Frequently Bought with Bio Products

30 products

  • PI Biovita Seaweed PGR PI Biovita Seaweed PGR

    PI PI Biovita Seaweed PGR

    Product Description PI Biovita is a natural biostimulant that contains a concentrated extract of seaweed. It is a foliar-applied product that can be used on a variety of crops, including fruit trees, vegetables, and field crops. it helps to improve plant growth and development, and it can also help to increase crop yields. Technical Composition It is a liquid formulation that contains seaweed extract. The seaweed extract in Biovita is a complete and balanced mixture of nutrients, including amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and growth hormones.Thus it acts as a plant growth regulator Mode of Action PI Biovita works by stimulating the plant's natural growth processes. The nutrients in Biovita help to increase the plant's ability to absorb water and nutrients, and they also help to improve the plant's resistance to stress. it can also help to improve the quality of the crop, and it can increase the shelf life of the produce. Features Improves plant growth and development Increases crop yields Improves the quality of the crop Increases the shelf life of the produce Helps to improve the plant's resistance to stress Is a natural product that is derived from seaweed Is safe to use on food crops Provides over 60 naturally occurring major and minor nutrients and plant development substances comprising of enzymes, proteins, cytokinins, amino acids, vitamins, gibberellins, auxins, betains etc. in organic form Benefits Increased yields: It can help to increase crop yields by up to 20%. Improved quality of produce: It can help to improve the quality of produce by making it more flavorful, nutritious, and visually appealing. Longer shelf life: It can help to increase the shelf life of produce by making it less susceptible to spoilage. Increased resistance to stress: it can help to increase the plant's resistance to stress, such as drought, heat, and pests. Improved plant health: It can help to improve the overall health of the plant, making it more resistant to disease and pests and other biological disorder. Reduced the need for fertilizers and pesticides: it also helps to reduce the requirement of chemical fertilizers, making it a more sustainable choice for crop production. Dosage The dosage of PI Biovita will vary depending on the crop and the application method. For foliar application, the recommended dosage is 2-3 mL per liter of water. For irrigation, the recommended dosage is 1-2 L per hectare. Targeted Disease Biovita is not a disease control product. However, it can help to improve the plant's resistance to stress, which can make the plant less susceptible to disease. Target Crops Biovita can be used on a variety of crops, including: Fruit trees – Apple, Guvava,Mango,banana,coconut Vegetables – Tomato, Chili, Cauliflower,Capsicum,Pumpkin Field crops – Cotton,Soyabean,Paddy,Wheat,Groundnut Ornamentals – Roses, Chrysanthemum Compatibility - Compatible with sticking agents Manufacturing Or Marketing Company –  PI Industries Ltd. Mode Of Formulation – Emulsified Mobility In Plant - Systemic Application Method Direction Of Use- Foliage Spraying

    Rs. 249.00 - Rs. 692.00

  • Coromandel Neemazal T/S Neam Oil Coromandel Neemazal T/S Neam Oil Dosage

    Coromandel Coromandel Neemazal T/S Neam Oil

    Product Description: Coromandel Neemazal is a Azadirachtin based botanical pesticide which contains Azadirachtin at 10000 ppm concentration.Neemazal provides multiple modes of action such as Insect growth regulator, repellent, antifeedant, synergist etc.  Registered under CIB & RC with Azadirachtin at 10000 ppm concentration this helps in managing both chewings & defoliating pests. Neemazal controls insects during various stages of growth such as egg, larva/nymph, adult, etc Dosage: Use Coromandel Neemazal 3ml/lt for Foliar Spray

    Rs. 575.00 - Rs. 5,187.00

  • Dr. Soil Slurry Enricher Potash Mobilizing Bacteria - 1 LT Dr. Soil Slurry Enricher Potash Mobilizing Bacteria - 1 LT Advantages

    Dr. Soil (Microbi) Dr. Soil Slurry Enricher Potash Mobilizing Bacteria - 1 LT

    Dr. Soil Slurry Enricher combining Potash Mobilizing Bacteria. It enhances the organic waste and recycles and enriches slurry. It also mobilize the Potash into near the roots of plants. It works well in all types of soil especially low Potash content soil.  Benefits : It helps in Enriching Slurry quickly. Provides Potash Mobilizing Bacteria . Accelerates cell division. Promotes uptake of Nutrients. Bio degradable  and eco friendly. Increases the availability of Potash in the soil.

