
Management Of Major Insects Of Paddy

  • , द्वारा Agriplex India
  • 3 मिनट पढ़ने का समय


Paddy belongs to the grass family and it is grown in flooded conditions. Next to wheat, paddy is the most significant cereal crop in terms of production and consumption. Rice is a staple food for more than 50 percent of the population in India. Paddy cultivation has been an integral part of Indian agriculture and states like Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka are extensively involved in paddy cultivation. However, it has encountered challenges due to insect pests which have resulted in yield reduction. This blog will help you understand the major insects attacking the paddy crop, symptoms, and control measures. 

Paddy Thrips 

Thrips in paddy are a major problem both during nursery and main field. Insects suck sap as a result leaves tend to roll inwards and yellowish silvery streaks-like markings can be noticed at the seedling's tip. Under severe incidences, panicle filling might be hindered. 

Recommended products  

Organic - Strike Plus

Chemical - Actara, Regent, Multiplex Nagmida, 

Green leaf hopper 

Paddy crop is severely damaged by green leaf hoppers, especially during the vegetative and reproductive stages. Insects sucking leaf sap cause the leaf to begin yellowing from the tip downward. Stunted plants, a patch of yellowing leaves in the main field, and ill-filled panicles can all be seen. Green leaf hopper is the vector for transmission of the Rice tungro virus. 

Recommended products 

Organic - Bio strike 

Jawaa (DuPont), Chess, Lancer gold , Apply (Dhanuka)

Brown plant hopper

Brown plant hopper is a serious pest of paddy. Insects are found in mass at the stem bases. Drying of mature leaves, lodging, and browning can be noticed in patches in the field commonly referred to as hopper burn symptoms. If left uncontrolled, plants dry up, wilt, and ultimately die. BPH acts as a vector for the paddy grassy stunt virus.

Recommended products

Organic - Bio strike 

Chess(Syngenta), Token (Indofil), Apply (Dhanuka), Lancer gold (Upl), and Regent(Bayer).

Paddy stem borer

Paddy stem borer insect larvae bore a hole in the stem portion, causing the entire shoot to dry out. As the insect damage progresses, panicle filling will be partial or nil, resulting in white panicles often referred to as dead heart symptoms. The upper portion of the plant can be separated by just pulling it.

Recommended products 

Anshul Chlocip, Multiplex Nagcyper 10, Bayer lesenta

Paddy Hispa 

In paddy, Hispa feeds by irregular scraping of the leaf, resulting in whitish scrape markings on the upper surface of the leaf parallel to the leaf vines. Scraping reduced the chlorophyll content, which reduced the area available for photosynthesis and yield.

Recommended product 

Adama Lamdex Super, Multiplex Border 50, Tricel 

Ear head bug

Ear head bug is not a major insect like the one mentioned previously. It is virulent when the panicle is in the milky stage of paddy. The ear head bug feeds on the sap of grains by puncturing the tissue, causing black dots and foul odor, eventually leading to chaffy seeds. Insect locomotion can be noticed on the plant and panicle.

Recommended products 

Nagpyripos, Lancer gold, Confidor, Ulala


Rice has been cultivated since ancient times; it was grown extensively during China's Tang Dynasty (618–907) and Japan's Heian period (794–1185).

 Today it remains an important crop in both countries as well as elsewhere throughout Asia, Africa and South America—especially Brazil where it accounts for about 60% of all land used for agriculture worldwide.


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