that is used to control a broad spectrum of broadleaf weeds in a variety of crops, including wheat, soybean, cotton, and vegetables. It is also effective in aquatic conditions. JU Burnout Herbicide works by interfering with the production of plant growth hormones, which causes the weeds to wilt and die. It is a selective herbicide, which means that it will only kill the targeted weeds and not the crop plants. To use JU Burnout Herbicide, mix the recommended amount of product with water and apply it to the weeds as a foliar spray. The best time to apply the herbicide is when the weeds are actively growing and the weather is cool and dry. JU Burnout Herbicide is a safe and effective herbicide that can be used to control a variety of broadleaf weeds. It is important to follow the label directions carefully when using this product to avoid injury to people or pets. Crop Weed Dosage (ml/acre) Corn Annual grasses 300-600 Corn Broadleaf weeds 400-800 Soybeans Annual grasses 300-600 Soybeans Broadleaf weeds 400-800 Wheat Annual grasses 300-600 Wheat Broadleaf weeds 400-800 Rice Broadleaf weeds 400-800 Cotton Annual grasses 300-600 Cotton Broadleaf weeds 400-800 Here are some of the key features of JU Burnout Herbicide: Post-emergent, systemic herbicide Controls a broad spectrum of broadleaf weeds Effective in a variety of crops and aquatic conditions Selective, so it will not kill the crop plants Easy to use Safe and effective when used according to label directions Here are some of the benefits of using JU Burnout Herbicide: Helps to control weeds and improve crop yields Keeps fields and gardens looking neat and tidy Reduces the need for manual weeding Can be used in a variety of conditions Safe and effective when used according to label directions
Rs. 448.00
Indofil Indofil Chase Herbicide
Indofil Chase Herbicide is a selective, post-emergent herbicide used to control a wide range of grasses and broadleaf weeds in sugarcane, potato, tomato, wheat, and soybean crops. It is a systemic herbicide, which means that it is absorbed by the leaves and roots of the weeds and translocated throughout the plant, killing it. Dosage: Sugarcane: 1.5-3.0 kg/ha, applied pre-emergence at first wapsa condition for 3-5 days after planting or post-emergence 25-30 days after planting. Potato: 0.750 kg/ha, applied pre-emergence at first wapsa condition for 3-4 days after planting or post-emergence between emergence and time when the first potato plant has reached height of 5 cm. Tomato: 0.750 kg/ha, applied pre-planting week before transplanting or post-planting 15 days after transplanting. Wheat: 0.250-0.30 kg/ha, applied post-emergence 35 days after sowing of crop. Soybean: 0.50-0.75 kg/ha, applied post-emergence 20-30 days after planting. Safety precautions: Wear protective clothing and eyewear when handling Indofil Chase Herbicide. Do not apply the herbicide near water bodies or areas where it could run off into waterways. Dispose of unused herbicide properly.
Rs. 425.25 - Rs. 827.50
Sampoorti Sampoorti Sprayer - Ganga (18-litre capacity )
Sampoorti Sprayer – Ganga LED is an 18-litre capacity battery operated knapsack sprayer. It is particularly useful in medium to large scale agricultural systems to spray pesticides and weedicides. They are suited to every crop and terrains. Features 2 in 1 multi-functional sprayer– both battery and manually operated Heavy-duty, high-pressure pump High-quality sprayer with a robust and durable design Long-lasting stainless steel lance and heavy trigger Additional adjustable nozzles provided Double filter safety to protect nozzles from clogging Additional LED light for night work Easy to clean Specifications 18 L large tank capacity Battery 12V/8Ah. LED bulb 5 Watt. 3.6 lpm pump
Rs. 3,000.00
JU Agri JU Glypho-41(Glyphosate 41%Sl) Herbicide
JU Glypho-41 is an effective herbicide that contains 41% glyphosate. It is effective at controlling a wide range of weeds and grasses and can be used for pre- and post-emergence applications. JU Glypho-41 provides superior control of annual and perennial weeds, including those that are tough to control. It is fast-acting and can be applied easily with spray equipment.
Rs. 700.00
Meghmani Meghmani Milzine Herbicide - 500 GM
Rs. 315.75
Meghmani Meghmani Milatryn Herbicide
Rs. 805.65 - Rs. 1,553.00
Best Agrolife Best Agrolife Atrashakti Herbicide - 500 GM
Rs. 391.50
Best Agrolife Best Agrolife Amito Herbicide - 500 GM
Rs. 770.00
Best Agrolife Best Agrolife Amito Herbicide - 1 KG
Rs. 1,449.50
GSP Crop Science GSP Verdict Metri Herbicide - 500 GM
Rs. 885.00
Sampoorti Sampoorti Sprayer - Megha (16-litre)
Sprayer Megha is a 16-litre capacity battery operated knapsack sprayer. It is particularly useful in medium to large scale agricultural systems to spray pesticides and weedicides. Features Single functional battery sprayer Heavy-duty, high-pressure pump High-quality sprayer with a robust and durable design Long-lasting brass joint, stainless steel lance and heavy trigger Additional adjustable nozzles and measuring cup provided Double filter safety to protect nozzles from clogging Personal protection kit provided Additional LED light for night work Easy to clean Specifications 16 L large tank capacity Battery 12V/12Ah. LED bulb 5 Watt. 4 lpm pump
Rs. 3,520.00
Sampoorti Sampoorti Sprayer - Godavari (16 Liter)
Sprayer Godavari is a 16-litre capacity battery operated knapsack sprayer. It is particularly useful in medium to large scale agricultural systems to spray pesticides and weedicides. Features Single functional battery sprayer Heavy-duty, high-pressure pump High-quality sprayer with a robust and durable design Long-lasting stainless steel lance and heavy trigger Additional adjustable nozzles provided Double filter safety to protect nozzles from clogging Easy to clean Specifications 16 L large tank capacity Battery 12V/8Ah 3.1 lpm pump
Rs. 2,618.00
BASF BASF Stomp Xtra Herbicide
BASF Stomp Xtra is a herbicide used in pre-emergence applications to control annual grasses and certain broadleaf weeds. It contains Pendimethalin 38.7% CS. It inhibits cell division and elongation. Pendimethalin is listed in the K1- group according to the Herbicide Resistance Action Committee (HRAC) classification. The specialized CS formulation helps in enhancing the efficacy by reducing evaporation loss. Chemical composition: Pendimethalin 38.7 % CS
Rs. 945.00
BASF BASF Calanit Herbicide
Technical Content : Propaquizafop 10% EC Mode of Action: Systemic herbicide Product Description: BASF Calanit is a systemic herbicide, which is quickly absorbed by the leaves and translocated from the foliage to the growing points of the leaves and roots of the sprayed weeds. It is used for the post-emergence control of a wide range of annual and perennial
Rs. 1,000.00 - Rs. 1,970.00