    Rs. 540.00

  • Sale -32% Multiplex Jivras Multiplex Jivras (Humic Acid)

    Multiplex Multiplex Jivras (Humic Acid) Bio Simulant

    Mode of Application: Multiplex Jivras can be used for both - Soil Application & Foliar Spray Product Description: Multiplex Jivras contains humic acid (12 %) and fulvic acid which is of plant origin. Jivras improves the Hormonal activity of the seed & plant and the metabolism of soil microorganisms, thus enhancing the soil nutrient uptake and soil physical properties. It reduces soil erosion and increases the water holding capacity of the soil, thus enhancing the drought resistance of crops. It reduces the requirement of inorganic fertilizers in the root zone and releases the nutrients to plants when needed. It also increases seed germination and viability, when the seeds are treated. When Multiplex Jivras is used in combination with Zinc, It increases the size of fruits. Dosage : Soil Application: Apply Multiplex Jivras 1.5 litre per acre through irrigation. Urea Treatment:Apply 500-1000ml to 100 kg urea.The urea will turn brown in color. After 2 hrs of treatment urea can be applied to the soil. Foliar Application: Dissolve Multiplex Jivras 3.0 ml in a liter of water and spray on both sides of the leaves. For seed Treatment: Dissolve Multiplex Jivras 100 ml in one litre of water. Treat the seeds in this solution for one hour before sowing.  

    Rs. 71.00 - Rs. 10,027.00

  • Dr. Soil Slurry Enricher Phosphate Solubilizers - 1 LT Crops Dr. Soil Slurry Enricher Phosphate Solubilizers - 1 LT Advantages

    Dr. Soil (Microbi) Dr. Soil Slurry Enricher Phosphate Solubilizers - 1 LT

    Dr. Soil slurry enricher plays important role Phosphorus bio availability and can be used to increase the Phosphate efficiently. It converts the Non-available form of Phosphate into available form in the soil.   Benefits : It helps in Enriching Slurry quickly. Provides Phosphate  Solubilizers. Accelerates cell division. Promotes uptake of Nutrients. Bio degradable  and eco friendly.

    Rs. 540.00

  • Anshul Pseudomax (Pseudomonas Fluorescence) Fungicide Liquid Anshul Pseudomax (Pseudomonas Fluorescence) Fungicide Liquid

    Anshul Anshul Pseudomax (Pseudomonas Fluorescence) Fungicide Liquid

    Technical Content: Pseudomonas Fluorescence Mode of Application: Foliar Application Soil Application Product Description: Pseudomonas Fluorescence is a bacteria which is detrimental to plant diseases. Anshul Pseudomax competes with other plant pathogenic microorganisms by killing them or suppressing their growth by producing a group of antibiotics. Dosage: Dissolve 3gm of Anshul Pseudomax in one litre of water and spray on both surface of the leaves/ Mix 2kg of Anshul Pseudomax in 100 kg of FYM or Anshul Compact and broadcast in one acre.

    Rs. 244.00 - Rs. 427.00

  • Multiplex Varsha (Verticillium lecanii) Liquid Multiplex Varsha (Verticillium lecanii) Liquid

    Multiplex Multiplex Varsha (Verticillium lecanii) Liquid

    Technical Content: Verticillium lecanii Mode of Action: Contact Product description: MULTIPLEX VARSHA is a bio pesticide which contains Verticillium lecanii in Liquid form. Vasrsha eventually grows out through the cuticle & sporulates on the outside of the body. Infected insects appear as white to yellowish cottony particles. The fungal mycelium of Verticillium lecanii produces a cyclodepsipeptide toxin called bassianolida & other insecticidal toxin dipilolinic acid, which kills the insects in 4 to 6 days. Dosage: For Liquid Based: Use Multiplex Varsha 2 liters per acre | For Carrier Based: 3 to 5 kg per acre Foliar Spray - Mix 2 to 3 ml Multiplex Varsha or 5 g of Multiplex VARSHA in 1 liter of water and spray on the top and bottom leaf surface.

