Management of Major Diseases of Tomato

  • , द्वारा Agriplex India
  • 4 मिनट पढ़ने का समय

Tomato is one of the main vegetable crops of India. It is widely cultivated both in open fields and in polyhouses. The tomato crop is susceptible to many disease infestations. This blog provides strategies for the effective management of major diseases of tomato crops. 


It is caused by a soil-borne fungus called Pythium. There are two types of damping off of tomatoes which are pre-emergence and post-emergence. In the pre-emergence, the seedlings are killed just before they reach the soil surface. The post-emergence phase water-soaked depression near the collar regions can be noticed which in later stages leads to collapsing or wilting of seedlings in portray.


Recommended products 

Biological Control: Trichomax, Biocure F, Chirayu 

Chemical Control: Ridomil Gold, Blitox, Blue copper, Aliette, Bavistin 

Early blight 

 Early blight gets its name as the disease usually occurs during the early growth phase of a crop. It is caused by a fungus called Alternaria. Symptoms can be seen as leaf spot and blight in concentric rings in a bull's eye pattern and tissue surrounding the spots may turn yellow. 


Recommended products 

Biological Control: Trichomax, Biocure F

Chemical Control: UPL M45 Splash, Anshul Dost, Amister top, Syngenta Revus

Late blight

Late blight is the most damaging disease which is caused by a fungus known as Phytophthora. It infects the leaf, stem, and fruits of the plant and it spreads at a quicker rate than other diseases. Brownish black water-soaked lesions with an oily appearance can be noticed on the leaf, fruit, and in rare cases on the stem. In case of severe infections fruits show rotten appearance.  

Recommended products 

Chemical Control: Multiplex Jodi, Folio Gold, Bayer Profiler, Kavach, Nativo

Wilt - Fusarium and Bacteria

Tomato Wilt can be caused by either Fungus or Bacteria or due to infestation by both. There is a minute symptomatic difference between both wilts. In fungal wilt plants generally turn yellow and then wilt and die but in the case of bacterial wilt, plants remain green and wilt all of a sudden followed by plant death (Green wilting). Fungal wilt is caused by fusarium and Bacterial wilt is caused by Ralstonia


Recommended products 

Biological Control: Trichomax, Biocure F, Pseudomax, Biocure B, Nisarga, Sparsha 

Chemical Control: Bactinash 200, Bavistin, Cystocycline, Blue copper, Dhanuka Conika, Nagcopper, Nagcarzim

Leaf Spot - Septoria

Septoria leaf spot is caused by a fungus known as Septoria. Symptoms can be noticed on the leaves as numerous minute spots which are Greyish to dark brown. 

Recommended products 

Biological Control: Trichomax, Biocure F, Nisarga

Chemical Control: Anshul Suraksha,  Multiplex Sergent or Multiplex Nagzol,  Splash, Multiplex Speed, Multiplex Ziddhi

Powdery Mildew 

Powdery mildew in tomatoes is generally not a major disease; the infestation is high during the early growth stages. It is caused by a fungus that Initially produces light yellow spots which then will have a powdery-like substance covering the entire leaf. 


Recommended products - 

Biological Control: Trichomax, Biocure F, Pseudomax, Biocure B, NisargaSparsha

Chemical Control:  Anshul Dost,  Multiplex jodi, Luna experience,  Anshul liquid Sulphur, Contaf Plus,  Folicure

Tomato leaf curl 

This disease is caused by Tomato leaf curl Virus which is transmitted by Whitefly. Plants will have reduced internodes, emerging leaves will be chlorosis and curled upwards. Under severe infestation, it will lead to the shunting of plants. 


Recommended products 

Biological Control: Multiplex Baba, Multiplex Varsha.

Chemical Control: Lancer gold, Confidor, Nagmida, Bright star, Anshul Ikon, Keefen, Multiplex Navathara.  


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