    Rs. 180.09 - Rs. 493.29

  • Dr. Soil Fertility Booster Liquid Consortia - 5 LT Dr. Soil Fertility Booster Liquid Consortia - 5 LT Advantages

    Dr. Soil (Microbi) Dr. Soil Fertility Booster Liquid Consortia - 5 LT

    Dr. Soil (Soil Fertility Booster) is a Bio-fertilizer with a blend of various beneficial bacteria like Nitrogen fixers (Azotobacter and Azospirillium) Phosphate Solubilizers and Potash Mobilizers. This powerful composition helps in fixing of Nitrogen solubilize and mobilize Phosphorus and Potassium respectively thereby increasing crop yield and soil fertility. Benefits:-  - Controls growth of harmful fungi in the soil. - Helps to improve soil properties and sustains soil fertility. - Helps to reduce disease occurrence. - Enhances flowering and fruiting. - Increases yield and crop quality.          

    Rs. 2,250.00

  • Anshul Areca Star (Liquid Fertilizer for Arecanut) Anshul Areca Star (Liquid Fertilizer for Arecanut)

    Anshul Anshul Areca Star (Liquid Fertilizer for Arecanut)

    Anshul Areca Star is the microbial consortium containing nitrogen fixing bacteria (Azotobacter and Azospirillium), Phosphate Solubilising Bacterias and Potash Mobilizing Bacteria along with Zinc solubilising Bacterial and plant growth promoting bacterial strains. Mode of Application: Soil application and Drip irrigation • Helps in better fruit setting • Keeps plant healthy and green •Increases number of bunches • Prevents premature dropping of nuts • Prevents cracking of nuts • Helps in avoiding soil borne diseases. Dosage : For drip irrigation: Use 2 litres of Anshul Areca Star for one acre of land. For soil drenching: Dissolve one litre of Anshul Areca Star in 200 litres of water and drench each plant with one litre of prepared solution.

    Rs. 965.00 - Rs. 4,586.00

  • Dr. Soil Bijopachar (Rhizobium)  - 1 LT Crops Dr. Soil Bijopachar (Rhizobium)  - 1 LT Advantages

    Dr. Soil (Microbi) Dr. Soil Bijopachar (Rhizobium) - 1 LT

    Dr. Soil Bijopachar culture containing Rhizobium and specialized bacterial strains to suit various pulses and most widely used Bio-Fertilizers in India. This powerful product good to use pulses like Groundnut Green gram, Black gram, Peas, Soybean, Beans, Cowpea etc. Benefits : Increases  sprouting / germination of seeds. Increases yield and crop quantity. Increases plant growth promotion within the plants.

    Rs. 500.00

  • Anshul Biofinish Bio Pesticide Anshul Biofinish Bio Pesticide

    Anshul Anshul Biofinish Bio Pesticide

    Anshul Biofinish is a broad spectrum bio-pesticide containing active ingredients derived from different plants. Mode of Application: Foliar spray Effective against a large number of sucking and caterpillar pests such as Planthoppers, Aphids, Psyllids, Whiteflies, Scale insects, Thrips, Gall midges, Fruit flies, Leaf eating insects, Stem borers, Pod/ Fruit borers in plantation, Fruits, Vegetables and cereals crops. Special feature it is also effective against fungal diseases. Dosage: 3-5ml.ltr

    Rs. 112.00 - Rs. 3,274.00

  • Anshul Pseudomax (Pseudomonas Fluorescence) Fungicide - 1KG Anshul Pseudomax (Pseudomonas Fluorescence) Fungicide - 1KG

    Anshul Anshul Pseudomax (Pseudomonas Fluorescence) Fungicide - 1KG

    Technical Content: Pseudomonas Fluorescence Mode of Application: Foliar Application, Soil Application Product Description: Pseudomonas Fluorescence is a bacteria which is detrimental to plant diseases. Anshul Pseudomax competes with other plant pathogenic microorganisms by killing them or suppressing their growth by producing a group of antibiotics. Dosage: Dissolve 3gm of Anshul Pseudomax in one litre of water and spray on both surface of the leaves/ Mix 2kg of Anshul Pseudomax in 100 kg of FYM or Anshul Compact and broadcast in one acre.

    Rs. 160.00

  • Anshul Maxinemor (Azadirachtin 1500 PPM) Bio Pesticide Anshul Maxinemor (Azadirachtin 1500 PPM) Bio Pesticide

    Anshul Anshul Maxinemor (Azadirachtin 1500 PPM) Bio Pesticide

    Mode of action: Contact Action Product description: Anshul  Maxinemor is a Neem seed Kernel based bio-pesticide containing Azadiractin 0.15% EC. It is a contact, insect growth regulator. Maxinemor controls the majority of sucking pests and chewing Insects pests. Maxinemor acts as antifeedant, Repellant, Sterillant, Eco-friendly BioPesticide without any residual effect and does not allow pests to develop resistance. Frequent sprays can be given as prophylactic measures. Dosage: 1-2 ml/litre

    Rs. 231.00 - Rs. 851.00

  • Koppert Vici Routz SP PSB Biofertilizer Powder - Agriplex Koppert Vici Routz SP PSB Biofertilizer Powder - Agriplex

    Koppert Koppert Vici Routz SP PSB Biofertilizer Powder

    • Phosphate Solubilizing Bacterial Biofertilizer which is organically certified.• Vici Routz SP is used for drenching vide drip irrigation or manual drenching.• It has unique Silicate solubilizing bacteria, soil probiotics consortium, and prebiotics which act as bio primer that improves soil health and stimulates crop growth and root system, nutrient uptake, drought tolerance, and disease resistance by activating the beneficial microbes in the rhizosphere leading to healthy crop and bumper yield.Dose: Seasonal crops: Mix 1 gm per liter of water and drench to the root zone at 1 to 2 weeks after sowing or transplanting. (250gm/acre).Perennial crops: Apply once every 3 months for better results.Nurseries: 1 g/L of water. One application after germination is adequate. Application: Dissolve in water and apply as a soil drench to the root zone. Crops: Flower crops, vegetable crops, grapes, strawberries, fruits, spices, orchards, ornamentals, cereals, millets, pulses, oilseeds, fiber crops, sugar crops, cotton, and forage crops.

    Rs. 325.00 - Rs. 2,800.00

  • Anshul Maxi Neem (Azadiractin 300 PPM) Bio Pesticide Anshul Maxi Neem (Azadiractin 300 PPM) Bio Pesticide

    Anshul Anshul Maxi Neem (Azadiractin 300 PPM) Bio Pesticide

    Mode of action: Contact Action Product description: Anshul Maxi Neem is a Neem oil-based bio-pesticide containing Azadiractin 0.03% EC W/W min. It is a contact, insect growth regulator. Maxi Neem acts as Antifeedant, Repellant, Sterillant, Eco-friendly BioPesticide without any residual effect and does not allow pests to develop resistance. Frequent sprays can be given as prophylactic measures. Dosage: Disslove Anshul Maxi Neem 3-5 ml/litre

    Rs. 90.00 - Rs. 554.00

  • Sale -15% Multiplex Varsha (Verticillium lecanii) Powder -1 KG Multiplex Varsha (Verticillium lecanii) Powder -1 KG

    Multiplex Multiplex Varsha (Verticillium lecanii) Powder -1 KG

    Mode of Action: Contact Product description: MULTIPLEX VARSHA is a bio pesticide which contains Verticillium lecanii in powder form. Vasrsha eventually grows out through the cuticle & sporulates on the outside of the body. Infected insects appear as white to yellowish cottony particles. The fungal mycelium of Verticillium lecanii produces a cyclodepsipeptide toxin called bassianolida & other insecticidal toxin dipilolinic acid, which kills the insects in 4 to 6 days. Dosage: For Liquid Based: 2 liters per acre | For Carrier Based: 3 to 5 kg per acre Foliar Spray - Mix 2 to 3 ml or 5 g of Multiplex VARSHA in 1 litre of water and spray on the top and bottom leaf surface.

    Rs. 240.00Rs. 203.00

  • Dr. Soil Bijopachar (Azospirillum Brasilensis) - 1 LT Dr. Soil Bijopachar (Azospirillum Brasilensis) - 1 LT Advantages

    Dr. Soil (Microbi) Dr. Soil Bijopachar (Azospirillum Brasilensis) - 1 LT

    Dr.soil Bijopachar, Azospirillum is an associative symbiotic Nitrogen fixing bacterium has higher Nitrogen fixating potential. It enhances the productivity of the soil by fixing atmospheric Nitrogen into the soil. This  product is very good for Non-leguminous crops like Paddy, Jowar, Mize, Ragi, Turmeric, Ginger, Cardamom.     Benefits : Increases sprouting / germination of seeds. It produces plant growth promoting substances and quality. Increases the crop yield.

    Rs. 500.00

  • Anshul Phalmax (Liquid Fertilizer) Anshul Phalmax (Liquid Fertilizer)

    Anshul Anshul Phalmax (Liquid Fertilizer)

    Anshul Phalmax is a Bio-activator containing Seaweed Extract, Amino Acid Mixture, Vermi Wash Liquid, Humic Acid, and Fulvic Acid along with traces of Micronutrients. Mode of Application: Foliar spray • It helps plants to grow healthy by absorbing all plant nutrients from the soil at different growth stages. • Helps in better fruit setting, development and maturity of fruits. • It induces disease resistance in plants.• It improves yield both by quality and quantity. Dosage: Foliar Spray: Dissolve 2 to 3 ml of Anshul Phalmax in one liter of water and spray liberally on both surfaces of leaves. Use Anshul Stickmax 1 ml per liter of the spray mixture to increase the spray efficacy.

    Rs. 200.00 - Rs. 750.00

  • Multiplex Durga (PSB) Powder All crops Multiplex Durga (PSB) Powder

    Multiplex Multiplex Durga (PSB) Powder - 1 KG x 2

    Technical Content: Bacillus megaterium Mode of Application: Soil Application Product Description: Multiplex Durga contains several soil borne bacteria, particularly those belonging to the genera Bacillus megaterium. This bacterium can solubilize inorganic phosphate in the soil by releasing organic acids and make it available to plants. It also suppresses the growth of plant disease causing fungus. It produces plant growth promoting substances like IAA, GA, amino acids and vitamins. Dosage: Mix @ 250 ml or 2 kg of Multiplex Durga Liquid with 100 kg of well decomposed farm yard manure or Multiplex Annapurna and broadcast

    Rs. 200.00

  • Koppert Vici Routz GR PSB Biofertilizer - Agriplex Koppert Vici Routz GR PSB Biofertilizer - Agriplex

    Koppert Koppert Vici Routz GR PSB Biofertilizer

    • Phosphate Solubilizing Bacterial Biofertilizer which is organically certified.• Vici Routz GR is natural product used for broadcasting and ensure optimum soil moisture at the time of application for better results. • It has unique Silicate solubilizing bacteria, soil probiotics consortium and prebiotics which act as bio primer that improves soil health, stimulates the crop growth and root system, nutrient uptake, drought tolerance, disease resistance by activating the beneficial microbes in the rhizosphere leading to healthy crop and bumper yield. • Dose: Field: Seasonal crops: 3 – 6 kg per acre. Perennial crops: 3 – 6 kg per acre, for best results apply once in every three months.Nurseries: Use 500 gm to nursery plants raising for one acre. Vici Routz GR can be mixed with compost or sand or basal fertilizers and apply immediatly to soil. Crops: Paddy, Wheat, Cotton, Soybean, Sugarcane, Oil seeds, Pulses, Fruits, Vegetables and Floriculture crops

    Rs. 750.00

  • Samruddi Pro Rich Alpha Fruit Growth Promoter – FRGP - Agriplex Samruddi Pro Rich Alpha Fruit Growth Promoter – FRGP - Agriplex

    Samruddi Samruddi Pro Rich Alpha Fruit Growth Promoter – FRGP

    Chemical Composition :  Sea Weed Extract 9-10% Moringa Extract 5-7% Fish Protein Hydrlysate 7-9% Pine Oil 1-2% Highly bio available nutrients Increases yields at all the stages of plant life by specifically boosting the fruit formation and growth, increases resistance to diseases and climate stress improves crop quality, gives longer shelf life of produce. 1.After Mixing the solution should be used same day. 2. Spraying should cover the complete plant area 3. Effective on all types of Crops Dosage : Use Pro Rich Alpha 1.5-2 ml per litre of Water or 300ml to 400ml per acre- once in 5 - 10 days

    Rs. 58.75 - Rs. 298.50

  • Samruddi Pro Rich Flora Flower Growth Promoter – FGP - Agriplex Samruddi Pro Rich Flora Flower Growth Promoter – FGP - Agriplex

    Samruddi Samruddi Pro Rich Flora Flower Growth Promoter – FGP

    Chemical Composition : Sea Weed Extract 5-8% Moringa Extract 8-10% Fish Protein Hydrlysate 5-7% Pine Oil 1-2% Highly bio available nutrients Increases yields at all the stages of plant life by specifically boosting the flower growth, increases resistance to diseases and climate stress improves crop quality, gives longer shelf life of produce. 1.After Mixing the solution should be used same day. 2. Spraying should cover the complete plant area 3. Effective on all types of Crops Dosage : 1.5-2 ml per litre of Water or 300ml to 400ml per acre- once in 5 - 10 days.

    Rs. 58.00 - Rs. 294.75

  • Samruddi Bio Rich Organic Npk - Agriplex Samruddi Bio Rich Organic Npk - Agriplex

    Samruddi Samruddi Bio Rich Organic Npk

    Chemical Composition : Sea Weed Extract 7-11% Moringa Extract 7-11% Pine Oil 1-2% Highly bio available nutrients Increases yields at all the stages of plant life, increases resistance to diseases and climate stress improves crop quality, gives longer shelf life of produce. 1.After Mixing the solution should be used same day. 2. Spraying should cover the complete plant area 3. Effective on all types of Crops Dosage : Use Samruddi Bio Rich 1.5-2 ml per litre of Water or 300ml to 400ml per acre- once in 10 - 20 days.

    Rs. 55.75 - Rs. 270.00

  • Samruddi Essenza Specialty Fertilizer All Supplements - Agriplex Samruddi Essenza Specialty Fertilizer All Supplements - Agriplex

    Samruddi Samruddi Essenza Specialty Fertilizer All Supplements

    Chemical Composition :  Sea Weed Extract 6-9% Fish Protein Hydrolysate 6-9% Moringa Extract 6-9% Pine Oil 1-2% Essenza helps the crops in mitigating the damage done by Stress from External factors. Essenza contains unique Sea Weed, FishProtein and Moringa extract in it which have a specific role for maximizing the plant's yield potential. Essenza is absorbed by the plant immediately on application. 1.After Mixing the solution should be used same day. 2. Spraying should cover the complete plant area 3. Effective on all types of Crops Dosage :  Samruddi Essenza 1.5-2 ml per litre of Water or 300ml to 400ml per acre- once in 10 - 20 days Seed Treatment - 1ml per litre.

    Rs. 63.25 - Rs. 340.50

  • Samruddi Attis Bacteria Control - Agriplex Samruddi Attis Bacteria Control - Agriplex

    Samruddi Samruddi Attis Bacteria Control

    Chemical Composition : Botanical extracts of Citrus Spp. + Cymbopogon spp + Pinus app 4 - 7 % Enhancers: Botanical extracts of Eucalyptus spp and Citronella spp 2 - 5% Product Stimulates the defence activities of the plant. It enhances the defence mechanism of plants, helping the plant to fight against bacteria. 1.After Mixing the solution should be used same day. 2. Spraying should cover the complete plant area 3. Effective on all types of Crops Dosage : Use Samruddi Attis 1.5-2 ml per litre of Water or 300ml to 400ml per acre- once in 5 - 10 days or based on infestation

    Rs. 63.25 - Rs. 345.00

  • Samruddi Pogon Fungus Control - Agriplex Samruddi Pogon Fungus Control - Agriplex

    Samruddi Samruddi Pogon Fungus Control

    Chemical Composition :  Actives: Botanical extracts of Citrus Spp. + Cymbopogon spp 4 - 6 % Enhancers: Botanical extracts of Eucalyptus spp + Citronella spp 3 - 5% Product Stimulates the defence activities of the plant. It enhances the defence mechanism of plants, helping the plant to fight against Anthracnose, Damping Off, Late Blight, Early Blight, Downy Mildew, Powdery Mildew, Fusarium Wilt. 1.After Mixing the solution should be used same day. 2. Spraying should cover the complete plant area 3. Effective on all types of Crops. Dosage : Use Samruddi Pogon 1.5-2 ml per litre of Water or 300ml to 400ml per acre- once in 5 - 10 days Seed Treatment - 1ml per litre.

    Rs. 64.00 - Rs. 352.50

  • Samruddi Hoori Dbm/Bph Control - Agriplex Samruddi Hoori Dbm/Bph Control - Agriplex

    Samruddi Samruddi Hoori Dbm/Bph Control

    Chemical Composition :  Actives: Botanical extracts of Cymbopogon spp + Citronella spp + Pinus spp 8 – 12 % Enhancers: Botanical extracts of Citrus Spp. 2 – 3% Product Stimulates the defence activities of the plant. It enhances the defence mechanism of plants, helping the plant to fight against Brown Plant Hopper, Paddy Plant Hopper, Diamond Black Moth 1.After Mixing the solution should be used same day. 2. Spraying should cover the complete plant area 3. Effective on all types of Crops Dosage : Use Samruddi Hoori 1.5-2 ml per litre of Water or 300ml to 400ml per acre- once in 10 days.

    Rs. 67.00 - Rs. 375.00

  • Samruddi Rongo Sucking Pest Control - Agriplex Samruddi Rongo Sucking Pest Control - Agriplex

    Samruddi Samruddi Rongo Sucking Pest Control

    Chemical Composition : Botanical extracts of Citrus Spp. + Cymbopogon spp 5-8%Enhancers: Botanical extracts of Pinus spp and Citronella spp 2-5% Product Stimulates the defence activities of the plant. It enhances the defence mechanism of plants, helping the plant to fight against Black Thrips, Thrips, Red and White Mites and Sucking Pest. 1.After Mixing the solution should be used same day. 2. Spraying should cover the complete plant area 3. Effective on all types of Crops Dosage : 1.5-2 ml per litre of Water or 300ml to 400ml per acre- once in 10 days or based on infestation

    Rs. 65.50 - Rs. 370.50

  • Samruddi Demeter Larva & Borer Control - Agriplex Samruddi Demeter Larva & Borer Control - Agriplex

    Samruddi Samruddi Demeter Larva & Borer Control

    Chemical Composition : Botanical extracts of Citronella spp. + Cymbopogon spp + Pinus spp 7-10% Enhancers: Botanical extracts of Citrus Spp 1-3% Product Stimulates the defence activities of the plant. It enhances the defence mechanism of plants, helping the plant to fight against Larva & Borer. 1.After Mixing the solution should be used same day. 2. Spraying should cover the complete plant area 3. Effective on all types of Crops Dosage : Use Samruddi Demeter 1.5-2 ml per litre of Water or 300ml to 400ml per acre- once in 10 days or based on infestation.

    Rs. 68.50 - Rs. 387.00

  • Dr. Soil Grape Special Liquid Consortia - 5 LT Dr. Soil Grape Special Liquid Consortia - 5 LT Advantages

    Dr. Soil (Microbi) Dr. Soil Grape Special Liquid Consortia - 5 LT

    1 review

    Dr. Soil (Grapes Special) is a Bio-fertilizer with a blend of various beneficialbacteria like Nitrogen fixers  (Azotobacter and Azospirillium) Phosphate Solubilizers and Potash Mobilizers. This powerful composition helps in fixing of Nitrogen solubilize and mobilize Phosphorus and Potassium respectively thereby increasing crop yield and soil fertility. Benefits Controls growth of harmful fungi in the soil. Helps to improve soil properties and sustains soil fertility. Helps to reduce disease occurrence. Helps to increase quality and yield (Berry Size Sugar content Colour Crispier Keeping quality etc.) of Grapes.

    Rs. 2,350.00


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